____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ THE SYNDICATE REPORT Information Transmittal No. 27 (Part 1 of 2) Released January 18, 1990 Featuring: ________________________________________________ Editor's Note "The World Around Us, Closing Out 1989" NEW: Telenet PCP Thief Hacker "Programmed by Brew Associates" Dubbing Viruses "Safe" Government Software Poking Around Prodigy (IBM/Sears Joint Venture) A Neuromancer Sharp Exert Brief Notes from the Report Vocabulary Tonic ________________________________________________ by The Sensei Editor Syndicate Report Magazine ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ EXPOSITION: TSR Once again, The Report accepts outside sources. Anybody can write/provide information to The Syndicate Report. Articles/Information may be provided through NANOTECH COLLUSION Bulletin Board System @612-476-4913. Any info such as Busts, Phreaking, Hacking, Data / Telecommunications, and all new developments on any the previous mentioned specialties will be: accepted, labeled, and given full actual credit to the article/info provider(s), or writer(s). -- ** All articles have been presented by me unless shown at the end of the article as the information provider(s), or writer(s). ** ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ EDITOR'S NOTE: TSR "The World Around Us, Closing Out 1989" Wow! What a year: 1989. Look at all that has happened! I'm speaking about underground and in reality. Here's a recap: Underground / Reality: Internet Worm Panama Invasion by U.S. Intro of many new hacking utilities Jacob Wetterling Kidnapping PCP Thief California Earthquake Phry Code Pro Hurricane Hugo Falken Phreak Tools New version of Code Thief A NEW VMB Hacker? Media's Virus Scare FREEDOM FOR: Code Thief is mentioned on T.V. E. Germany Czechs! Poland Romanians Hungry OTHERS: A struggling U.S.S.R. The Irish Rebels & of course the bloody failure by the Chinese Students. Alaskian Oil Spill AT&T's first profit loss, ...AND MORE! Just as 1989 was about the close quietly, the United States strikes against the Noriegian Regime -- it's now dead. It's incredible that all of us are currently witnessing history. You know about history, don't ya? Sure you do. Remember sitting in class wondering what it would be like to live during a time of absolute CHANGE. --And mostly for the better. This issue is dedicated to 1989. May the 1990s reveal more. ;The Sensei / TSR Editor ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ NEW: TELENET PCP THIEF HACKER TSR "Programed by Brew Associates" Computer hacking utilities. They all start out with one single purpose: To Gain Information. Isn't information gathering the basis for hacks? What I mean is that basic hackers do menial jobs for hacks. A hack uses that information (code/password, etc) to gain more information. It all seems very irrelevant. Now I come back to earth, and remember we all are human beings. The under terra firma personality: Brew Associates has done it again, with the swiftness of a prowler, he has created PC Pursuit Thief. The Exciter's long rein at the top of PCP Hacker's has come to a halt. The end of perfection for Code Thief has prompted him to go onto a more comfortable stall via PCP Telenet. PCP Thief has the same similar style for with windows and everything. AND, I agree totally. Straight code abusing from your own home is crazy. Dialing PCP shows little threat to hack/phreakdom. I and Professor Falken has been Beta testing future releases of PCP Thief. The first BETA version quicken returned to the drawing board. The second was just about finished except some minor detail. After that, fancy features were added to as savor. PCP Thief v1.0 Features: Public Access Command Line Hacking Timed Hacking from DOS Full Modem Support Alterable Pass/ID Templates Generic Terminal Mode Variable Speed Hacking Full New Version Support Online "Passes Found" Listing Fancy colorful/rotating Windows Online Credits Listing Voluminous Descriptive Hacking Windows Complete Documentation Included / Online Questions Answered ...And Best of All BUG FREE! Questions, comments, threats, or compliments can be directed towards Brew Associates, Phortune 500, via Nanotech Collusion BBS. :::: Information Provided by Brew Associates :::: :::: Brew Associates is contributing Programmer of PCP / Code Thief :::: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ DUBBING VIRUSES: I've gathered some more information about viruses. Mainly what's I've done is gathered the names and what they dreadfully do to your unsuspecting systems. If you have anything to add, dial Nanotech Collusion. -- LEGEND -- * = Freshly Added :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: VIRUSES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: IBM PCs/COMPATIBLES :::: 1. The Friday the 13th Virus/Jerusalem: Reek havoc on COM and EXE files. 