/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\ =| T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young MInds Expand | #52 by vYrus | 6/21/95 |= \=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/ Ponderings \=------=/ As I am sitting here on an ACiD conference, recovering from a bad case of burnout, my mind is wandering off to the little place i retreat to when i am too badly stoned. In fact, i am having problems typing this t-file right now. One thing i was thinking about was a really nasty joke someone played on me on irc today.. There is this chick down in San Diego whose nick is Penguin, and me and her seemed to hit it off pretty damn well. Everytime i have a method, i call her. Boom. No problem. Today, on irc, this dude named Crisis msgs me and says "Penguin was great last night" and he just went on and on about all this shit. About how he and Penguin were now together. (btw, i can swear to god i can taste pot in the back of my throat.) Scared the crap out of me. Normally, i wouldn't give much of a shit, but i kind of have fallen for Penguin. Which might be dumb of me, which might not be. I dunno. But when Crisis started talking the way he was, i found myself getting pretty fucking upset. ANYWAY... enough of that... i hate my father. He is a hypocrite and he is incredibly opinionated. Reminds me just a little bit of Soultaker and/or RaD_Man of ACiD... (JUST KIDDING%@^&!*).. Penguin sent me a picture, and he fucking picked it up and started making smartass comments. None of which i can remember, being stoned and all, but i do know that i got particularly mad about something at him. The internet sucks! Nobody get an internet acct. It's lame. It's worth- less. Nobody needs to desperatly get on the 'net. The only reasons i can think of is possibly to use the World Wide Web. Or ftp. Or some shit. But I would definatly tell you to stay the fuck off IRC. It's worthless. The ansi scene sucks, the aYCHpEE scene sucks, the warez scene sucks. These are the more popular of the "scenes" and i would definatly say they all really suck dick. Mind Wanderings: Why am i here... why am i here to put up with shit from people, and why do i let them? Doesn't seem to fair to me. But hey, as everyone and anyone is gonna tell me, "LIFE AIN'T FAIR". Yeah, well, fuck you very much. I don't give a fuck. I'm rambling right now, and the music on the radio sucks, and these fools on the conf are babbling about local BBS's... local to THEM, kindly. Well. I know all you locals are going to laugh at me, but i quit ACiD. Muhahahhaa@#$!! Fuck me. I never made a deal of it, and this is exactly why i didn't. I knew it would come to an end. OH! Let me tell you about a wonderful little call i get from "that founder guy". (coughcough) I am stoned. (This has become a daily thing, almost. woo.) I am leaving to go light some more. The phone rings. On it, are rM, Sinned Soul, and Soultaker. A few things i remember are rM giving me some nice threat. "Hey, are you handicapped?" "No... why?" "Would you like to be?" At this, i frowned. rM is not normally a dick. But hell. Out of line. Big fucking deal... i dunna care. It overwith now. And all of you who read TYME, inform any ld board that i am on and you are on that i have quit. I still call some boards and see some variation of "ACiD, 707, t3l3c0m d00d" etc. as my user note. Music... what baout music... let me tell you about music. I have recently started taking an intrest in industrial or techno-style. Loud, digitized, synth shit. I love that shit. Nine Inch Nails is also a favorite of mine. Trent sings elite shit. Well, Soultaker has gone to bed, leaving his phone off the hook, and Penguin and I are the only ones left on the conf, so i suppose that i will talk to her for a little bit. Lates.. (btw, if you wonder why TYME doesn't release as often as we did, it's because i am paying an extraneous amount of attention to Penguin. =] ) -vYrus /=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\ => Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the following boards or sites : <= \=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=/ => Under the Influence.........[ALM]OST/HERE..............World HQ...... <= /= Total Anarchy...............[707]257/7208..............707 Distro.... =\ => Realm of Chaos..............[303]774/1470..............303 Distro.... <= \= The Abortion Clinic.........[334]607/0178..............334 Distro.... =/ => Black SunShine..............[513]891/4635..............513 Distro.... <= /= ftp.netcom.com............../pub/ne/ned/tyme......................... =\ => ftp.fc.net................../pub/deadkat/misc/TYME................... <= \=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=/ => Leave comments, submittings, ideas, complaints to vyrus@community.net <= /= TYME Home Page..................http://community.net/~vyrus/tyme.html =\ => ......or finger vyrus@community.net to read the latest release...... <= \=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=/ => 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' <= \=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=/=\=/=\ .