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The reason why they are put on the door knobs of houses is so that the real estate agents don't have to get the key in in order to show the house. All the agent has to do is open the box up, get the key out, and open the door for their client. All real estate agents have a key that opens the E-Z-N box. Notice the initials of the lock and of course you should be able to figure out the meaning of it. If a house has an E-Z-N box, that means THE HOUSE IS VACANT! The owner usually gets transferred, or moves into another house, so they take their belongings with them, and move on along. With this information you can do several things. If the house is far away from neighbors, you could always try to break open the box, but I think that it would be a stupid idea because the boxes (locks) are cast iron, and it would take you a hell of a long time to get them open. Since the house is vacant, you can go in through the back. Check all of the doors around the back of the house, and also check the windows to see whether or not they are locked. I have found that many real estate agents forget about locking the doors back, etc. This way you won't have to break a window, draw suspicion, and get the neighbors over there. Just play it smart and don't throw a big rock at it from far away and make the fucking thing make a loud crash. Once you are inside the house, check all of the closets, drawers, etc. Even though the owner has moved, he often times leaves some shit behind to come back for later. He also doesn't have to worry about getting his stuff stolen because the agent is supposed to be with the client at all times. Hell, most stoves, refrigerators, and other shit stays as well, so if you feel brave enough to lug it out the back door, then more power to ya. This is also a great place to party with some of your friends. Once you are inside, you can unlock a certain bedroom window, so you can keep coming back. They won't think to check all of the windows in the house. I don't advise you coming back if you break out the window, because people and neighbors will be watching closer. Of course the night that you break in would be an excellent time to fuck your babe, or just rape a bitch off the street. Needless to say, this should be done at night. If you attempt this during the day, then you are just a plain dumb fuck. The later at night, the better. If you go around 10:00 pm or so, then there is still a chance that the real estate agent could show the house therefore causing you some major shit. This is especially true on the weekends because that is the time when most people go out looking for houses. So go late at night during the week. That's my suggestion. *-* HOW TO FIND A HOUSE WITH AN E-Z-N BOX *-* There are two ways of finding one. The first way is to drive around to houses that are forsale, and just drive buy and look at the front door knob. Look for the large gold box hanging from it. Then, you will know if the house is vacant. Also, on the FOR SALE sign outside, at the top many agents put a small sign on top of it with just the letters 'E-Z-N' or just 'EZN'. Another way is to call up some real estate agents and tell them that you are an agent with 'Century 21' (they are a national company, that is why I chose that name) and tell them that you would like to know if their office has any houses on E-Z-N boxes because one of your clients is in and out of town constantly due to his job, and you need to be able to show the house at a moments notice. They will usually welcome the opportunity to help you, because they are on commission, and it would be to their advantage to get the house sold. Try this with all the real estate companies you can locally. Most companies will have branch offices, so be sure to call the branches as well. *-* OTHER WAYS OF GETTING IN *-* After finding a house with an E-Z-N box, you could call up the agent and ask to see it. Then when you are looking around, simply unlock a window when the agent isn't looking. Then you come back later that night and open it up to get in. And last, but not least, if you have big balls and think that you are sly, you could try to steal the E-Z-N key from the real estate agent. It is NOT flat. The part that you stick into the lock is a cylinder. Look at an E-Z-N box and you will see what I am talking about. If you try this method, please e-mail me and let me know. That would be a really good laugh. I do believe the first ways are the easiest. Well, this concludes another ULTRA file. See, this isn't just a bunch of bullshit that anyone can think of. It is something that most people don't know about, therefore I have done my service to you by informing you of E-Z-N boxes. No other group can kick ass like us. Later on. Drug Lord U L T R A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope you liked this file. School can't teach a kid stuff like this. The reason is because they aren't evil fuck heads. Well, until next time, rape a bitch, bash a fag, and shoot a fucking pig for me too. Fuck them all! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS FILE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THE AUTHOR OF THIS FILE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACTION TAKEN BY THE READER. IF THE READER IS FUCKING STUPID ENOUGH TO GET CAUGHT, THEN HE DESERVES EVERYTHING COMING TO HIM. AND THE BEST PART OF ALL OF THIS IS, THESE FILES ARE LEGAL. UNDER THE FIRST AMENDMENT, THERE IS THE CLAUSE THAT SAYS THAT WE CAN EXPRESS OURSELVES ANY WAY WE WANT AS LONG AS WE ARE NOT A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. OUR ATTORNEY SAID THAT THESE FILES ARE PERFECTLY LEGAL, THEREFORE WE WILL PUMP THEM OUT FOR YOU. EVIL RULES, YOU HAVE TO REALIZE THAT BY NOW. PHUCK THE WORLD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULTRA can be found at the following locations: Hall of Injustice (502) 241-9304 WWIVnet @5210 Blitzkrieg (502) 499-8933 WWIVnet @5211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .