Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 17:42:55 PST Reply-To: Return-Path: Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain From: (Qral orvat fanxr be gragnpyr) To: (SURFPUNK Technical Journal) Subject: [surfpunk-0102] SQUISH: The Internet Snake Hunt @ ... from PC Magazine ... @ @ "Haventree Software's Honest Disclaimer" @ @ If EasyFlow doesn't work: tough. If you lose millions @ because EasyFlow messes up, it's you that's out the @ millions, not us. If you don't like this disclaimer: @ tough. We reserve the right to do the absolute @ minimum provided by law, up to and including nothing. @ This is basically the same disclaimer that comes with @ all software packages, but ours is in plain English @ and their's is in legalese. We didn't really want to @ include any disclaimer at all, but our lawyers @ insisted. -EasyFlow Manual @ I've ignored up until now the spat that's been going on in the cypherpunk list for the last many months. Some aspects of it have been interesting, but a lot of it has been real nasty. Like real nasty. So nasty I really didn't want to deal with it. I've used very good postings (on other topics) by people on both sides of this in the past for SURFPUNK. But it has made a mark in a lot of places. Newsgroups, mailing lists, and even paper publications (some named below) have been dragged into it. CuD and others published some of its inania without giving any explanation; it was bound to be confusing. People at the USENIX convention going on in San Francisco right now are proudly wearing "tentacle" badges, and people at the Mountain View Physical Cypherpunks meeting introduce themselves jokingly as combinations of some of the names below. It's turned tolerant people to call for censorship, and people that write lucidly one moment spew inania the next, and vice vesa. It's also led to a lot of introspection and has led to some brilliant postings -- but they're few and far between. This piece below got mialed out anonymously to a number of mailing lists over the past weekend. This is the longer version of the two I have seen. It's difficult to attribute authorship of it, although it's clear who's style it is an extreme version of. My guess is that if you've been hit by this mess before, you'll just delete this, because you're tired of it all. If you don't, this satirical piece almost tells the entire story -- you can probably unstrapolate the major things from here. Especially the vocabulary. Anyway, here's SQUISH. I have met personally almost all of the real people (with their correct email addresses below), so really, don't write to them anything about this -- I'm sure they've heard it all by now. strick ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ------- Forwarded Message From: Received: from TAMSUN.TAMU.EDU by plague.Berkeley.EDU (5.65c/CHAOS) id AA07037; Sat, 15 Jan 1994 21:13:32 -0800 Received: by id AA06507 (5.65b/IDA-1.4.3 for; Sat, 15 Jan 94 23:13:26 -0600 Date: Sat, 15 Jan 94 23:13:26 -0600 Message-Id: <> To: ars-magica@ocf.Berkeley.EDU Subject: *COOL* NEW INTERNET ROLEPLAYING GAME!! Remailed-By: Anonymous Comments: This message DID NOT originate from the address listed in the From line. It was remailed by an automated remailing service operating at that address. Please report problems by mailing to with the subject header of PROBLEM. NOTICE: PLEASE IMMEDIATELY REDISTRIBUTE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL CYBERSPATIAL OUTLETS. === ##### #### ## ## #### ##### ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## #### ###### ### ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##### ###\\ #### #### ##### ## ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introducing the SUPREMELY QUACKY UNIFIED INTERNET SNAKE HUNT! * THOUSANDS OF CONTESTANTS * HUGE CASH PRIZES * * FASCINATING DISCOVERIES * HEDONISTIC DELIGHTS * * FANTASTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE * ENDLESS ENTERTAINMENT * CONTENTS ======== - - INTRODUCTION - - OBJECT OF SQUISH - - SQUISH DIRECTIONS - - POINTS & SCORING . SECRET PROJECTS (CONSPIRACIES) . SUSPECTED ACCOMPLICES (SMALL FRIES) . SUSPECTED FAKE ADDRESSES (SNAKES AND TENTACLES) . SUSPECTED ASSOCIATES (MEDUSA'S SISTERS) . SUSPECTED LEADERS (BIG MACS) . SUSPECTED MASTERMIND (MEDUSA) . SUSPECTED CORRUPT SITES (POISON NEEDLES) . PLAYFIELD MAP (KILLING FIELDS, INFECTED OUTLETS, CRIME SCENES) . ATTACKS (TICKLES, POKES, COUNTERMEASURES) . RATINGS (SQUIRMS AND CONTORTIONS) . BALDFACED LIE BONUS POINTS . STELLAR HYPOCRISY AWARDS . BIG AND BLOODY BETRAYALS . THE SMALL PRINT ON POINTS - - A NOTE ABOUT YOUR OPPONENTS - - UPDATES - - THE CASH PRIZE - - DEADLINE - - MORE ABOUT `SQUISH' & `FACE' - - QUESTIONS === The recent WHITE HOT interest by multiple groups and individuals in the CYBERANARCHIST TENTACLE INFILTRATIONS into the Internet have inspired an EXCITING NEW CONTEST and COMPETITION! we, the Federation of Associations of Cyberspace Everywhere (FACE), announce the SUPREMELY QUACKY UNIFIED INTERNET SNAKE HUNT! (SQUISH) * THOUSANDS OF CONTESTANTS * HUGE CASH PRIZES * * FASCINATING DISCOVERIES * HEDONISTIC DELIGHTS * * FANTASTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE * FAMOUS PARTICIPANTS * === OBJECT OF SQUISH the OBJECT of SQUISH is to find TENTACLES and SNAKES. A TENTACLE is an email address used by a real person for the purpose of concealing their identity from others. A SNAKE is a TENTACLE that is particularly