. .:::. .::::::. ..:::::::.. :::::::::: ..:::::::::::::.. :::: :::: Damn It .::: ::::::: :::. ::::. : :: ::::: :: ::::::. TSF #90 : ::: : :::::::. ::: ::::::: By GG ::: :::::: ::::: : :::: COE ::::: oxic :::.....:::: hock 615/552/5747 .:::::::. :::::::::: HQ of TS ::::::::::: :::::::: Goddamnit I hate you. Take it personally. Yes you there, reading your screen. I hate your fucking guts so eat shit and die. Jim was married to Melissa and their marriage sucked raw cow shit. Jim beat Melissa, and Melissa burned Jim with lit cigarettes while he slept. It was truly a marriage made in hell. Jim came in from work and slammed his coat down on the floor. He picked up a vase a hurled it across the room, narrowly missing Melissa as she entered the room. "God damn you bitch, I want a divorce!!!" "Fuck you, your 'rhoids must be flared up again." Jim picked up the newspaper, freshly rolled and tied with a rubber band, from the couch and hurled it at Melissa, hitting her in her stomach, jostling the baby within. "You fucking son of a bitch I'm turning you in to the mother fucking cops for this shit. This is YOUR damned little BRAT," she shouted as she planted a fist into her stomach, and she felt the baby moving, "and the damned thing wouldn't be there if you hadn't fucking gotten me drunk and fucked my ass!" She picked up the phone to call the cops. Jim walked over and ripped the cord out of the wall and began tying Melissa to a chair with it. "You whore-slut-bitch-damned-fuckstain, call the cops on me?" He ripped open his shirt, revealing a number of small circular burn marks on his body. "I'm calling the cops on YOU for THIS shit, and the fact that you smoke sure as hell doesn't do you any justice you fucking bitch!" Jim made way into the kitchen for another phone. Melissa broke loose from the chair and cord in a raging fit. "You son of a bitch, just because I smoke, that doesn't point the finger to me. How many wives abuse their husbands? And how the fuck do YOU think you can ACCUSE me of burning you like that?" "You stupid ignorant fucking bitch, you fail to see the point. Fuck you. You're so goddamned stupid it's not even funny." Jim picked up a frying pan off the stove, full of hot grease, and whacked Melissa over the head. She slumped to the floor, unconscious, with grease burns on her neck. Jim was taking a nice hot shower when he heard a rustling from outside. "Must be those fucking dogs again." He resumed his shower. Minutes later he heard a louder rustling, accompanied by a scratching sound. He turned off the water and reached for a towel. He heard a loud popping noise so clearly and distinctly that it seemed to be coming from within him. He drew back the curtain. He felt something touching his body. It felt slimy. It felt warm. Jim wiped his eyes in fear and looked down. At his feet and half leaning on the faucet was his wife. Her head was gashed and blood was flowing from her neck. In her weak state of energy she lift from the floor a large meat cleaver. She struck him in his balls. "OOOAOOAAOOAOAOUUUGUHGHGHGH you FUCKING BITCH!" He slumped to the floor of the shower and groped at her head, in a dire effort to remove it from her body. Melissa spoke in a far-off scraggly voice as if she were dead and her ghost were speaking. "You bastard! You can sit there and call me stupid, you can call me ignorant and knock me out cold, but goddamnit if you are going to sit there and insult me as if you are GOD! DAMN...IT!" With her last strain of violent ghastly energy she planted the meat cleaver in Jim's skull, fracturing it and sending a spray of blood and chunks of brain tissue all over the tub. She slumped into the wall and dropped the meat cleaver. Jim showed few vital signs and was slumped next to the opposite side of the faucet. His torn skull caught on the cold water tap, turning it on. The shower filled with a dull pinkish mixture of water, blood, and brains. Melissa knew she was dying, and felt herself being called out. She lit a cigarette and took a very weak drag from it. The smoke began to fill the steamy and stench-filled bathroom. She turned to Jim. She smiled at her works accomplished and said, "Damn you, Jim." She felt herself being drawn from her body as Death spead through her every limb. And with her last strain of energy from This earthly World, she turned toward the shower and slammed her arm down. The lit cigarette plunged through the mangled scalp of Jim's head and burned its way through the grey matter right to the very centre of Jim's brain. His body convulsed briefly, and Three Souls were claimed by Death at Once. Melissa had been grossly violated and mistreated by her husband. And her job was accomplished. She and her child departed in peace. She wished her earthly Jim damnation and Hell. (c)July 1990 TS / By GG. #90. .