2. Datacrime Virus / Columbus Day Virus (1280/1168): Destroys FAT Table 3. Jerusalem Virus 4. The Cascade Virus: Falling Letters jumbled to bottom of screen. 5. The Pakistani Brain 6. 1701 Virus 7. Icelandic Virus * 8. Lehigh: Trashes system and hard drive data. * 9. Alameda: Corrupts files, causes "Out of Memory" errors. * 10. DBASE Virus: .COM infector, corrupting data in DBF files. * 11. Screen: Infects all .COM programs in directories * 12. Ping Pong * 13. Stoned * 14. Den Zuk * 15. Fu Manchu * 16. Vienna (DOS 62) * 17. April First * 18. Ghost Virus / Icelandic Univ.: Infects .COM files & boot sectors. * 19. Ping Pong: Replaces boot sector of infected system with boot virus * 20. Dark Avenger: A Runaway infection in memory. * 21. Alabama Virus: Infects .EXE files (increased 1560k) & FAT Infecter. * 22. Ashar: Infecting by duplicating * 23. Yankee Doodle: (Vienna) Running in the game, Outrun. Plays song. * 24. Ghost Virus / GHOSTBALL Boot Version * 25. Ghost Virus / GHOSTBALL COM Version * 26. New Jerusalem * 27. 2930 * 28. AIDS / VGA2CGA * 29. Disk Killer / OGRE * 30. 1536 / Zer0 Bug * 41. MIX1 * 42. 3551 / SYSLOCK * 43. Vacsina * 44. Ohio * 45. Typo * 46. Swap / Israeli Boot * 47. 1514 / Datacrime 2 * 48. PENTAGON * 49. Saratoga * 50. 405 * 51. 1704 Format * 52. 1280 / Datacrime * 53. 1701 / Cascade * 54. 1704 / Cascade-B * 55. Stoned / Marijuana * 56. 1704 / Cascade / Falling Letters * 57. Ping Pong-B / Fall Letters Boot * 58. DEN ZUK * 59. Ping Pong / Italian / Bouncing Dot * 60. VIENNA-B * 71. VIENNA / 648 / DOS-68 * 72. Jersualem-B * 73. YALE / Alameda * 74. Jerusalem / 1813 * 75. SURIV03 * 76. SURIV02 * 77. SURIV01 :::: EUROPEAN -- VIRUSES :::: * 1. Keldysh: TSR virus infecting .COM / .EXE's -- Letters Drop to bottom. * 2. 3066 Virus (Traceback) * 3. The Icelandic * 4. Black Hole: Attack at Comp.Co-op, Moscow. A TSR .COM / .EXE Infector. 5. Datacrime-2: Destroys FAT * 6. 405 Virus * 7. DOS-62 Virus: Infects all .COM / .EXE Files -- Deleting. :::: MACINTOSH :::: 1. Macmag Virus: The WISH FOR PEACE Virus 2. Scores Virus: Attacks prgs within Elec. Data Systems Corp. * 3. nVIR: Attach of numerous Universities & Europe, through E-Mail. :::: APPLE II :::: *1. CyberAids *2. Festering Hate: Infects .SYSTEM, or BASIC.SYSTEM in root directory. All Volumes/HDs/Ram Disks destroyed. *3. Load Runner: A european virus found in a copy program: Speedy Smith. Also by booting an uninfected disk after running an infected disk. RAM Resident, maybe? :::: AMIGA :::: *1. Phantasumble *2. IRQ: Deadly, but curable. *3. Byte Warriro: Causes read/write errors, GURUs *4. 16 BIT ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WORMS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: For All/Other Computer Systems 1. Internet Worm. M.J.'s babe. 2. WORMS Against Nuclear Killers: "WANK." ________________________________________________ Any additions can be made via Nanotech Collusion BBS, via Feedback, or personal Email for privacy. ;The Sensei ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ "SAFE" GOVERNMENT SOFTWARE: TSR As early as 1967, the Department of Defense formed a task force to set security standards for computers, operating systems, and networks. The goal: to define the criteria for "trusted" systems that could be relied upon to police themselves and their users and prevent sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands. After more than a decade of research, their efforts were compiled in the "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TRUSTED SYSTEM EVALUATION CRITERIA" --known as "THE ORANGE BOOK" because of its orange cover. The Orange Book specifies four levels, or divisions, of protection, designated (in order of increasing security) D, C, B, and A. Systems in Division A systems must be mathematically proven to be secure (a requirement that's barely within reach of any commercial computer OS). The control objectives for each level are divided into three categories: security policy, accountability, and assurance. () Mandatory Policy = Admin. grants users access to specific data -- and that such data ONLY. A user has access to data for a good reason. 1, that person has proper clearance; and 2, the person has a need to know the information for his/her job. A user with this access can grant other such access. () Accountability = Makes sure that users are accountable for their actions. There are 3 requirements to ensure this accountability. First, the user has to ID her/his self to the system. Second, a password is then required. And third, a user's actions must leave an audit trial so that admins. can find out "who dunnit" if information is abused. () Assurance Policy = Requires that the system be designed, tested, and verified so as to make sure that first two object- ives are met. There must be a high degree of confidence that the system's security mechanisms can't be circumvented by bright "hackers" or knowledgeable users. The Orange Book emphasized that the assurance process doesn't end when the system is shipped or installed; every system modification and every new feature that's added needs to be checked for security breaches. Only then, can the system be TRUSTED. *** TO BE CONTINUED: Part Two Will Explain the FOUR LEVELS of PROTECTION. ;The Sensei / TSR Editor ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ POKING AROUND PRODIGY (IBM/Sears Joint Venture): TSR (t.s) I got my first bill for Prodigy this month, after three spine tingling FREE months on-line Prodigy. 