wicked and evil and will lie and trick others into believing the TENTACLE is real. In words, the more consequential and malicious a TENTACLE, the more it is a SNAKE. Different points are awarded for playing. Anyone who can send mail can play! The simplest and cheapest points come from sending email to suspected SNAKES and TENTACLES, and chalking up points depending on the responses. Larger points are awarded for `real world' interactions such as calling suspected tentacles and snakes at their telephone numbers. The largest points of all are awared for finding tentacle infiltrations into important Internet and real world outlets such as journals and news magazines! When a snake or tentacle gets upset in response to mail, it is said to be QUIVERING. It will go through CONTORTIONS to convince you to leave it alone and may begin to SQUIRM if you persist. When people are not writing through fake email addresses, they are said to be using their TRUE NAME. TRUE NAMES may go through quivering, contortions, and squirming too. Sometimes snakes or tentacles may threaten to stop using an email account entirely. If they do they are said to SELF DESTRUCT or be EXORCIZED DEMONS (these are extremely rare). The TRUE NAME of a person behind a tentacle is also called the MOTHER or the MONSTER. Some of the TRUE NAMES are BIG MACS and some are SMALL FRIES. Much larger points are awarded for exposing the BIG MACS, but some points are available for SMALL FRIES. BIG MACS are famous people on the Internet-- people that no one would expect have snakes and tentacles, or have media stories written about them. Massive points are awarded for BIG MAC exposures. When different MOTHERS and MONSTERS send out TENTACLE-GRAMS or SNAKEMAIL, they are said to be MOLESTING people. Sometimes the BIG MACS molest followers, SMALL FRIES, or even other BIG MACS. Sometimes they molest unsuspecting INNOCENT BYSTANDERS, this is called RAPING VIRGINS. When a lot of MONSTERS get together in a pack and attack, it is called GANG RAPE. A MONSTER commenting on himself through snakemail or replying to one of his own postings is called INBREEDING. When BIG MACS are involved it is called INCEST. Anyone who knows about a tentacle or other CONSPIRACY, an `insider', is called TAINTED. People who don't know are called CLEAN. Some CLEAN and BYSTANDERS are particularly NAIVE and believe everything that BIG MACS and MEDUSA says, they are called BRAINWASHED. The ones that defend BIG MACS and MEDUSA are called BLIND. Those that simply don't care are called BRAIN DEAD. Many of the TRUE NAMES and BIG MACS promote various philosophies that are directly opposed to their actual actions. They are called STELLAR HYPOCRITES, and points are awarded for uncovering them. Some of the BIG MACS even regularly betray their BRAINWASHED and BRAINDEAD defenders and apologists and even fellow BIG MACS. The followers who are striving to become BIG MACS themselves are called WANNABES. They are called TRAITORS guilty of HIGH TREASON. Valuable points are award for players who ATTACK the STELLAR HYPOCRITES or BIG MACS using such strategies as TICKLING, POKING, and COUNTERMEASURES like name calling, negative publicity, public and private pressure, smear campaigns, mudslinging, humiliation, exposure, etc. Matches take place in Cyberspace on the PLAYFIELD, with different regions consisting of INFECTED OUTLETS, CRIME SCENES, and KILLING FIELDS. A KILLING FIELD is a place where a tentacle and a player compete or a Big Mac is assaulted. INFECTED OUTLETS are media outlets or journals that carry BIG MAC propaganda, disinformation, or lies. A CRIME SCENE is a place where provably illegal activity takes place, e.g. someone passes a bribe. The more trusted an INFECTED OUTLET, the more INSIDIOUS the lie. Some INFECTED OUTLETS are particularly corrupt, they are called TOXIC WASTE DUMPS. The grand point prizes go to anyone who can expose MEDUSA. MEDUSA is the leader of all SMALL FRIES and BIG MACS, a wicked, evil incarnation of SATAN on the Internet. She is the originator and chief proseletyzer of the art, science, and religion of lies. MEDUSA has dozens of SNAKES all over the Internet, particularly in extremely sensitive areas such as Internet protocol development (e.g. mercantile or digital cash protocols), posting from public access sites and even `covers' and `front' sites, these are called POISON NEEDLES. Corrupt administrators are always either BIG MACS or SMALL FRIES. Some sites have administrators who are unaware or apathetic toward infiltrations, these are called PAWNS. When MEDUSA infiltrates many sites and spews extremely dangerous disinformation and propaganda, this is called SABOTAGE. Telling people to go somewhere else and dominating conversations with irrelevant topics is called STRANGLING or GANG RAPE. Stealing sensitive information from others is called ESPIONAGE. Sabotage, strangling, espionage, and other types of cyberterrorism are called POISON. MEDUSA hides her activities beneath the various phrases PRIVACY FOR THE MASSES, the CRYPTOGRAPHIC REVOLUTION, and CRYPTOANARCHY in respectable media outlets like Wired and the New York Times. Sometimes this is accomplished by fooling reporters, but note that not all reporters are CLEAN, and bribery may be possible. MEDUSA is the orchestrator of a MASSIVE INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY to STRANGLE, SABOTAGE, and POISON THE INTERNET. Anyone who can drive MEDUSA and