============================================================================= || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || #35 by vrs || 11/24/94 || ============================================================================= A Tribute to F.U.C.K. --------------------- I know when I started up this 'zine/textline/whatever, i neglected to mention my main influence. F.U.C.K. I had called up Narkotik Illusions and had heard much about FUCK, but i had only read two issues, and I only read those because I likes the topics. They were Acronyms and Sacnning Phun. I loved them. I know I may have said they were too serious, but Scanning Phun was my kind of shit. And I wanted to write, too. But what I DIDN'T want was to be rejected. And I didn't want to have to call LD anymore for the latest updates. So to be on the safe side, I created TYME with Sakima and S0l0mn. It's been through a lot of changes, like it was originally only supposed to allow certain people to write, but now I gladly accept contributions. And all this because of FUCK. Disorder is a great guy, I enjoy speaking with him on Wulf's Den, and Jericho is cool also. (They also appear to use the same account??) They both 'work' for FUCK, and they do a damned good job at it, too. I commend them on a job well done. And congrats to you guys for making it to #100. Keep 'em rollin out. Before starting up with Sakima and the others, I had read every FUCK file produced. And at that time, the most recent was #88 - The Man. And about 4 or five I skipped, because some of it just wasn't appealing. But overall, the group is great, and I encourage everyone to read it. When I got into that little flame war, i didn't stop to think how much F.U.C.K. HAD done for me. They had shaped my whole idea for TYME, and they helped me get started, and they provided ideas. But i will hereby state that i have NEVER copied a FUCK file and released it as my own. I may write about the same subject, but the writing is entirely my own and in no way copied from FUCK. I respect them too much to sink that low. When I say they helped me get started, i don't mean direct contact with one of the guys there, but they helped by inspiring me and pushing me in the direction i wanted to head towards the whole time. The headers and footers may appear to look like FUCK's, but they're not intended to look like them at ALL. FUCK has a repeating -=-=-= pattern, whereas we are only =====. We have the 'drab' style. =] Disorder accused me of many of the thing i am writing about here,and most of this text is to clear up any confusion between the two. And so I finish. I apologize for making this so short, but it IS Thanks- giving, and i am ravenous. Later all. Greets and Thanks : All the usuals in 7o7, plus Blade this time, and thanks to Disorder for convincing me to pay my respects to FUCK. -vrs ============================================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the follwing boards: (and get them all! =] || ============================================================================= || Under The Influence...........(ALM)OST-HERE.............World HQ....... || || Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. || || Exodus BBS....................(707)935-6867.............Distro Site.... || || Total Anarchy BBS.............(707)257-7208.............Distro Site.... || ============================================================================= || Leave comments, death threats, ideas, bitchings to vYrus@community.net || ============================================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' || ============================================================================= .