THO #19 Harve & Marve:Statue of Liberty ================================= By Exodus Once upon a time there were two goblins named Harve and Marve.They usually thought of different things to get into and ways to get into trouble.They live in a pile of hay in a big old barn in New York City. One day when Marve returned from the store,he found Harve incredibuly bored and needing to go have some fun."I'm so bored,I gotta destroy something or demolish it",yelled Harve."Well,the World Trade Center has already been destroyed,you have any ideas?",asked Marve."I know,let's destroy the Statue of Liberty",said Harve."Good idea",replied Marve,"I've always wanted to see her change her expression"."You ask me I think she's a little too serious",said Marve. After they agreed that they were gonna destroy the Statue of Liberty,they set out on their way.It was like a sauna outside,in the middle of the summer,and Harve's armpits were starting to show and smell how hot he actually felt."Don't you ever use any deodorant?",asked Marve."Whats deodorant?",questioned Harve."Oh don't worry something too intelligent for you to figure out",said Marve. After they had walked about 300 blocks(their barn was located on the outskirts of New York City),they saw a beautiful woman in a bikini.She was just simply laying on the sidewalk getting a suntan. "WOW,check her out!",said Harve."Watch this I know all the pickup lines",bragged Marve.He quickly walked over to the stunning young girl barely wearing anything."Nice clothes ya got there",faltered Marve.He was getting incredibuly nervous around her,and could barely speak.The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked at Marve full in the face."You like 'em eh?,I'm trying to get a date tonight,I would have worn nothing but the city won't allow it",she said. Thinking quickly,Marve thought of the one line that works everytime,has never let him down yet.He immediately popped the question..."By the way,is your tampon made in Korea",he confidently asked.He knew at this point he had won her over,he could tell. "Korea?,I'm afraid not,but mine is made in Taiwan!,they are made of better material",she said."Hey your kinda charming and cute,wanna go out for a date tonight?",she asked."I'd love to,what's your name?",asked Marve."Oh my name is Dovetail Swanbreath",she stated."Hmmm,just kind of rolls off my tongue,I love it!","My name is Marve,just plain old Marve",he said."Hmmmmm,your not related to Dove Falconhand are you?,asked Marve."Never heard of her",said Dovetail."Oh just curious",replied Marve. After Marve had introduced Harve and Dovetail,they were off walking again.When they had walked for five hours,Dovetail asked,"By the way where are we going?",she asked."Oh just to destroy the Statue of Liberty",answered Marve."Cool sounds like fun,I just wished I was dressed for the occasion",said Dovetail."Don't worry you look fine",said Marve.He gave Harve a quick wink. Harve was getting bored again,real quickly now.He did keep looking at Dovetail's thong but after a while it just wasn't enough."Say does your douche leek?",he asked Dovetail."Sometimes,yes",replied Dovetail."Okay guys,here's a good one for you",said Marve."Pretend you are in a huge cavern with a 30 foot long sword and a 100 monsters are going to attack you,what will you do?",Marve asked."Why eat a piece of lettuce,that's obvious",said Harve."You guys are SO charming,I love being with you",said Dovetail. Two hours latter they were almost there."You know I'm getting quite hungry",said Harve."Me too",agreed Marve.Marve and Harve checked their wallets,while Dovetail looked between her breasts."Nope",they said at the same time,"No damn money!". "Watch this",said Marve.He quickly moved into a crowd of people.A few minutes later he emerged with a big huge wallet."Hey you shouldn't be stealing",said Dovetail."Stealing?,no way",said Marve."I like to think of it as creative borrowing on a permanent basis",he said."Oh than that's okay",said Dovetail,"As long as your not stealing anything". It took them about 30 minutes to find a place to eat.They then located a small fast-food joint called Rat-Express.The group ordered their rat burgers and then proceded to sit down and eat their rat meat. "Hmmm,just curious,does anyone know someone called Donald Trump?",asked Marve."Never heard of him",said Dovetail."Why?",she asked."Oh cause that's the name of the person's wallet I borrowed",said Marve."Well,since you borrowed it,you can always return it when we are done using it",said Dovetail."Sure",said Marve. "Ugg!,I am so HOT in this weather",said Dovetail."I wish I could walk around naked,then I wouldn't feel so miserable",shouted Dovetail."I wish you could too",said Harve."Here",she said taking Marve's hand,"Feel me!",she them plunged his hand down her top."How do I feel?",she asked."Oh,hmmmmm,may take me a while to figure this one out",grinned Marve.After 2 hours....."Yep you definately feel hot alright",smiled Marve."Well then try this!",she then plunged his hand down into her bikini bottoms.After 4 hours....."Yep,your still hot,you gotta cool off",said Marve."I know tell me about it",said Dovetail. "Hmmm,I smell seafood!",said Harve."What?!?,can't you tell were eating rat burgers",said Marve."Yeah,but I smell seafood,oh nevermind",said Harve. The remaining trip to the Statue didn't take long at all.They were now at Liberty Island staring up at the Lady herself."Wow,quite impressive",said Dovetail."Yeah,but I can't see up her dress from here",said Harve."Don't worry when were done I'll wear a dress and let you look up it as long as you want",said Dovetail."Come on,then let's get this over with",said Harve."Calm your hormones,man",said Marve."So how are we going to blow it up?",asked Dovetail."With this",said Marve,quickly pulling out a 10 foot long piece of dynamite from his pants."DON'T even start!",Marve said to Harve,as if he knew what Harve was going to make a comment about. "Well now?,where are we gonna put it?,asked Harve."Watch and learn",said Marve.He then walked over and tickled the Statue's foot.She immediately started laughing."Now!",yelled Marve.Harve threw the dynamite stick into the Statue's mouth."How are we going to light it?",asked Dovetail."Lightening,we do a raindance",replied Marve. They then all did a raindance,and before they knew it a lightening bolt hit the dynamite and exploded Lady Liberty to kingdom come."Yeah!!!",they all yelled. The remainder of the day was spent walking home to their haystack.After which Harve had spent 7 hours of looking up Dovetail's dress............. .