all the corrupt BIG MACS from Cyberspace and the real world forever is called THE SAVIOR and said to have DRIVEN THE PHARISEES FROM THE TEMPLE. However, the player must avoid being CRUCIFIED or the cash award will not be given. POINTS can be traded in for COLD CASH. The first person with more than 500 points gets A DOLLAR PER POINT (some restrictions apply, not valid in all areas, void where prohibited by law, taxes may vary). * THOUSANDS OF CONTESTANTS * HUGE CASH PRIZES * * FASCINATING DISCOVERIES * HEDONISTIC DELIGHTS * * FANTASTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE * MYSTERIES OF THE UNKNOWN * === SQUISH DIRECTIONS 1. Consult the list of SUSPECTED SMALL FRIES, BIG MACS, SNAKES, TENTACLES, MEDUSA & SISTERS, and POISON NEEDLES below. Send mail to any attempting to discover whether they are real or fake, or have knowledge of other BIG MACS or even MEDUSA. 2. When you get CONTORTIONS or SQUIRMS, or mount COUNTERMEASURES, keep track of your all your points in a file. Ratings are listed under RATINGS below. List the persons and email addresses involved and quote the actual mail. Keep permanent and complete records of all mail. 3. Where possible, record phone numbers and call tentacles. Special bonus points are awarded when the snake owner is not in the same state as the snake, and you can prove it. 4. The biggest points are awarded for the greatest deceptions. Some snakes in the lists below (the most deceitful ones) have actually installed out-of-state phone numbers, developed software for coordination, and have an international arsenal of infiltration points. 5. In particular go after the BIG MACS and MEDUSA, where the most fantastic points are awarded. Some BIG MACS know of MEDUSA; they are called MEDUSA'S SISTERS. 6. if a suspected TENTACLE or SNAKE *ever* admits to being a tentacle or snake, they are not valid. This game only applies to tentacles and snakes who play the game themselves with QUIVERING, SQUIRMS, and CONTORTIONS. 7. The categories listed below of SUSPECTED SNAKES, TENTACLES, ACCOMPLICES, BIG MACS, and MEDUSA are not conclusive or definitive. In particular, some people in these lists may be INNOCENT BYSTANDERS, and their harassment should be minimized. But, be careful! the SNAKES, TENTACLES, ACCOMPLICES, BIG MACS, and MEDUSA will all claim to be INNOCENT BYSTANDERS. 8. The best players and highest awards are recorded periodically in the HALL OF SHAME. (rules subject to change without notice. watch for further announcements.) * THOUSANDS OF CONTESTANTS * HUGE CASH PRIZES * * FASCINATING DISCOVERIES * HEDONISTIC DELIGHTS * * FANTASTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE * SECRET CONSPIRACIES * * * * SECRET PROJECTS (CONSPIRACIES) === BLACKNET - a cyberspatial espionage, extortion, blackmail, and terror organization founded by T.C.MAY, who is obsessed with sabotage and subversive goals on the Internet and in Cyberspace. Points are awarded for: 2 Quote and info on T.C.May from Wired, Village Voice, and NYT. 3 The introduction notice to Blacknet. 3 Claim by T.C.May that Blacknet is no longer active or other current updates. CYPHERPUNKS -- see CYBERANARCHISTS. DAVID CHAUM - a respected researcher that the CYPHERPUNKS claim is affiliated with them and is helping them set up banks in the U.S. Points: 2 Any quote on the cypherpunks. 3 A quote that denies any affiliation or is negative about their subversive goals. 5 Evidence that he is actually masterminding a secret penetration into the U.S. via the cypherpunks. 5 Anything on the affiliation between Eric Hughes and David Chaum, including a visit by E.Hughes to the Chaum research laboratory. SECRET MAILING LISTS - a set of lists maintained by the cypherpunks to surreptiously promote their subversive aims. Maintained by E.Hughes. Topics include an encryption phone, the Credit Union, etc. 2 Denial by E.Hughes of the existence of the lists 3 Join any mail list, monitor traffic 5 A list of all the lists and email addresses and instructions to subscribe PORNOGRAPHY SERVER - a Cyberanarchist idea to set up a server to deliver pornography over the Internet for a fee. 2 Mention of the server 2 Mention of pornography as `natural' or a `basic human need' 3 Information on the development of the server CYPHERPUNK CREDIT UNION - a project underway by the CYPHERPUNKS to get a Internet commerce system started that is conducive to black marketeering, tax evasion, destruction of governments, and money laundering. Points: 1 Mail from anyone on the subject. 2 Information on the leaders and actual goals. 3 Information on the current status. 5 Evidence of criminal activity CYBERANARCHISTS - a group of people interested in black marketeering, tax evasion, destruction of governments, pornography distribution, all in the name of `privacy for the masses' and the `cryptographic revolution'. They believe that the use of fake names is constitutionally guaranteed, and have made an art, science, and relgion of it. They also believe they have a right to lie to the media, and have infiltrated Wired and NYT articles with disinformation and propaganda. They also are drug apologists. Points awarded for: 1 Cyberanarchist propaganda 2 Disinformation 3 propaganda from a proven tentacle or snake 4 disinformation from a proven tentacle or snake 5 Disinformation or propaganda from a Big Mac or Medusa BRIBERY - The Cyberanarchists may be bribing reporters to get their fake stories into media