. .:::::. .::::::::. ...:::::::::.. :::::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::.. ::::: :::: .::: ::::::: :::. :::::. : :: ::::: :: :::::::. : ::: : :::::::::. ::: :::::::: ::: ::::: ::::: : :::: ::::: oxic :::......:::: hock .:::::::. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: presents Night of the Fetus by Bloody Afterbirth Toxic File #5 Centre of Eternity : 615.552.5747 3/24 Baud 40 Megs Lotsa Files HQ of The Esoteric Society and sort of HQ of Toxic Shock !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&* Hail the Almighty! Glory to Fetus! It and we are one, we are the same, Its thoughts are ours, and ours Its! Only unto us are Its plans made known, for we are the instruments of Its will. Even before the once-mighty Coathanger brought Fetus into existence, we were destined to be one with the Destroyer. *&^%$#@!*&^%$#@!*&^%$#@!*&^%$#@!*&^%$#@!*&^%$#@!*&^%$#@!*&^%$#@!*&^%$#@! It is night. The Night of the Awakening has approached. The cold December air only adds to the excitement of those with knowledge of the Night's events, yet to unfold. Huddled around a small black candle are five of the Chosen. They have prepared for this Night for many moons. In the distance, the rolling gong of the Town Clock tolls off twelve. The Time is here. The long awaited Moment has finally come. The Five arise, and walk slowly around the candle, chanting the incantations that will call forth the power of Fetus. The gutteral chants grow louder, the Five speed their pace. A low rumbling is felt in the earth, a wind blows, extinguishing the candle, and one of the Five utters a soft whisper. "Fetus...has...come." Dave hated winter. Where he came from, it didn't snow this damn much, he didn't know how to drive on these icy roads. His wife, somehow, had fallen asleep in the seat beside him, her snoring the only sound that interrupted the silence of night. Elaine... Oh, she was so beautiful... He was a lucky man to have found such a woman. Whoa! Something up ahead in the road, something moving! Dave slammed on his breaks, skidding the car down the icy roads, sliding even quicker towards the thing he was trying to miss. It leaped onto the hood of his car! Dave screamed, waking his wife, for on his hood was a bloody and charred Fetus! It slammed through the windshield and clung to Elaine's face, ripping and tearing her flesh, gouging her eyes! Dave's foot hit the acclerator out of fear. The fetus bit into Elaine's throat, her blood flowing from down her mutilated face and mingling with the fetus'. Dave batted at the fetus with his arm, only to feel fangs bite deeply into his hand. Dave tried desperately to shake the gurgling mass off his hand, only succeeding in helping It rip his fingers from his hand. Dave screamed in pain, his yelps of agony uniting with his wife's, a death choir shattering the night with their cries for help. The Fetus burrowed into Dave's midsection, digging and rending at the flesh of his stomach, wallowing in the blood. The car spun out of control as Dave felt his insides being eaten. Elaine began wildly flailing at the air out of panic, her nails ripping Dave's face to shreds. The fetus came up through Dave's chest and hacked its way through Daves abdomen. The smell of feces filled the air as Dave's corpse lost muscle control. The car flew off the road, driving on its own course, hell bent for destruction, and slammed into a tree. The car crumpled like a beer can, exploding in a hellish ball of flame, sending body parts through the air to litter the highway. Wilma smiled. She felt the baby she carried within moving, thumping softly on the walls of her womb. She and Jim had wanted a child for so long, and it was finally happening. There marriage had been going downhill for the past year, and it appeared that Wilma was destined to have only miscarriages. This would surely improve the relationship. Indeed, Jim was already beginning to treat her better, he showed much more affection, he truly seemed to care. She had a good feeling about the fetus in development... The others had felt weak from the beginning, they were never ACTIVE. But this one, oh, it was different from the rest. It moved, it hungered. It would live, of that she was sure. Wilma walked from the kitchen, munching on a pickle, and sighed peacefully when she saw that Jim had fallen asleep on the couch, watching TV. She went to turn off the TV, and covered her mate with a blanket, softly tucking him in. A sensation filled her bowels. Uh-oh, time to go poo-poo. The urge to defecate had been promising to show itself all night, after all, they had had a feast in celebration of her pregnancy. Wilma walked to the bathroom, wondering if she should flush, not wanting to awaken her husband. She straddled the cold porcelain throne, and with a grunt, pinched a foot long loaf into the toilet. Good, she was afraid all that food would give her the unspeakable diarrhea. Ooops! Spoke too soon. Her next dump was a flood of liquids and solids, oozing sloppily out of her anus, plopping into the already soupy mess below. Something was wrong. Her baby...She could no longer feel it...No! NO! NOT a miscarriage! It was impossible! This couldn't be happening, not to her! She stood, rectal juices flowing down her thighs. Slowly she turned, and looked into the toilet. And there it was... Floating in the bowl... The small body of a fetus that had not completed its growth cycle... Tears streamed down her face. She could not take this. The camel's back was broken in two. She turned and shuffled from the bathroom, crying softly in complete bewilderment. She made her way slowly to her bedroom and walked to the window, looking down at the snow covered street, 30 stories below. And stared constantly at the street, even as it rushed seemingly upwards to her as she made her way down to pavement... Jim came slowly to consciousness. "Wha..?" He mumbled