. .:::::. .::::::::. ...:::::::::.. :::::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::.. ::::: :::: .::: ::::::: :::. :::::. : :: ::::: :: :::::::. : ::: : :::::::::. ::: :::::::: ::: ::::: ::::: : :::: ::::: oxic :::......:::: hock .:::::::. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: presents Terrorizing The Dog Bitch by Bloody Afterbirth Toxic File #35 Centre Of Eternity 615.552.5747 12/24 Baud 40 Megs Headquarters of Toxic Shock and The Esoteric Society !*@&#^$%#^@&!*@&#^$%#^@&!*@&#^$%#^@&!*@&#^$%#^@&!*@&#^$%#^@&!*@&#^$%#^@&!* Blah humbug. All this shit is based on true-life experiences (mine), and everything that I've put in here is something that I or I and some friends actually did to a bimbo I have termed the Dog Bitch... I would give out her name/address/phone # but those things are secret/private and I am much too nice of a person to give those things out. Anyway... I've done many more things than what I've listed here, but I can't go putting all of them in one file, now CAN I? *!&@^#%$^#&@*!&@^#%$^#&@*!&@^#%$^#&@*!&@^#%$^#&@*!&@^#%$^#&@*!&@^#%$^#&@*! I'm bored, and everyone that knows me knows that when I'm bored, someone else usually pays for my entertainment...And I'm not talking monetary payment... There's this bitch I really hate.. Wonder if she knows I hate her? I think I'll give her a hint... I ask a friend of mine to use three way.. He reaches for the phone and dials 648-1209 (area code 615...OOOOOPS I forgot that's s'posed to be secret) (did I mention that it is about 3am on a school night?) "uhhhhhmmmmmeeerrrrrruhhhhhhhello?" "May I speak with a Ms. Jonellen Young?" (DAMN I keep forgetting this stuff is a secret!) "Uhhmmmmerrrssspeaking...." "This is Dr. Lynch from Memorial Hospital--" "What's wrong?" (DB's wide awake now!) "Do you know a Mr. Harry Lible?" "YES! What's wrong with Harry? What's happened?" (Did I fail to call attention to the fact that this is her boyfriend?) "Well ma'm .. He was killed earlier this evening in a hit and run accident." "Is..is...is this a joke?" "No ma'am, I'm sorry to say that it isn't. We found some ID on his body and have informed his mother. She asked that we call you and tell you." ...and she went to see the body... Jolt!! Ahhhhh, my favorite drink! Shit, gotta take a shower, school today. Grab a jolt. Grab some clothes. To bathroom. Cut on water. Drink half of Jolt in one long swig. WWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW! Caffeine buzz wakes my cotton-filled head quickly. "Ta ra ra BOOM de-ay, have you had YOURS today? I had mine YESterday, that's why *I* can Saaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" "Shut the hell up, will you?" Get in shower. Take shower. Leave shower behind. Dry off. Guzzle rest of Jolt. Feel good. Ahhh, breakfast. Break out the pop-tarts (frosted brown sugar cinammon, of course) Hmmm, slam 'em in the microwave for awhile. Drink.. Milk? Fuck milk I'm sick of milk. Grab another iced Jolt. Twist top. Drain that bottle. Pop tarts done, eat them and realize I'm behind 'schedule'. Bitch at sister to hurry up. Get in car, me with two Jolts in my pockets. Drive to school, finish a Jolt before I get to parking space. Open other and suddenly remember I don't have my books with me anymore. Oh well! Totally buzzing, caffeine pumping through my veins and I scream loudly and laugh alot. Hey hey HEY! There's Jonellen and Kerry, her current dick---er, boyfriend! Well hell HE'S my best friend and she's my worst enemy so what the HELL? "'sup Stud Puppy?" "Not much. What the hell...Oh shit, no, not Jolt...Not this early in the morning!" "Yep! BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHAHAHAHAHAHHAApfffft!" "That's disgusting." "Who asked YOU to speak, Dog Bitch?" "I talk when I WANT to talk!" "'zat so, Chicken Legs?" "Kerry