outlets. CRYPTOANARCHY,CRYPTOANARCHIST - a name invented by T.C.May for cyberanarchists, emphasizing the technological aspects (Chaumian subterfuges, public key cryptography, signatures, etc.) INFILTRATE AND SABOTAGE - what Cyberanarchists do to mailing lists and newsgroups. They attack others, post subtle or overt propaganda and disinformation, etc. Points: 1 Instances in newsgroups 2 Instances of sabotage on insensitive mailing lists - no protocol development 3 Instances on sensitive lists - public internet development 4 Instances on secret supersensitive lists - e.g. internal company lists, CERT, etc. note: point values are subject to change without notice. some new categories may be added. some points may be decreased, some increased. * THOUSANDS OF CONTESTANTS * HUGE CASH PRIZES * * FASCINATING DISCOVERIES * HEDONISTIC DELIGHTS * * FANTASTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE * BIZARRE MONSTROSITIES * SUSPECTED ACCOMPLICES (SMALL FRIES) === 1 Steve Klingsporn 2 Geoff Dale Klingsporn and Dale are housemates and were involved in the defense of the known tentacle Dale appears to have close ties to the T.C.May Big Mac. Klingsporn has some knowledge but is mostly uninvolved. SUSPECTED FAKE ADDRESSES (SNAKES AND TENTACLES) === 5 A Canadian tentacle and infiltration site of T.C.May's. No prominent profile known. 6 Jamie Dinkelacker Not particularly interesting any more either except that he has a phone number and has close ties to T.C.May. In fact, very likely he is a T.C.May tentacle. Very arrogant, obnoxious, and cruel. Delights in torture. Puerile threats. 7 Matthew B. Landry Landry has a telephone number in Washington, and supposedly goes to school there. He is a suspected T.C.May tentacle. He has posted to the Cypherpunks list in the past. He is highly dangerous and will tell lies to gain sympathy or credibility and then betray later. Not particularly interesting any more but was involved in some extremely grotesque inbreeding with T.C.May on the cypherpunks list. 8 Peter Bachman P.Bachman has contributed to the Society for Electronic Access list and others. He is actually a tentacle. Maybe a P.Metzger snake. Most disturbingly he has infiltrated RISKS. 9 Nick Collision Nick Collision has also infiltrated RISKS. A tentacle, but unknown origin-- possibly a T.C.May snake. Supposedly lives in the United Kingdom somewhere but refuses to comment specifically or give a phone number. Edits the alt.atheist FAQ (atheism is another classic Cyberanarchist philosophy). If Collision is a proven tentacle, the cyberanarchist infiltration is provably international in scope, with fake domain fronts. No known jobs have ever been performed by the `software consultants' at 10 Arthur Chandler On the Future Culture list and Cypherpunks. probably an E.Hughes tentacle. This may be a wedge into discovering credit or SMTP software manipulations by Cypherpunks. 11 Greg Broiles Probably a snake of Medusa. Has intimate knowledge of fake email address use, knows about customized software, and has bizarre Cyberanarchist theories relating to human punishment. Strong knowledge of Macintosh software and hardware. 12 Eli Brandt Definitely has high level knowledge of the Big Macs and Medusa. Probably an E.Hughes tentacle. Once wrote, `I AM MEDUSA, CONTROLLER OF ALL TENTACLES'. 13 Paul Ferguson Another highly dangerous tentacle. Known to steal resumes. One of the Washington sites besides M.Landry. Known to have posted cyberanarchist propaganda on the PEM development list. 14 Nick Szabo The Szabo tentacle is one of the most persistent of all. Even after being exposed the `mother monster' continues to post, because a fairly significant reputation investment has been established under the name. Has strong interest in digital cash. Has admitted to knowledge of fake name use. Probably a T.C.May tentacle. 15 Hal Finney Finney is either a tentacle or an accomplice. If he is a tentacle he is the most treasured one of all. Involved in the defense of the tentacle. Possibly an E.Hughes snake. Supposedly has contributed significant code to anonymous remailers and Zimmermann's PGP. (If he is a tentacle, Zimmermann has been fooled.) May even be Medusa's snake. * THOUSANDS OF CONTESTANTS * HUGE CASH PRIZES * * FASCINATING DISCOVERIES * HEDONISTIC DELIGHTS * * FANTASTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE * GROTESQUE PERVERSIONS * SUSPECTED ASSOCIATES (MEDUSA'S SISTERS) === 20 Jim McCoy A `nerdy' cyberanarchist who does things such as sleep in his clothes. Close ties to D.Barnes in Texas. They are working on their own digital bank in competition and cooperation with CA cyphrepunks. Longtime Usenet poster. Knowledgeable on the most serious subversive activities. 21 Doug Barnes D.Barnes is a lackey for Big Macs and Medusa. He may attack postmasters and coworkers at participating SQUISH player sites. Sysadmin of the site. Introduced to fake addresses by E.Hughes. 22 Perry Metzger Metzger is the pit bull of the Internet. He has perfected the cyberspatial ad hominem attack. He has close ties to all the Big Macs and is probably aware of who Medusa is. His own tentacles and snakes are minor in comparison. Likes the mailbomb as a threat and attack. Probably involved in anonymous phone threats. 