many words in some unknown language that must come from the land of Grog. He looked around the room, attempting to figure out just where exactly he was. There, a light. Must be the bathroom. Jim sleepily strode towards the light, oh that wonderful guiding light. His bowels ached, his bladder pounded on his stomach. He reached to turn on the light, not noticing that he cut off the already on light. He sat upon the drunk's best friend, and prepared to empty himself of unwanted waste products. Jim jumped from the toilet, reaching between his legs to find the cause of an intense pain! He found only blood and a stub of what had been his manhood! He panicked, not knowing what to do. A thudding slop made him turn his head, and he saw a fetus, holding his castration, and grinning evilly. He screamed in terror, and turned to run, tripping on his pants. The fetus rammed Jim's dick up his ass, and raked his claws down Jim's back and legs, drawing blood and removing large amounts of flesh. Jim shrieked in pain, his muscles paralyzed by fear. The fetus walked slowly around to Jim's face, and kneeled down. Jim smelled the juice of uterus, mingled with the smell of defecation. The fetus stuck a finger up Jim's nose, lifting his head from the floor, and pulled Jim's body around so that his head was now close to the toilet. It slammed Jim's head down into the toilet, holding it in the floating logs and islands, bubbles of screams and suffocation filling the bowl, sounding like so much gurgling. Jim felt his head being sucked down the sewer as the fetus flushed the toilet repeatedly, over and over, and a squeaky laugh was emitted from the malignant miscarriage. The fetus grabbed a plunger and jumped onto Jim's head, forcing it down and down into the toilet. Over and over it shoved the plunger and the head farther towards the sewer, stopping only when it heard the satsifying crunch of Jim's cranium, finally giving way to the pressure and shattering. It was cold. Very cold. Mary had been on the streets for the past month, living like the homeless. Mark had kicked her out of his house, he did not want a child, and she could not afford an abortion. Oh, how she wished she would just have a miscarriage. Kids...all they do is ruin your life... Mary went around town, grumpily smacking children in their heads whenever she had the chance. How she wished she had a child...so she could beat it and molest it and make its life pure hell. She felt the developing hellion punch softly at her stomach, and she rammed fist into her midsection, hoping it would kill the little bastard. It punched back. "Oh, so it's a fucking boxing match you want, is it? Fine you little shit." She slammed her fist again into the place where her baby was. It slammed its own fist into her bladder. And not softly. Warm urine flower down her legs, pissing on her--- er, pissing her off. She was furious. How could the damn thing possibly think it was big enough to fight her? She punched it twice, as hard as she could, wincing at the pain it was causing her, but relishing the thought of how it would make the fetus feel. It didn't hit her back this time... It was still... Maybe now she could go take a nice shit and get rid of the unwanted growth... No more kicking and punching, no more of the "Feed Me Feed Me" shit. Finally she had gotten rid of it, she should have done this long ago... The clawed fist ripped through her skin, tearing the flesh. Her screams flooded her ears as the fetus tore its way out of her womb! It pulled itself free, and snapped the umbilical cord. She ran, not knowing how to handle this, but its claws held tightly to her breasts, shredding the flesh. She continued to run, screaming, and It clawed its way up her chest, taking select bites of flesh on its way. When it grabbed ahold of her ears and planted a big kiss on her lips she slipped on the ice, and slid into a brick wall. The fetus flopped off of the crumpled and stunned body of the bitch that had dared to try to kill It. "Mommy...I want to play...Do you want to play? I know of a very funny game we can play, mommy. Its called... KILL THE BITCH WITH THE OVARIES!" She yelled for help as the fetus kicked her in the side, breaking ribs. It jumped back onto her chest and began slicing, dicing, shredding and tearing away at her flesh, digging its way through her upper body. She stood and tried to escape, but the Fetus had grabbed her legs, holding her tight, biting away at the tendons in her legs and feet. "You know, Mommy...If you don't want to make babies...I can correct the situation..." With that, the fetus reached its hand up between Mary's legs, groping about inside her twat. She let loose a howl of sheer horror as the fetus' fingers closed upon the fallopian tubes and ripped her ovaries out. The fetus slung the ovaries into the wall, making a nice mess. It jumped on Mary's back, forcing her up against the bricks, her face in the ovary mush. "LICK it, bitch. LICK IT or DIE!" Mary tongued the gooey mass of egg-producing glands, and slowly licked away at it, occasionally whimpering for mercy...Apologizing...Bleeding... Fetus stuck its claws into Mary's back, and let gravity pull Its body downward, slicing into her body and drawing more blood than she had left in her. !#%&@$^*!#%&@$^*!#%&@$^*!#%&@$^*!#%&@$^*!#%&@$^*!#%&@$^*!#%&@$^*!#%&@$^* And so it was on the first Night, that evil Night when the power of Fetus was summoned to wreak havoc upon the world. The Chosen grew stronger as the deaths grew more numerous. Their message was heard, the doctrine of Fetus, and all who heard were entranced. Such wisdom, such knowledge... The followers grow in number... Soon, Fetus shall overcome. Choose your side. !*@&#^$%!*@&#^$%!*@&#^$%!*@&#^$%!*@&#^$%!*@&#^$%!*@&#^$%!*@&#^$%!*@&#^$% (c)1989 Toxic Shock The Followers Of Fetus Fetal Juice Bloody Afterbirth Gross Genitalia Twisted Testicles Tasty Abortion .