============================================================================== || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || #13 by vYrus || 07/28/94 || ============================================================================== DATING FUCKING SUCKS!! I swear to fucking good chicks are the most absolute fucking pain in the ass.... i swear... my ex-girlfriend decided to pull a really sick joke on me about sme shit... here, lemme start over. Things were going cool until the damn day where she decided to buy me a card that said 'for the father-to-be'. FUCKIN' A! scared the shit right out my ass. i started getting a jumpy and from that minute until the day we broke up i hated her guts for that. and then she says she might REALLY be pregnent.. AFTER i dumped. tough hairy shit, ya wanna guilt trip me, use something a little more realistic. besides, i told i her i would help her through it, but i never expected any of that bullshit. and now she never speaks to me. good fucking riddance. i think anyone who sees her on another board should like, leave a letter totally flaming her. remember, it's TEQ! Tee Ee Kew. TEQ. god i want this other chick who lives in my town, but for her sake (and my own in case i should ever not like her) shall remain nameless... ANYWAYZ.. her sister is cool too... she said that miss X. and me would go good together.. yeah, but unless she ever gets away from her boyfriend (who's making her mis- erable) then i will never have a chance... who cares... life goes on... HEHEHE.. if you ever see a chick by the alias CHERRY... then write to her and tease her about her three foot butt. someone at vintage high (where i go to school) measured her ass and got three feet! mutherfuker thats a LEETLE big, wouldnt we say? here, one of us made up a joke last night about cherry.. goes like this: Q: What do Cherry and a moped have in common? A: They're both fun to ride until your friends find out... nyah nyah nysh... i can be as rude a i fucking want and nobody will care... now... uhhh.. i'm running outta subject matter... about chicks and shit... man, s0l0mn is so hella lucky... he gets any fucking chick he wants. except for miss X. that i wanna go out with. if anybody really wants to know, this X person's Name is kelly. no more then that cuz i dont want her being called up and bitched at. and if anyone REALLY want to do me a favor, they can take these phone numbers, call them up and harrass the people on the other end: (707)252-2965 some bitch i went out with. she has a serioud attitude problem. ask for darla. hehhehe... anywayz, i'm gonna close up for now, and until next tYme.. hehe... vrs - T.Y.M.E. Author ========================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of these following boards: || ========================================================= || Under The Influence....Origin Site....(GOF)IND-OUT! || || Total Anarchy..........Distro Site....(707)257-7208 || || The Gathering BBS......Distro Site....(ITS)PRI-VATE || || ReaLiTY ByTeS..........Distro Site....(707)226-XXXX || || Exodus BBS.............Distro Site....(707)935-6867 || || Last Resort............Distro Site....(707)255-1413 || ========================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' || ========================================================= .