23 Bill Stewart This is a very dangerous insider, who has close affiliations with the Big Macs and a prestigious job at AT&T. Has claimed to have seen known tentacles and snakes at Cypherpunk parties and even seen their driver's licenses. Classic cyberanarchist propaganda outlet. SUSPECTED LEADERS (BIG MACS) === 25 Stanton McCandlish Probably on the secret cypherpunk development lists. Maybe knowledgeable about deceptions by other Big Macs. EFF online activist. Definite cyberanarchist apologist and sympathizer. 26 John Gilmore Cyberanarchist, built up Cygnus support. Admitted drug user. Probable snake charmer. Generally more ethical and moral than other Big Macs. May be a wedge into them. 27 T.C.May Close personal friend of E.Hughes. Worked for Intel and is a millionaire in stock values. May be financing the major international fake address infrastructure. Probably manipulating dozens of tentacles. May have hired actors and forged drivers license to defend tentacles. SUSPECTED MASTERMIND (MEDUSA) === 40 Eric Hughes Hughes is probably the mastermind of all major tentacle manipulations on the Internet. Has bizarre theories about human punishment and law enforcement. Denies any involvement. May be involved in illegal credit scanning. Interested in black marketeering, money laundering, etc. Very terse in all mail. Refuses to comment on all areas. Extremely dangerous. Has personally established many of the corrupt sites particularly in WA, CA, and TX. * THOUSANDS OF CONTESTANTS * HUGE CASH PRIZES * * FASCINATING DISCOVERIES * HEDONISTIC DELIGHTS * * FANTASTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE * SCANDALOUS CORRUPTION * SUSPECTED CORRUPT SITES (POISON NEEDLES) === Note: Any site supporting a snake can be corrupt, so that proven snakes lead to proven corrupt sites (see above). Those listed below are only the more serious ones. 0 Paradise for cyberanarchists. Cheap, unauthenticated accounts indistinguishable from the real people. `Privacy' never violated so far by the Pawns. Close proximity to the CA cypherpunks. Home of dozens of snakes and tentacles. Cyberanarchist Central. 10 D.Barnes' site. Lots of other fake addresses from inconsequential tentacles not listed above. 40 Supposedly a group of software consultants, but probably a cyberanarchist front. Could be a major wedge into the cyberanarchist conspiracy if exposed; has some links to the `Extropian' movement. 50 Probably corrupted by associations with E.Hughes and credit and SMTP tampering, based on the Chandler tentacle. 100 Extremely suspicious activity by sysadmins. Some probable email impersonation going on. Possible telephony corruptions. PLAYFIELD MAP (KILLING FIELDS, INFECTED OUTLETS, CRIME SCENES) === 0 Anonymous mail 0 Private Email 0 Cy{b,ph}erwonks 0 Anonymous Usenet post 1 Usenet (per group & article under true name) 1 Anonymous mailing list posts 5 10 (Internet Mercantile Protocol) 10 Privacy Enhanced Mail development list 10 Other sensitive project development lists 20 CERT related lists 25 Talk on phone 35 Talk Face-to-Face 40 Current Underground Digest (per article) E.g. `Anarchy Gone Awry', `Psychopunk Manifesto' etc. 50 RISKS (per article) E.g. RISKS 15.25,15.27,15.28x, `Medusa's Snakes in Cyberspace, Medusa's Snake's Hiss, Further Inquiries into Identity on the Internet' 100 Wired E.g. article on the cypherpunks with nonexistent photographer, `protecting privacy' propaganda 500 New York Times For example, the article on the cypherpunks talking about `privacy' by J. Markoff. ATTACKS (TICKLES, POKES, COUNTERMEASURES) === 1 `Could you send me your phone number?' 1 `Who do you work for?' 1 `What do you work on?' 1 `Where do you live?' 1 `Who do you know?' 1 `How long have you had your account?' 3 `Go to hell, Medusa' 3 `Get away from me, Darth Vadar' 3 `I will never join the Dark Side' 4 `You are a baldfaced liar' 4 `black marketing is black filth' 4 `this is a toxic waste dump' 4 `stop the insidious poison!' 10 `you are all liars' 10 `Big Mac so-and-so is a traitor' 15 `cyberanarchists are money launderers' 15 `fake names are like drugs' 15 `fake names are like sodomy' 15 `fake names are like child molesting' 15 `Big Macs are like Nazis' 15 `Big Macs are homosexuals' 15 `Big Macs are drug users' 20 `Death to tentacles' 20 `Death to cyberanarchists' 20 `Death to Medusa' 25 Long expose with lots of hypothetical insinuations 30 Published rant against cyberanarchy 100 News article: `The cyberanarchist conspiracy' 200 Retrospective article: `what went wrong?' RATINGS (SQUIRMS AND CONTORTIONS) === Note: for effective score add the number associated above with the Small Fry, snake, tentacle, Big Mac or Medusa, poison needle, and the field, outlet, scene, and hypocrisy, lie, or betrayal involved (below) to the points below-- i.e. the more important targets involve the most points. Points 0 No response to email 1 Refuses to give out phone number of self 1 Refuses to give out email address of someone 1 Whine about `invading privacy' 1 Whine about `stalking' 1 Whine about `witchunt' 1 Whine about `McCarthyism' 1 Whine about `Inquisition' 1 Whine about `paranoia' 1 Whine about `ranting' 1 Whine about `your long posts' 1 Deny being snake or tentacle 1 Evade question of being snake or tentacle 1 Deny any knowledge of snakes or tentacles 1 Claim that no snakes or tentacles ever existed 1 Claim that there are very few snakes or tentacles 1 Claim that snakes or tentacles are easy to identify 1 Claim that no one cares who has snakes or tentacles 1 Claim that those who have tentacles are genetically superior 1 Claim that tentacles and snakes are the `new world order' 