/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\ =| T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young MInds Expand | #49 by Penguin | 4/29/95 |= \=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/ Interview with the Editor \=---------------------=/ IRC log started Thu Jun 15 23:49 *** Pinguino (Joyce@hilife.cts.com) has joined channel #haze hawr rawr This is an interview very observant. =] everything you say can and will be used against you no problem. what is the name you go by? my real name or my nick? the name people would call you if they called you on the phone billy joe bob the buttlover. no.. seriously.. Give your adoring audience your ansi scene history i used to do warez when i first got on the net, and then i missed out on a few days, and i came back and everyone was being assholes, so i started hangong out in #ansi... i was in nimbus as a lit writer for a little while until they died, then i just kind of bopped around, and set up confs for people, and so acid invited me in as telecom. cool.. afterthat, a bunch of groups invited me. but i stuck with acid. for some stupid reason. =] what do you think of people who fall asleep on the phone and snore? i think they should be dragged awake and shot. hehe liar what? seriously. :P ok what would you do if someone served you a disk of spam and green eggs? a disk? i would pop it in the disk drive and attempt to play it. disk=dish ah. im tired can ya tell? i would revel in the spam, let it melt along my tongue, and shove the eggs up my left nostril, and dance around my living room singing jhnny b. goode. hehe you're outta school. what are you going to do next with your life? sleep for a really long time. then i'm gonna go to the junior college ad take computer science courses. and get a job, and move out. same here. =) What's your life dream if you could do/be/have anything you want? What kind of job? do: start my own company, makes lots of money, and never worry about anything ever again. be: a millionaire have: you. any kind of job. i should be doing stuff with a local cpu store called PC Solutions are you allowed to flirt with the interviewer? does the interviewer permit me to? you're the editor. Editors are gods. they do what they want. they have the blue pen. rawr. i'm keeping this intact and letting YOU edit it. i just realse the damn things. =] does the ansi scene influence your career goals in any way, shape, or form? it gives me a distraction when i'm mad at life. why do you have a capitalized Y in your nick all the time? other then that, ansi people introduced me to confs, which introduced me to fones.. and so forth. for emphasis. and because my ex told me it looked like a dick and it annoyed her. =] hehe what were you doing july 10, 1983? sucking my thumb and watching sesme street. heheeh how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? i don't know. ask mister owl. Do you think you were a dog in your former life? actually, i thin ki was elvis. but i never proved that, so the theory went down the drain. are you very good at singing elvis songs? do you annoy people that way? i can sing elvis in a moderate way, but anything wildy oustanding. and i have never tried to annoy people iwh tit.. do you think your other songs, like the warez wheels on the bus one, annoy people? hey, that warez on the bus song is MINE. and that was also the sole reason they were created.. to annoy people. hehe is moshing a sport? of course. but FINGER PAINTING.. now THATS a sport. shoudl you have to get a blue athletic card at school for finger painting, since you need one for academic league? whats that mean? should you get a physical before you're allowed to fingerpaint? next question * vYrus missed his physical for the fingerpainting course. uhh.. why do you like playing questions with Penguin? because we have to struggle to think up new questions, and that's the only excersize my brains gets at night. How many brain cell (s) do you have? not enough. do you have an ego? a what? What do you think of op wars (remider: you participate) i never do any actual opping or deopping, i just like to play with the channel topic Describe the dream ansi you would like to see someone create *** vYrus has changed the topic on channel #haze to [vYrus] Just the two of us [Penguin] =) very nice example and elite one for my board. a big,gigantic 1000 liner full of color, copied from an issue of penthouse. with my board name on it. hehe how long have you sysoped and which bbs is yours? well. my board in itself ain't up yet, i am having problems netogiating with my father, and the name is Under The Influence. or uTi.. other then that, i have sysop for many local board for ove1 1/2 years Are you in love with the pink power ranger? no way. yellow all the way. what kind of comic books do you read? not many. detonator, gargoyles, superman, backlash, xmnen, rogue, bishop what do you think of marvel's policies and how they're ruining the comic book scene for others? i don't follow up on that kind of stuff. i read fo fun. who's your favorite artist in the world, computer art or real cat and schitzosynth for vga What do you think of trndy music? like greenday, nirvana, offspring define "trendy". stuff eveyone else idolizes and plays out to the extreme, and likes becaseu everyone else does trendy music is only the albums that have been beaten to death. there are other albums that "trendy" groups release that peopl ehaven't even heard. cool. ok since Im tired we'll wrap up this interview with one question... what is the question to the answer of the life, univer, and everything? forty-two. univer=universe thanks for the interview, it was fun, and hopefully entertaining for your loyal fans and rock carrying enemies. any greets you have can be inserted here: greets? uh huh non.e k bye.. *** Signoff: Pinguino (Connection reset by peer) IRC log ended Fri Jun 16 00:26 /=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\ =/ Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the following boards or sites : \= \=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=/ => Under the Influence...........[ALM]OST/HERE.............World HQ......<= /= I Forgot!.....................[215]544/8001.............Eastern HQ....=\ => Total Anarchy.................[707]226/8324.............Western HQ....<= \= Realm of Chaos................[303]770/1470.............303 Distro....=/ => ftp.netcom.com................/pub/ne/ned/tyme........................<= /= ftp.fc.net..................../pub/deadkat/misc/TYME..................=\ =>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<= \= Leave comments, submittings, ideas, complaints to vYrus@community.net =/ =>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<= /= 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' =\ =\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= .