he's not being nice to me." "Well, who DID ask you to speak?" Roars of laughter from my caffeine-high self. I grab some books and hope they belong to my first period class. They walk off, her feelings hurt, my feelings on some other planet. I finish off the other Jolt while laughing at the bitch whose tits are dents. Hmmm, an empty bottle! Hmmm! An empty HEAD! I walk up behind Dog Bitch and act like I'm taking aim with the bottle. Kerry sees me! Killer shit! I hold the bottle by its neck and act like I'm fixing to hit her in the back of the head. "I dare you!" SMASH!!!!!! Her knees buckle and Kerry reaches out and catches her. She slowly stands, her eyes glazed then clearing. She turns to face me and draws a hand back to slap me. "I don't think that's a very good idea," says Kerry as he grabs her hand, looking at me very coldly. I think he wants to fight. "Wanna fight now, huh? Or maybe later? I can fit you in between 2nd and 3rd periods, in case you are forgetting that you dared me to do it." He turns and walks off... And laughs at Jonellen... Ho hum.. Life is kinda boring again...And you know what THAT means! Ah yes...At whose expense shall I have fun THIS time? Well hell, Jonellen isn't doing anything important (I can sense these things! Honest!) So I call her up... "Hello?" "Jonellen?" "Yeah.. Hi..." " So..How's life?" "Pretty good. What've you been doing?" "Oh......Nothing much.. Am I..interrupting you?" "No, no. I was actually fixing to call you just now!" "Do you love me, Jonellen?" "HUH???" " Never mind..." "No, I know what you said. Well, of COURSE I love you.." "More than Kerry?" "No.. Of course not...I mean..errruhhhh, I love you in a different way." "Oh..." "What's wrong?" "Oh..nothing important..." "What's bothering you?" " What makes you think something is BOTHERING me?" "You sound depressed. Can I do something for you?" "I don't like my foot." "What???" "Look at it. I don't like it. I think I'm going to shoot it." "HEY!! HEY!! Listen to me!! What are you doing?" "Hmm, good, I have a few shells. " "STOP!!" "What? Huh?" "STOP! What are you doing?" " I don't much like my foot. I think it would be nice to shoot it with my shotgun." "Don't do it! Please don't do it!!" "Do you love me?" "YES! PLEASE put the gun down!!" "Do you love me more than Kerry?" "No--Yes, Yes I do!" "Will you go out with me?" "Sure, where do you want to go?" "Will you suck my dick?" "I'm going with Kerry!" "I won't tell him." "I'm sorry, I can't do that!" "" "OK OK!!! I'll do it if you put the gun away!!" "Will you fuck me?" " I can't, no..Sorry..." "Goodbye Jonellen." "STOP!!!!!!!! OK!!! I'll do it!! But you can't tell ANYONE!!! PLEASE if you'll put the gun away I'll do anything!" " Well, ok. I put the gun away. Do you love me?" "I already answered that." "Humor me." "Yes I love you, I love you very much." "No you don't. Nobody loves me......Everybody hates me..." "No, I love you! I care a lot about you!" "You lie, bitch." "I'm telling the truth!! Really!" "I think you're just saying that." "No I'm not!! I mean it!! Why would I lie to you?" "Kerry would hurt you very badly if he knew you caused me to kill myself." "PLEASE STOP TALKING LIKE THAT!!" "See, you're yelling at me. You don't love me. Nobody loves me. I think I'm going to end it all right now." "NOOOOOOOOO!! Please don't talk like that!!" "Do you love me?" "YYYEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!" "Kerry's going to break up with you when he finds out we fucked." "You can't tell him!!" "I can't?" "No!" "I think I will!" "Then I won't fuck you!" "Then I'll kill myself. Goodbye." "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!!!!!!!!! MIKE!!!!" " MIIIKE!!! MIKE!! MIKE!!!!" "Yes?" (c)1989 Toxic Shock The Followers Of Fetus Bloody Afterbirth Fetal Juice Gross Genitalia .