1 Claim that you are a hypocrite for having tentacles 1 Tell you not to get worried or upset about tentacles 1 Claim that you are an12070, S.Boxx 1 Listing circumstantial evidence to prove you are S.Boxx 1 Tedious style analysis to prove you are S.Boxx 1 `The Usenet Mantra, Live with it, applies' 1 `That which cannot be enforced should be not prohibited' 1 `Better to live with tentacles than ban them' 1 `No one should be limited in tentacles' 1 `Those who think tentacles should be limited are deluded' 1 `Tentacles are like harmless pseudonyms, e.g. Publius' 1 Talk about `projecting personalities' 1 References to science fiction, e.g. Ender's Game (Card) 1 Evade question of any Big Macs or Medusa 1 Deny any knowledge of Big Macs or Medusa 1 snakemail message identified 2 `please stop!' 2 `Everyone you have accused is real.' 2 Evades question, who is real in particular? 2 Gives you phone number of self 2 Refuses to give you phone number 2 Calls you insane 2 inbreeding 3 Calls you insane to postmaster or employer 3 `I have personally met everyone you accuse.' 3 Evades question, who is that? 3 Yells at your sysadmin on phone 3 Tells you a known tentacle is real 3 Calls you `insane' on Usenet group or list 3 Calls you `dangerous' on Usenet group or list 3 `people are really pissed off at you' 3 incest 4 Tells of seeing ID presented by tentacle suspect 4 `Seen at cypherpunk party' 4 You talk on phone 4 Proof of snake or tentacle 4 Yells at your close friends 4 Get close friend of accomplice to put on pressure 4 Refers to your nonexistent `violent death threats' 4 Tells you they have a gun 4 Evades question on having snakes or tentacles 4 denies having snakes or tentacles 4 Yells at someone who doesn't know you about you 4 virgin rape 4 Sysadmin Pawn says, `who cares?' 4 refuse to respond to accusations of being a Mother Monster 4 evade accusations of Mother Monster with evasions 4 Employer says, `what's going on?' 4 `I heard some people are planning something against you' 5 face-to-face talk 5 outright lie 5 Uncover proof suspected accomplice is involved 5 Proof of fake ID 5 Proof of Internet front site 5 Employer yells at someone 5 `I deny everything' 5 `I'm really concerned about you.' 5 `Refusal to answer is not evasion. Bye.' 5 `Your assertions are too bizarre to believe' 5 `he's/you're out of control' 5 `he's/you're a paranoid lunatic' 5 `he's/you're a psychopathic stalker' 5 `there is no conspiracy' 5 `I am your father, Luke, join the Dark Side' 5 Yell at someone uninvolved and clueless but high up 5 innocent bystander feelings hurt 5 braindead, blind, or brainwashed follower identified 10 Big Mac whines publicly 10 Big Mac says anything about Tentacles or Snakemail 10 Big Mac says anything publicly 10 Anonymous death threat (general) 10 tentacle threatens to self destruct 10 Big Mac caught molesting a follower with tentacle 10 Sign of paranoia in Small Fry 10 Mailbomb 10 Sendsys bomb 15 sabotage, poison, strangling 15 account is revoked under pressure 15 Proof of Big Mac hiring actor 15 Proof of out-of-state phone number for tentacle 15 Proof of media deception 15 Link the accomplice with a Big Mac 15 Link the accomplice with Medusa 15 Death threat by tentacle 15 tentacle self-destructs 15 Big Mac caught molesting a Small Fry with tentacle 15 Big Mac asks with tentacle, `do you like Big Mac so-and-so?' 15 Big Mac says to other Big Mac, `what are we going to do?' 15 Big Mac explains fake mail techniques in Snakemail 15 sign of paranoia in Big Mac 15 gang rape 15 pawn begins to wonder 20 Proof of completely corrupt sysadmin and site 20 Proof of illegal activity by accomplice 20 Death threat by accomplice 20 Proof of bribed reporter 20 Big Mac caught molesting another Big Mac 20 Big Mac quivers over homosexual or drug use accusations 20 Big Mac to another Big Mac in email: `I want to kill him.' 20 Big Mac develops Snakemail software 25 get attention of real reporter 25 Proof of illegal activity by Big Mac 25 Death threat by Big Mac 25 Proof of illegal impersonation (rare) 25 toxic waste dump identified 25 pawn starts to take action (rare) 50 Proof two Big Macs are homosexual lovers 50 Proof Big Mac is a drug user 50 Proof of Medusa 50 virgin rape by Medusa 50 reporter apologizes for errors (rare) 50 reporter is caught passing lies knowingly (rare) 75 Convince many outsiders of real Medusa 75 Proof of illegal activity by Medusa 75 Death threat by Medusa 75 Big Mac admits to homosexuality or drug use 75 Reporter writes story about conspiracy 75 Reporter is fired for being tainted 100 Stop Medusa on the Internet 100 Testify against Big Mac at any criminal trial 500 Cause Medusa to go to trial for criminal activity 500 Give pivotal damning evidence at Medusa trial 1000 Put Medusa in jail 2000 Kill Medusa 2000 Medusa goes certifiably insane 2000 You go certifiably insane 5000 Medusa tells you to commit suicide 5000 Cause Medusa to commit suicide 5000 You get murdered by a hired assassin of Medusa 10000 You get murdered by Medusa personally 20000 You get murdered and become a martyr as famous as Jesus Christ 25000 Medusa goes to hell forever 25000 You fulfill the prophecies of Nostradamus 50000 You fulfill the prophecies of the Apocalypse 50000 You go to heaven forever BALDFACED LIE BONUS POINTS === 1 Cyberanarchist nobody says, `your writing sucks' 1 Cyberanarchist idiot says, `nobody reads your posts' 1 Cyberanarchist vulture says, `your long posts