An Ultra Beginning File #1 06-March-1991 |||||| |||||| |||||||| || || || || || || || || || || || |||||| ||||| |||||||||| || || || || || || || || || || || || ||||| || || |||||||| |||||| || || || |||||| |||||| Underground Legion of Terroristic Research Activists Sinister X --- Agent Cyclone --- Drug Lord Reasons for forming our own text file group were many. There seems to be a few groups already out there who are just rehashing old stuff, or just typing in chapters from some old dusty manual they found in a trashcan. Nothing that is shocking or original. We have formed ULTRA to break this chain and bring something new along. Our files will be different, outrageous, sick, evil, and just about everything else you could think of. Ultra will not have any set format or speciality. We will voice our own opinions and how we feel, they will not even reflect what the other group members personal opinions are. Hell we might even offend you. Ultra will not hold to any release date nor will we have any special hangout to call our headquarters. If you want our stuff bad enough you will find it. Ultra plans on bringing you original text files on various subjects. We want to tell it like it really is. Ultra will have the law enforcement agencies faxing urgent bulletins across the states. We will bring you the most dangerous, the most fantastic, the most controversial, and some of the evilist stories you have ever laid eyes upon. .