=============================================================================== || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || # 34, by Stewart || 11/18/94 || =============================================================================== Parents Can Fuck Off 2 Hey all, though i'd give you taste of someone elses writing besides vYrus(not that it doesnt kick ass!) Anyway, me, vYrus, and four other chicks and some dude i just met had a bar b que at the neighborhood earlier today. Basically this is gonna be about how the kind of SHIT parents can give you. Ok here's the story: Ok, i ride homw from school, stop at Kaynar's house(you havent met him yet) and pick up a mike, and fuck up his computer. I get home and vYrus is fuckin with the bbs....so we play around with the board for a while...then Kaynar calls up and WHINES about how he wants me to fix his computer. so i binary split QEMM 7.5 and Desqview and put it on disk.As I'm copying, my mom says she wants me to go to church(which i HATE) and I just kinda go "yeah, ok mom, whatever" and tell her ill go with vYrus tonite. So vYrus and i ride off to Kaynars and drop off the disks. On the way we met up with these chicks we know and they invite us to thier BBQ so we say shure.....but we had to be back by six. WE end up running to Ranch Market for these chick THREE FUCKING TIMES because they forget to tell us what to pick up. So i start cooking the food after LIGHTING THE FIRE YESS!!! and then this girl named kelly grabs the marshmallows and hides the bag between her tits and syas that we cant have them. great. So we eat hot dogs that taste like lighter fluid while we get the marshmallows warmed up be kelly's tits, (which isnt half bad). vYrus hangs out with this chick all nite, shes pretty cool....and we have a pretty cool time. Then vYrus and i start playin in the fire. we poured about a quart of lighter fluid on the coals and whooosh. it was cool. So then its about time to leave after a nite of butt sqeezin(GIRLS, NAPALM and all the other faggots readin this) and vYrus and i piss the fire out. I never knew piss smelled SOOOO bad when burned. we walked home. Then my parents get home and vYrusm me, and some chick are at my house and my mom comes in and yells" I spent a half hour looking for you and YOU MISSED YOUTHGROUP!!!!" I think who gives a fuck. I didnt have to go in the first place. vYrus had planned to spend the night, but my mom was being such a bitch she took me in the back room and gave me a 10,000 questions about vYrus because SHE thinks hes all fucked up. "DOES HE SMOKE DOPE?" "DOES HE DRINK BOOZE" "ARE YYOU GUYS GONNA FIGHT WITH VIPER?" and i just wanna yell at the top of my lungs "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING BITCH." anyway, viper acts like a jerk to my mom, and then she changes her mind, then she says he can, and then he cant, bla bla bla. PARENTS SUCK. And then my dad yells at me, "IF YOU DONT DO YOUR DISHES IM TAKING AWAY YOUR COMPUTER" great. just what i need in my life. Anyway, if i seem like im acting like a jerk when you talk with me on Total Anarchy, sorry, i just got a lot of pressure on my life now. thank you for listening to me bitch. goodnite. ============================================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the follwing boards: (and get them all! =] || ============================================================================= || Under The Influence...........(ALM)OST-HERE.............World HQ....... || || Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. || || Exodus BBS....................(707)935-6867.............Distro Site.... || || Total Anarchy BBS.............(707)257-7208.............Distro Site.... || ============================================================================= || Leave comments, death threats, ideas, bitchings to stewart@community.net|| ============================================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' || ============================================================================= .