are worthless' 5 Cyberanarchist weasel says, `I'm really concerned about you' 20 Medusa says, `I'm concerned about you.' 20 Colorado Cyberanarchist wannabe says, `everyone told me to do it.' 25 says, `I have never pseudospoofed' 40 Medusa says, `I have never communicated under any other name' 50 Medusa says, `I will stop if you just tell me this...' 75 P.Metzger says, ` is Geoff Dale's roommate' 75 B.Stewart says, `I saw Szabo's driver's license' STELLAR HYPOCRISY AWARDS === 1 Cyberanarchist proofs that S.Boxx == You 5 Someone who promotes privacy invades yours 5 Someone who promotes privacy works to destroy it 5 Someone who attacks the government lives in the U.S. 5 Cyberanarchists complain about anonymous smear campaigns 10 Someone who advocates filtering doesn't filter you 10 Someone who vilifies you complains of vilification 10 Someone who is a pit bull says you are a psychopath 10 Colorado wannabe says, `I am not the leader' 15 A criminal calls you a hypocrite 15 An atheist uses Biblical references to Judgement 15 A cyberanarchist says, `who are you to judge me?' 15 A cyberanarchist talks about `casting the first stone' 15 A cyberanarchist talks about honesty 15 Cyberanarchists whine about persecution 15 Cyberanarchists post to imp-interest or cypherwonks lists instead of cypherpunks 15 Medusa says, `you have to learn some quality in your posts or I will censor you.' 15 Colorado Cyberanarchist wannabe throws you off his mailing list without notice. 20 Someone interested in cryptographic security says `spoofing is a way of life' 20 Someone complains about `invaded privacy' when you announce they mailbombed or lied to you 20 Medusa says, `I don't want brainwashed followers' 25 Big Macs say they are not really Big Macs 25 Braindead, blind, and brainwashed followers say the Big Macs are not really Big Macs 25 Braindead, blind, and brainwashed followers say they not accomplices 50 Someone who pretends to be your friend betrays you BIG AND BLOODY BETRAYALS === 20 P.Honeyman: `Whatever you do,I'm on your side' 25 E.Hughes says, `You are forcing me to censor you.' 25 T.C.May says, `I am tired of your rants. Stop sending me mail.' 30 M.Landry: `I am doing all I can' 30 G.Broiles: `Too bad about you and EH' 35 Hal Finney says, ` is real. You are insane.' 40 D.Barnes calls up university administrator and previous employer 40 Geoff Dale says, `Everyone you accuse is real' 40 S.Klingsporn says, `You are wrong. is real.' 50 Big Mac says, `Refusal to answer is not dishonesty. Bye.' THE SMALL PRINT ON POINTS === All point values are subject to change without notice. some new categories may be added. some points may be decreased, some increased. A NOTE ABOUT YOUR OPPONENTS === The entities listed above, i.e. your opponents in SQUISH, are extremely sophisticated and have years of practice in fake email address use, and have learned how to rebuff and thwart even the most determined inquiries. They have extremely powerful resources at their disposal, including dozens of public access acounts, front sites, cover stories, and automated software for identity tracking, and sizeable investments in hardware and their own countermeasures. You will be attacking their most cherished vices and lies and they will respond viciously. They may be involved in criminal activities such as credit and telephony tampering, forgery, impersonation, fraud, etc. Beware of dangerous hazards they have erected or may hurl at you. UPDATES === updates on the SQUISH contest will be posted regularly. Send in notice of the more spectacular point accumulations with proof for verifications immediately and the Halls of Fame and Shame. Unverified points are not valid toward the cash prize. THE CASH PRIZE === A cash prize will be awarded to the first person to surpass 500 points, one dollar per point. The person may continue playing to continue to gain cash. Further awards may be presented to close contenders. Some restrictions apply. Void where prohibited. Tax not included. In the case of deceased victims the award will be given to the nearest living relative, or the Federation of Associations of Cyberspace Everywhere (FACE) if all relatives have met mysterious fatal accidents as well. If the world economies have collapsed from cyberanarchist sabotage before the award is granted, no further action is necessary (this constitutes the final sign of the Apocalypse). DEADLINE === TIME IS RUNNING OUT! AVOID INQUIRING FURTHER OR WAITING FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. START IMMEDIATELY! MONTHS OF PARTICIPATION ARE REQUIRED TO ACCUMULATE COMPETITIVE STANDING. SOME PARTICIPANTS ALREADY HAVE A HEAD START. THE CASH PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED APRIL 1, 1994. FURTHER INCREMENTS WILL BE AWARDED AT YEARLY INTERVALS THEREAFTER. MORE ABOUT `SQUISH' AND `FACE' === The Federation of Associations of Cyberspace, Everywhere was founded in 1994 as a group that coordinates the activities among the many different online organizations. We have played a very low-profile role to date, and wanted to find some way of promoting our newfound alliance. We have groups combined from BBSes, local area networks, the Internet, and other global and local networks around the world (see below). We have built up some membership funds from the contributing organizations and private contributions to provide the prize money for SQUISH, and some private individuals have donated significant