9.95$ just as they said it would be. I don't even remember if that was before or after Minnesota 6% sales tax. IMPRESSED WITH? I'm impressed with the amount of attention they are giving Prodigy. I've received many newsletters, about 5 or 6 just in one month. The letters explain all the new enhancements online -- easily accessible with their (J)ump words -- a very decent idea. I'm also impressed with the on-line technical help, both via 1-800 and HELP99A (Mailbox Address). The technical help via HELP99A isn't real bright, but they do offer some good basic hints/information, and best of all -- they've always responded. I've ask them about the CGA color, and if a new version of the Prodigy terminal software were coming out to support mice, etc. They explained both very completely. A new version is expected in Spring, maybe February. And lastly, this month, I'm impressed with the amount of people are accepting Prodigy. I get quite a bit of feedback about Prodigy from users, and most don't even mention the slowness and generic look....probably because most are generic users. One last word about updates. Your Prodigy software is actually updated right under you nose. How? You say? Well, each time you log into Prodigy, it uploads updated modification directly to your harddrive/floppies. It stores the updated information in a file by the name of STAGE.DAT. So if you see this things fluctuating in size/date -- you know what's it doing. What's the current level of modification? There are two numbers that tell you. One is on the label of the Prodigy Software installation disks (v2.1) in the lower right hand corner. There's another number in the lower right corner of the logon screen. It refers to an internal system Prodigy uses to denote changes and modifications, many of which are minor and incremental. That number should be: 6.03.xx (The 'xx' will be a number, but that number doesn't matter as much as the 6.03). NO IMPRESSION LEFT: The service is good, but I didn't pay for it. There has to be more information online that interests me. More political/social/telcom information and news. Number two, the speed HAS to increase. Sometimes I don't have access to a 2400 baud modem, and I'm caught using 1200 bps. There is a huge difference! Time is money these days, and Prodigy isn't delivering me my moneys worth (even though it's only 9.95/month). And of course those annoying ONLINE error codes: CM, DM, API, OMCM, to name a few. Here's a run down on them... CM: Problem detected by comm. module which controls the flow of information between your PC, modem, the fone lines and computer you call when you logon the service. Usually you'll see CM4, 5 or 6. The type of error can be caused by local connections, or you may be logging into the service during the off hours. Just reconnect to Prodigy...it usually clears the air. API: Indicates a problem in a particular usage on the service -- the one you were just using. Problems like this are usually only momentary, in time, and self correct. API 8 or API 15 imply that the PC isn't getting enough memory to Prodigy. Check & clear resident programs. DM: The scene module shows this code when there's not enough PC memory available. You can boot your system and logon again. Make sure you have at least 512 ram. Nothing resident. Make a self-booting disk if you have to accommodate. OMCM: This code is narrative jointly by two different modules/scenes. This is what happens: Every message (i.e. assortment of info) Prodigy sends to your PC has two parts; the message contents, and special info. Prodigy's software uses to make sure the message itself is error-free. If there is errors, you get an OMCM code. OMCM6 is a version of this code that means you're not using the most recent version of Prodigy -- version 2.1. If you don't, dial 800-767-3664 for you'll receive it free of charge. OMCM9 indicates a poor transmission, once again, or line quality. Also, your message expected by your system was not received. Rather than have you wait for a message that isn't coming (and thereby tie you up), Prodigy sends this error code. You might as well relog in. If you don't have the latest version of Prodigy, dial 1-800-356-3664 and you'll receive the updated version in the mail. (Information provided via experience with Prodigy) (Prodigy Services Co., 