============================================================================== || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || # 28, by Blade || 11/01/94 || ============================================================================== Movies ------ Everytime you go to the movies and you go for fun.you learn and explore and Mac with chicks but that's besides the point.you escape to new lands and far away places.you live as the main character and feel all the excitement.you Laugh,cry,wonder,and be afraid of something that to hours later that wuldn't matter anymore. why do we escape you ask?Well Life full of shit.Everyone's "life sux" folder is bigger than anyother folder they have.Life sux really big(like if you don't know that) and you have certain escapes and friends to help you past certain things;When its a girl or parents or something really stupid.My escape you ask? well I go play Basket Ball and maybe escape to my Hard drive and get lost for hours designing, building, playing, thinking, writing, Destroying, planning ,or fixing. Well Back to the movies. Movies can be very unrealistic or Very realistic.It culd mean something you and only you understand or sum1 might and you not.Different little tales of tragedy or comedy, sadness or happiness, action or adventure or both, may tell us how to handle our problems or they might not say shit to you,which is fine becuz most movies don't but the movies that do really are worth it.Whut do you think? Movies present feelings of all kinds and toy with yer imagination.Imagination,you probably haven't heard of that word since 1st grade but we will always have some spark of imagination in us to make us wonder,to make us scared,to make us believe.All of our hopes and dreams,are imagination made for us but as you grow old u grow apart from yer dreams and yer hopes and you are lost in a world with nothing but files for the "Life SuX" folder.Childhood sucks maybe,but growing up sux so much worse.The change from middle school to high school and has just destroyed parts of me that I long for again that i can't retrieve but I keep and treasure wut i have left to take into the world of reality but Every day reality gets harder and harder and some people bury themself far away for from reality until they can face it and then they get a nice big 1 gigabyte file for "Life sux" folder.I try to bury myself away but Reality is to contain to for me.I seen stuff now and learned stuff and I keep learn and with this knowledge or experience I use to take on Reality and I learn all i can but No 1,no 1 can beat reality no matter how hard you try,sure you may think there's a easy way out known as suicide but still you just dumped yer problems on others and you lost to reality not beat it. Well Back to the movies again.Screw it the whole document ain't about movies is it? I don't know wut its about basicly life and my point of view on it.If you disagree thats yer opinion and this is mine. Life Sux,Blade ============================================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the follwing boards: (and get them all! =] || ============================================================================= || Under The Influence...........(ALM)OST-HERE.............World HQ....... || || Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. || || Exodus BBS....................(707)935-6867.............Distro Site.... || || Electric Rush (NuP)...........(707)257-7208.............Distro Site.... || ============================================================================= || Leave comments, death threats, ideas to vYrus/napavalley@nova.fred.org || ============================================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' || =============================================================================  .