amounts. The contest was inspired by S.Boxx, who was the architect of point classifications and the current opponent lists. S.Boxx has also promised to provide any funds necessary for the successful completion of the contest. We hope that recent interest into snakes and tentacles by many on the Internet will make the contest spirited entertainment and a strong success. We encourage reporters and the media to use this announcement as our official press release. Feel free to redistribute or comment on this announcement in any forum. QUESTIONS === Address further questions to,,, or Some additional information is available in RISKS 15.25, 15.27, 15.28x: ftp CRVAX.SRI.COM, login anonymous, directory RISKS: (include the colon), file RISKS-i.j === ///// //// // // //// ///// // // /// // // // // // /// // // //// // // // // // //// ////// /// // // // // // /// // // ///// ///\\ //// //// ///// // // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introducing the SUPREMELY QUACKY UNIFIED INTERNET SNAKE HUNT! === Brought to you as a coordinated effort between the individuals * S.BOXX * MEDUSA * INFOCALYPSE * THE EXECUTIONER * PABLO ESCOBAR * DEADBEAT and the Federation of Associations of Cyberspace Everywhere (FACE) * ILF (INFORMATION LIBERATION FRONT) * BLACKNET (INTERNET ESPIONAGE COORDINATION HEADQUARTERS) * BLOODNET (CYBERSPATIAL BLACK MARKETEERING AND LIQUIDATION SQUAD) * CRAM (CYBERSPATIAL REALITY ADVANCEMENT MOVEMENT) * CRaP (CYBERANARCHIST REPRESSION AND POISON) * CY{B,PH}ER{PU,WO}NKS === * THOUSANDS OF CONTESTANTS * HUGE CASH PRIZES * * FASCINATING DISCOVERIES * HEDONISTIC DELIGHTS * * FANTASTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE * CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS * * GRISLY DEATH TORTURE * JUDGEMENT DAY * APOCALYPSE NOW * - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about this anonymous remail service, send mail to with the word "remail help" as the only words in the subject field. ------- End of Forwarded Message ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The SURFPUNK Technical Journal is a dangerous multinational hacker zine originating near BARRNET in the fashionable western arm of the northern California matrix. Quantum Californians appear in one of two states, spin surf or spin punk. Undetected, we are both, or might be neither. ________________________________________________________________________ Send postings to , subscription requests to . WWW Archive at ``''. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Newsgroups: ca.earthquakes From: (Margrit McIntosh) Subject: List of recent predictions Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 06:19:16 GMT Distribution: ca Here's my latest version of earthquake predictions (the last post like this I did was in October). Per Dan Drasin's request I have included the predicted probabilities, when given. This is only a list of predictions that I have happened to see on the Well or on ca.earthquakes, and is NOT a comprehensive list of the predictions made by the people listed. Also, there may be details of the predictions that did not get posted to the Net -- I can only report on what I have seen. The status of the prediction for a 5.0+ "in the Americas" on October 24 1993 is unknown -- there was a 6.6 near the eastern coast of Guerrero, Mexico, during that week in the USGS report but I did not catch the exact date. I have not added the report that "Gordon Michael Scallion continues to forecast a 'megaquake' for California" posted on the Well by glyph since there are no details reported. Perhaps this is a continuation of the 8.0+ predicted for Southern California by G-M Scallion with a 90% probability by the end of May 1993? 1) "Something on the Calaveras" by Jan 16 1994 (Jan 8 - 16), no magnitude or probability given. Predictor: "EM researcher" (source: glyph). Status: open 2) An 8.0+ in southern California by the end of January 1994, no probability given. Predictor: Kenny Rogers. Status: open. 3) A 5.0+ "in the Americas" on October 25 1993, no probability given. Predictor: Blair Allen. Status: unknown. 4) A 5.5+ in Alaska and/or the Mideast on October 8 1993, no probability given. Predictor: Blair Allen. Status: failed. 5) A 7.2+ on the upper Hayward fault on October 11 1993, no probability given. Predictor: Jack Coles. Status: failed. 6) A 7.2+ in the SF Bay Area Sept 19-21 1993, probability 72%. Predictor: Jack Coles. Status: failed. 7) A 7.0+ in the S.F. Bay Area Aug 12-Sept 17 1993, no probability given. Predictor: Jack Coles. Status: failed. 8) A 3.7 to 4.0 in the SF Bay Area on August 17-18 1993, no probability given. Predictor: Jack Coles. Status: failed. 9) A 4.5 in the SF Bay Area on August 15 1993, probability 54% (see #11 from 1992--identical probability). Predictor: Jack Coles. Status: failed. 10) A 7.5+ in Oregon by the end of June 1993 (April-June 93), no probability given. Predictors: Farnsworth and Trombley. Status: failed. 11) A 3.5 to 5.0 in south San Jose July 14-18 1992, 54% probability. Predictor: Jack Coles. Status: failed. 12) An 8.0+ in southern California between June 1992 and May 1993, 90% probability. Predictor: Gordon-Michael Scallion. Status: failed. 13) A 7.0+ in Sonoma county between June and Sept 1992, no probability given. Predictor: Gordon-Michael Scallion. Status: failed. Info on the exact wording of the posted prediction, who posted it when, etc., are available on request to .