=============================================================================== || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || # 14, by vrs || MM/DD/YY || =============================================================================== Money Problems.. ---------------- Now who around here really has a kickass computer? not me. i have a little tandy 1000 that aint werth nuthing except writing texts and running a fair- ly decent board. i guess. i mean, who can afford the awesome amazing petium powerhouses that are always being bragged about in ads? only the rich shits like munchkin. damn bitch. anywayz, i mean, i want a new computer as much as the next dude, but i cant afford it! and parents these damn days want you to earn all your own fucking money, and then you kiss their asses and then clean out the fucking gutters of the house and vaccuum everywhere and then ya clean your room and your sisters and then the dog shit in the back yard and the YOU ONLY GET FIVE FUCKING BUCKS! and they wonder why more and more people are stealing money then when they had this shit going. damn. i mean, our minimum wage may be 4.75 or whatever and theirs may have been sixty cents or some bullshit figure, but the inflation has hit the shit in the stores harder then it hit our paychecks, so we end up having to earn more for the same thing twenty years later. i mean, say something you want costs 50 cents then, and 4 bucks now. so inflation hit shit in the stores by 200%, but say we also earned a dollar an hour then and 5 bucks now. so that means that our paycheck is now 125% inflated, but that means we have to work harder if we want the real good shit! get me? i can't believe i just did math while writing for fun. yeecchhh... anywayz, it still pisses me off to the point where i'm desperate enuff for money that i would rob a bank or something. shit.... and to top it all off. i was blamed for stealing 10 grand from my parents. some people... i swear to fucking god, people like that need to get brains or lives or something if they want their kids not to hate them. kids hate them cause for everything that goes wrong, a kid gets blamed. no shit. moneys missing, my fault. sakima's dad's printer breaks down, his fault. matrix's grades are dropping, it's another kids fault. or its part of our everyday life. say.. kid : 'damn! finally got my paycheck for (xx) dollars!! cool! now i can buy my car!' parent : 'very good. i'm proud of you, kid.' kid : 'i'll be back with my car!' parent : 'okay..' Three days later the kids gets in an accident, and cant pay for damages because he already blew his wad on the car itself. kid : 'dad, can i borrow (xx) dollars to pay for my car getting fixed?' parent : 'you know, son, if you didnt blow your money on little petty things, you might have enough to fix your car.' it's scenarios like theses THAT PISS ME OFF! stupid fucking adults think that all kids spend their money on is shit that isnt very worthwhile. like these magic cards that have become so popular recently. i have a set of my own. i created a deck that i could play with, and all in all i have spent only 40 dollars on the entire game, and i have upwards of 600-700 cards. yet my dad sees the collection, doesn't know about the concept of trading, and says, 'is that what you've been blowing all your money on?' typical. well, i think i've rambled enough for my own good, so i'll take off... rasta la pasta, buuuudd.... vrs ============================================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the follwing boards: (and get them all! =] || ============================================================================= || Under The Influence...........(ALM)OST-HERE.............World HQ....... || || Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. || || Exodus BBS....................(707)935-6867.............Distro Site.... || || Electric Rush (NuP)...........(707)257-7208.............Distro Site.... || ============================================================================= || Leave comments, death threats, ideas to vYrus/napavalley@nova.fred.org || ============================================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' || =============================================================================  .