============================================================================= || T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand | #39 by vrs | Fri the 13th '95 || ============================================================================= Water Water Everywhere... ------------------------- And not a drop to drink... christ, we were flooded bigshit the last couple days, as everyone who lives around here with eyes and a brain knows, but let me tell you a bit about what i found out from other ppl that has happened to them... All schools were closed for two days, making many people very happy. The schools reopened on a Wednesday, to the dismay of all the students, but from what i hear, Crusher Creek (the Vintage High School creek) was still a little higher then it should have been. My school, Temescal, was drenched as well, since this school is quite the literal mudhole, and i also hear that Napa high is soaked to hell too. Many stores were closed as well.... Whoa! It's starting to pour! Awesome! I hope it floods again.. like, no more school for awhile again... =] Anyway, a lot of the store were closed. I went into one the day after the flood was over, and it was pitiful. There was an inch or two of water, plus a nice thick layer of mud underneath. I waited around while they use a vacuum and a pump to suck out the water and a little mud, and it took them three days to remove all the mud, i heard.. the sandbags apparently didn't help either, because they had all fallen apart and all the sand was gone from them. My street wasn't much better. At the highest point, i was up to my knees just standing in the middle of the street! My little sister just recently had surgery, but she was out there wading around too. And yet she can't get up to get herself a fucking glass of water... bitch. Anyhow, me and Nekrosyne (formerly Sakima) were busy helping out the neighbors and shit. We dragged garbage cans up to their owners porch before they floated away, and we knocked on doors to get people to move their cars out of the street before they drowned. One car, where the people weren't home, had about three inches of water in the bottom of it before the owner came and moved it. The toughest part was when this chicks VW stalled in the middle of the lake in our street. So we pushed her car UP a driveway, and let her in my house and let her call her parents. She got home okay, but the people whose driveway we pushed it up thought us all overreacting assholes because of the fact that two doors down from them, a guy had evacuated, and me and my next door neighbor had put up tarps in front of the garage door so the water wouldn't go under. It would, too. Some retarded jerk would drive through the two foot deep lake doing maybe 20 or 25, and the backwash would totally flood everyone. The car with all the water in it had the seats ruined cuz the level would water in it would surge upward when some tard drove by and pushed water in front and behind them. And the backwash also knocked over three little kids at one point, and they went home with colds, and it ALSO ran all the way up my driveway, into the tarp protecting the garage, and up onto my front porch.. damn them. At least eight or nine people pulled this little stunt that first night, and it was NOT fun.. Of course, staying up until three AM, me and Nekrosyne were fukkin around on the net, i was showing him around, how to get what you want, etc, and the rain had stopped for a long time, and all of a sudden, FWOOSH, it came down in SHEETS, and sheets, and sheets... it was complete hell. We would go outside every once in awhile just to hear my mom yell "GET YOUR ASS BACK IN BED!" everytime we opened the front door. But it was coming down really bad, and when we were outside, admiring the new flash flood that was here, i had to relieve myself... good thing the water all went down the storm drains before anyone woke up the next morning to drive to work in the lake.. Hehe.. Welp.. it's still raining a little bit, and the flow outside quit for a little bit, so we're waiting... there's supposed to be some flash floods and mudslides today, but it looks a little unlikely from where I am... welll.. you never know... Here's hoping for no school.... =] -vrs, Friday the 13th ============================================================================= || Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the follwing boards: (and get them all! =] || ============================================================================= || Under The Influence...........(ALM)OST-HERE.............World HQ....... || || Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. || || Exodus BBS....................(707)935-6867.............Distro Site.... || || corrupt.sekurity.com IS DOWN...so be patient while we find another site.|| ============================================================================= || Leave comments, death threats, ideas, bitchin to an164127@anon.penet.fi || ============================================================================= || 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' || ============================================================================= .