============================================================================= || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || #21, by vrs || 10/21/94 || ============================================================================= Dreaming.. ---------- Okay, I actually remember one of my dreams from last night. But it was like, really fucked up. All I can remember is wandering around a field with all the people i've ever known in my life around me, doing what they do best. Like Stewart was playing his horn for the high school band, and Sakima had on robes and was holding some kind of book with these wierd symbols all over it. Crazy. And I was just, AROUND.. not like, mixing with anyone, but I was just kind of taking a look around, and people weren't seeing me. I was trying to attract anybody's attention, and there's this vague part about girls, and another vague part about Power Rat and Rerun coming to get me, and when i went to spend the weekend there, like I sometimes do, I had to sleep in a basement type thing and try not to get caught by Rat's parents. I was running away from my mother (of all people) and I was doing what I do best in dreams; flying. I've always been good at flying in dreams, I can do it damn well whenever I want, and it's gotten easier. So when my mom got too close, I would JUMP really high, and i would start flying. The only thing I need to work on is staying up there. I can take off and land real well, but i can't stay up for more then a little bit. Which sucks, because it's the best feeling, even if it's only a dream. I also somehow appeared in another body, of a gangsta, (for some damnodd reason..) and I was admitting to giving up the gang life. I only remember a few things about it, as in it was in Ranch Market (of all places), and I was crying a bit, and I remember the phrase 'XIV' being used by both of us. A friend was holding on to me, and two guys were kind of interrogating me. Huh. The last (and definately most bizaare) part would have to be near the end. Some people were trying to run me over! It was real dark, and I was running like my life depended on it (which it was), and a little BMW came peeling straight towards me. I had no time to get out of the way, so I JUMPED over the fucker, and landed without a scratch. However, the truck behind it gave me no time to jump again or move out of the way, so it slammed into me head on. I was flattened against the front bumper, unable to move, and the driver was still going. I managed to roll myself off to the side, and then I lied down, exhausted, when the truck began rolling in reverse. I put my feet up to catch the tailgate, right before realizing this fucking truck is the same color as the one Rerun owns... I woke up. Dreams are strange... vrs ============================================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the follwing boards: (and get them all! =] || ============================================================================= || Under The Influence...........(ALM)OST-HERE.............World HQ....... || || Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. || || Exodus BBS....................(707)935-6867.............Distro Site.... || || Electric Rush (NuP)...........(707)257-7208.............Distro Site.... || ============================================================================= || Leave comments, death threats, ideas to vYrus/napavalley@nova.fred.org || ============================================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' || ============================================================================= .