####################################### # # # # # ======== =\ = ====== # # == = \ = = # # == = \ = ====== # # == = \ = = # # == = \= ====== # # # # # # # # ''''''''''''''''''''' # # # # # # > Written by Dr. Hugo P. Tolmes < # # # # # ####################################### Issue Number: 01 Release Date: November 19, 1987 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %INTRODUCTION% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Welcome to the first issue of Tolmes News Service Magazine. TNS is a provider of information dealing with the following topics: I. Phreaking A. Code Abuse B. LDS Fraud Arrests C. Boxing Techniques D. Telephone Switching Systems E. Telephone Signal Systems F. Ma Bell Equipment G. Voice Mailbox Services H. LDS Fraud Protection I. LDS Fraud Security Forces J. LDC Billing Departments K. Code Hacking Techniques L. Cellular Phone Technology M. Cellular Phone Fraud N. PBX Manipulation and Fraud O. PBX Operation and Use P. Strange Numbers Q. Specialized Calling Services R. Different Types of Telephones S. Loops, Diverters, etc. Information T. News on Certain Phreak BBS's U. News on Certain Phreaks V. Phreaking History Information W. Tracing X. Phreak Groups Y. Monitoring Phone Lines Z. AUTOVON, CLID, DNR, etc. II. Hacking A. UNIX B. COSMOS, LMOS, SCCS C. TRW D. RSTS/E E. DEC-10 F. DEC-20 G. HP-x000 H. Data General I. OSL Systems J. Various Other Types of Systems K. Trojan Horse Information L. Logic Bomb Information M. Computer Security N. Computer Security Consultants O. Encryption P. Government Computer Security Q. Crashing Computer Systems R. Reports on Hacker Damage S. News on Hacker BBS's T. Updates on Hacking Events U. News on Hacking Busts V. Hacker Group Information W. Reports on Certain Hackers III. ATM's (Automated Teller Machines) A. ATM Fraud B. ATM Fraud Busts C. News on Defrauders of ATM's D. ATM Security E. ATM Circuitry and Operation IV. Credit-Cards A. Credit-Card Fraud B. Credit-Card Fraud Security C. CC Fraud Busts D. CC Account Information E. CC Verification Information V. OTHER RELATED TOPICS OF INTEREST This is not a strict list. Many of the articles in TNS are on items related to the subjects listed above. Also, the subjects listed above have certain relations to other subjects mentioned. Articles printed in TNS are usually on a multitude of different subjects. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %HISTORY OF TNS% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Tolmes News Service started out as just a series of posts on P-80 Information Systems. It was originally entitled "Hugo World News" (as a satire of Knight Lightning's "Phrack World News".) The first fifteen or so issues of TNS are repeats of previously posted articles. NOTICE: The articles in TNS arezines, news reports, etc. They are being typed out. All of the articles listed will also show the date and the magazine/newspaper/etc. in which the article first appeared. The file will usually also display the reporter who wrote the article for the certain magazine/newspaper/etc. Anything noted as an "NOTES ON THE ARTICLE:" is my own opinion of the article. NOTA will also do some explaining of the article for persons who did not understand. One other thing that NOTA will do is to correct any errors in the article. I hope that NOTA will clarify points that were expressed in the article. At the beginning of every issue (except for a few with only 1 thing) there will be a short index of what articles are being put in the issue. The index will show the original title of the article as it appeared in the newspaper/etc. The index will be followed by a few short notes by yours truly on the state of affairs in the BBS world and any current events. Some issues will only have one article within them... while other issues might have five or six different articles. Remember, TNS just types out articles from the press that are of interest to the phreak/hacker. The first few issues will go back a while (not as far as Sandza and all of that 414 crap). The articles are placed in no specific order.. they're just put together without any reason...... After the first fifteen or so issues are put out, the next issues will be out every month or so. This newsletter will not (not yet anyway) print news of busted phreaks that did not come out of the media. This is to prevent certain persons from spreading lies and rumors. Certain posts from BBS's will be used and other information from BBS's will be used. Articles (that have not been written by myself) will not have any comments inserted. Some articles will be edited and other articles will have only certain parts used. Information that would be of no interest to the reader will be deleted. Useless, false, or boring information will be explained afterward in NOTA (Notes On The Article). This magazine (if you could call it that) might have some interviews, transcripts of certain television broadcasts, and radio broadcasts in the form of articles. Information from outside sources may not always be verified. In all cases where it can be verified, any information that is false, misleading, or useless will be edited out/deleted. The information held within cannot be verified in many instances, but articles will be edited for material that may be used as propaganda. Anything found (by myself) to be misleading/bad/false/partially useless will have an explanation in NOTA. All information is meant for information purposes only. This series of issues is a NEWS magazine and is not meant to be used for any type of illegal exploit or stupid shenanigans. Remember, this is NEWS on the phreak/hack world. I claim absolutely no responsibility for anything within this on-line magazine. If you have any questions, I can be found on the following BBS's: *Pirate-80 .............. (304) 744-2253 s DS....... (305) 395-6906 Executive Inn........... (915) 581-5145 The Central Office...... (914) 234-3260 Realm of the Demon Roach (806) 794-4362 [OTHER WORLD BBS] .