. .:::::. .::::::::. ...:::::::::.. :::::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::.. ::::: :::: .::: ::::::: :::. :::::. : :: ::::: :: :::::::. : ::: : :::::::::. ::: :::::::: ::: ::::: ::::: : :::: ::::: oxic :::......:::: hock .:::::::. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: presents America : Land of the Free. Home of the Brave. by Bloody Afterbirth Toxic File #30 Centre Of Eternity 615.552.5747 12/24 Baud 40 Megs Headquarters of Toxic Shock and The Esoteric Society !*&@#^%$#^&@!*&@#^%$#^&@!*&@#^%$#^&@!*&@#^%$#^&@!*&@#^%$#^&@!*&@#^%$#^&@!* If you find the following offensive, fine. I hope I hurt your feelings. *!@&^#$%^#@&*!@&^#$%^#@&*!@&^#$%^#@&*!@&^#$%^#@&*!@&^#$%^#@&*!@&^#$%^#@&*! America. Land Of The Freeloaders. Home Of The Braves. Yeah, this is the land of the free, the land of opportunity. Free to sit on your lazy ass and leech off the working class, plenty of opportunities to do nothing and make more money than those that are busting their asses to make a living, only to end up supporting you. Home of the Braves...The Atlanta Braves, and they're a bunch of losers. They suck.. And we are their home. Looks real good on us. A Dog that is Land Of The Fleas and Time For Some Raid would get kicked out of the house.. Nobody wants a fleabitten mutt. Nobody wants your freeloading butt. "Oh! Racial Prejudice! Racial Prejudice!" Fuck you, black bitch. The white middle class is the minority in this country. Racial prejudice... You can call us Honkies, but we can't call you something? "Hey, this country was founded on the principles of..." When this country was founded, your shiny black hinies were in Africa eating dirt. You were imported. And if you want to wear your damn medallions for Africa and love your homeland so much, maybe it's time you were EXported. How does it feel to have a baby every 9 months? A baby machine. Bitch gets paid to lay in bed screwing some man she'll never see again. The more kids she neglects--er, gives birth to, the more money she'll get to spend on her habits. The bleeding heart liberals aren't IN the white middle class, they're upper class. They set their own damn salaries. They don't work their ass off for a decent job, only to see some schmucks sitting down all day at home watching TV and getting paid for it. Getting paid more than the workers. They drive fancy new cars. They have satellite dishes. They wear gold. But they can't speak English. They can't spell English, the language or the word. They can't work because they have no skills. They are a thorn in the side of society. A Society that promotes such things as freeloading, leeching, baby-machines.. Make those damn women that pump out a child every 9 months work in a day care center if they want their damn money. Don't let them sit around running their loud mouths about how bad things are, don't let them leech off those who have to WORK, and even then can't make a decent living. Make them work for THEIR money. See if the Baby Factory doesn't slow down production. Got a man capable of working that doesn't want to exert himself too much but likes that check? Make him keep the sides of the roads clean. Put him to work on the Courthouse Lawn. Quit feeding the son of a bitch. If he can work, PUT him to work. Some people need such aid. Some people simply cannot work. Not because they don't want to, not because they fake some illness, but because they really CAN not work. "Can Not" means does not have the ability to do so. Kick the schmucks that CAN work out on their ass. Make THEM work. What, we owe them something since their ancestors were slaves? One of my ancestors was an Indian. I own the whole fucking United States of America. Give it to me now. And what of the White people? This isn't just about blacks or other "minorities". Whites do the same damn thing. Like attracts like, or so I was taught in Chemistry. Well if human beings want to be trash, then let them attract trash from public places and keep the country looking somewhat beautiful. You know, "Oh Purple Mountains..." You'd be purple too if someone was choking your life blood. Look what we're doing to this damn planet. Look what we've done to the people of the world. What has society done? What good have we accomplished? In a country where the homeless WANT to be homeless, what good has been accomplished? In a country where you can sit on your ass and make more than you could working, WHAT good have we accomplished? What good does it do to allow women to use their reproductive abilities in order to make more money? Prostitution is illegal almost everywhere, but baby machines can pump out children into broken homes any time they feel like it. And what of the kids? They grow up in filth, in garbage. They live filthy lives. They know no other reality. Wonder why the crime rate is so damn high? It's easy to sit on your ass. It's easy to steal something. Welfare check not enough for you to get an especially high priced pair of SHOES? Steal something, hock it, and buy the shoes. Our society is not working out. The statue of liberty needed repairs. Don't you think that's a little bit of an omen? A little OBVIOUS, too, doncha think? There is a fine for littering the highway. How about for littering society? There is a hell of a lot of trash in this country, thanks to this country. I think we need a man to carry off our garbage. (c)1989 Toxic Shock The Followers Of Fetus Bloody Afterbirth Fetal Juice Tasty Abortion ..and he STILL doesn't have a name.. .