============================================================================ || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || #10 by vYrus || 07/21/94 || ============================================================================ BBS Lamerz and Winners Part 1 - Lamerz Here is my all time classic list of the biggest fucking lamerz in BBS history (from my point of view) and a reason as to why they suck so hard. 1) Napalm. He a dipshit cuz he thinks hes a coolass hacker that can bust any BBS in the area. What a fucking lamer. hehe 2) GreyWolf. ASSHOLE! Thinks he can kiss FrYgUy (Total Anarchy SysOp)'s ass so he can get SysOp access and lock me out! Not quite, lamer! 3) Hellcat. Greywolf's arch enemy : himself. hehe... LAAAAAMER!! 4) Viper. FrYgUy's brother. thinks he can bust into chat and fuck with poeples access cause he feels like it. ha. don't even! LAMER! 5) Phoenix Not the Phoenix on TA, but the Pheonix on the FX-Net that wont shut his fucking hole about Kurt Cobain. Asshole! ASSHOLE! 6) Skywalker MAJOR CUNT. another dude who thinks he can get away with any damn statement and live. i killed him. hehehahehaehea!!!! Part 2 - Winners Here's my list of my favorite people to be around on BBS's.... 1) ASCII Express He's cool! he lives in PA and he's coming out for a few weeks and it's gonna rule! yes! 2) Wolf Sister She's in 3o3 but she's real cool! she like, talked to me when i said that i wanted to kill myself on DeathNet... 3) Sakima My worst friend for the past 8 years. he's hella cool. he writes for TYME, too. 4) Stewart uhhh.... nuthing good to say about him... kinda nuetral. =] anywayz, thats all i got, cuz i'm talking to teq.... look for her issue soon... dammit, i just feel like rambling away! ascii express is gonna join TYME soon and he will write cool stuff! yes! beavis, you're a buttmunch. yeah, yeah, asswipe! heh heh m heh heh ehehehehehehhehhehehe m mmm hehehehehe... wow.. that was cool... i need something to eat... oh well. i guess i oughta go.... rasta la fuckin' pasta... buuuuuuuudd....... vrs ========================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of these following boards: || ========================================================= || Under The Influence....Origin Site....(ITS)PRI-VATE || || The Gathering BBS......Distro Site....(707)FIND-OUT || || äxodus BBS.............Distro Site....(7o7)935-6867 || || Shit Happens...........Distro Site....(7o7)557-7285 || || Total Anarchy..........Distro Site....(7o7)257-72o8 || || Zeppelin BBS...........Distro Site....(7o7)XxX-XxxX || ========================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality || ========================================================= .