============================================================================= || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || #29 by vrs || 11/08/94 || ============================================================================= A Pain In The Back ------------------ Can anyone guess what this particular issue is going to be about? Me and Sakima just recently fucked up both of our backs, and I can say it sure as hell ain't no picnic. I can hardly move, and you should see him try to walk. Hehe. It's kind of a bustup, but if you saw how we both got messed, you'd quit laughing. I was playing football with Power Rat, Rerun, Vect0r 0, and about 12 other people who are not members of the BBS community, and this one dude, a friend of Paco's (Rerun's brother) took me down HARD. I landed on my hip. I think I must have hit a rock or something cuz I heard a really loud crack. Or something like that. A few plays later, I was taken down again. Matt (the guy who nailed me) was running towards me in order to tackle. Ow. I got hit so badly that I got my spine bent so far over to the side, and I couldn't walk forever, so now RatBoy thinks it's funny to call me 'Crutches'. Augh. From what I heard, Sakima fucked his up by participating in wrestling. And who says that school sports are safe? Not me! I hear he was trying to nail a guy and take him down, when his opponent took his down backwards and he landed on his head. Completely compressed his spine, I suppose. So he's out of it for three weeks (two now) and i'm out of it for maybe 3 or four days to a week. I'm not that badly hurt, but I have a helluva tyme trying to get up in the morning. Speaking of injuries.. i'm gonna tell a little story that i'm sure a lot of you will laugh at. It takes place in fourth grade, and I'm sure Stewart knows immediatly what i'm talking about. =] I was late for school, and it was 'library day', meaning that all library books could only be checked out and returned on that day. I remember it was a Thursday, too. So here I am, closing the garage door, and I forgot my book in the house. Whoops. So I run back in to get it, and it's just setting on the table next to the door leading to the garage. Well, the front door needs to be locked every damn day, so I had to run out of the garage before it slammed shut. And ours doesn't have the springback thing where when some- thing gets in the way, it goes back up. Nope. So I was running at the door, and naturally the stupidest thing I could have done I did. I tried sliding underneath it. Oh, bravo, right? Yeah. It hurts. The thing clamped down on my right leg so hard it felt like a m'f'in shark was chewing on me. And the door itself had also managed to snag my side. So I have a gash on my left side, dripping blood, while i'm screaming the shit outta myself trying to get someones attention. It took a half of a fucking hour before some bozo showed up and tried to get me out. So the fire department comes and pries up the door, and by this time, i'm only half consious. The rest is a little hazy, but I did have to use crutches for two days. Yay... Moral: Don't listen to me while i'm bored in class. -vrs ============================================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the follwing boards: (and get them all! =] || ============================================================================= || Under The Influence...........(ALM)OST-HERE.............World HQ....... || || Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. || || Exodus BBS....................(707)935-6867.............Distro Site.... || || Electric Rush (NuP)...........(707)257-7208.............Distro Site.... || ============================================================================= || Leave comments, death threats, ideas to vYrus/napavalley@nova.fred.org || ============================================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' || ============================================================================= .