445 Hamilton Ave., White Plains, NY, 10601) ;The Sensei / TSR Editor 1990 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ A NEUROMANCER SHARP EXERT: Case was 24. At 22, he'd been a cowboy, a rustler, one of the best in the Sprawl. He'd been trained by the best, by McCoy Pauley and Bobby Quine, legends in the biz. He'd operated on an almost permanent adrenaline high, a by product of youth and proficiency, jacked into a custom cyberspace deck that projected his disembodied consciousness into the consensual hallucination that was the matrix. A thief, he'd worked for other, wealthier thieves, employers who provided the exotic software required to penetrate the bright walls of corporate systems, opening windows into rich fields of data. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Case's virus had bored a window through the library's command ice.. He punched himself through and found an infinite blue space ranged with color-coded spheres strung on a tight grid of pale blue neon. In the nonspace of the matrix, the interior of a given data construct possessed unlimited subjective dimension. He began to glide through the spheres as if he were on invisible tracks. Here, this one. Punching his way into the sphere, chill blue neon vault above him starless and smooth as frosted glass, he triggered a subprogram that effected certain alterations in the core custodial commands. Out now. Reversing smoothly, the virus reknitting the fabric of the window. DONE. :::: From William Gibson :::: :::: Author of Neuromancer, 1984 :::: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ::::::::::::::::::::::: SYNDICATE REPORT BRIEF NOTES ::::::::::::::::::::::: // AT&T Announces Cutts // AT&T said it will drop about 8,500 positions in 1990, adding to the 25,000 jobs expected to be eliminated in 1989. AT&T had 298,000 employees at the end of September. Automated switching technology has allowed AT&T to cut down on operators. Also, many employees who install phone equipment are being phased out as the company goes to high-tech digital equipment. ________________________________________________ // Sprint, Bell Make Agreement // Pacific Bell and US Sprint Monday announced an agreement to develop and market complementary 800 services. Why: To simplify the ordering, billing and trouble reporting of 800 services in California. Terms: The companies will make their 800 services available through a single call to either Pacific Bell or US Sprint. ________________________________________________ // Firm Provides Networking ISDN // General DataComm will fulfill an order for the world's first installation of a multiplexer network. Use: With ISDN services to provide a virtual private network using Telecom Australia's ISDN offering called "Macrolink." Customer: Not named until the end of the first quarter of 1990, when the ISDN network is installed and operational. ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TSR Vocabulary Tonic :::::::::::::::::::::::::: What "Vocab. Tonic" is, is a list of acronyms and definitions to help educate the ignorant hacker. With an extensive vocabulary, there is virtually nothing one can't learn. Study on... Bit Stream: Refers to a continuous series of bits being transmitted on a transmission line. CCSS: (Common Channel Signaling System) A systems whereby all signalling for a number of voice paths in carried over one common channle, instead of within each individual channel. DTMF: (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) The keys on any standard tone fone. EE Signal: (End-to-End Signaling) A mode of network operation in which the originating central office (or station) retains control and signals directly to each CO (Central Office) as trunks are added to the connection. PRIMOS: This is an operating system on the Prime Supermini and mainframe computer systems. TSPS: (Traffic Service Postal System) Dial '0' Operator. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ :::::::::::::::::::::::::: TSR "Quote of the Month" :::::::::::::::::::::::: "Computing with anti-radioactive glasses.... will be the wave of the coming..." -Tech E. Teddy ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ TSR will accept additional sponsor/support Systems. If you have a certain interest in the Report, and wish to provide support to TSR -- Leave your BBS number -- and any other information on Nanotech Collusion Bulletin Board Systems. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ N A N O T E C H C O L L U S I O N 6 1 2 - 4 7 6 - 4 9 1 3 - The Syndicate Report Support - - Bulletin Board System - - Accommodating 19.2k bps, Over 130+ Megs, P/H Msg Bases, & Files - ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ This concludes this Transmittal No. 27 (Part 1 of 2) Released January 18th, 1990 by The Sensei Editor of The Syndicate Report ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ .