uSu - united States underground By:Cyberglitch Basics for Hacking 800#'s (Hey you, yeah you, your Disclaimer HERE!) Hacking 800#'s can be pretty dangerous, since well most 800#'s have ANI, and well your # appears at the 800# you're using. Well listen up dude, if you don't wanna get caught hacking an 800# then read up. Ok first thing you need definately when hacking an 800# is a Laptop(no not VGA Color and shit, a plain simple old Monochrome monitor with a 9600 or 14.4 will do, and yes a terminal program would be helpful). Next you'll need someone's line you can use so if you're getting into something big then fucker who owns the line will take the heat for you. Go to a poll or better yet find the main box in your town and tap into a line, using an unused one isn't a bad idea but that'll raise suspicion that someone's playing around with MA BELL's phone boxes. Anyways get you Laptop already with your modem and some phone cord with aligator clips and all, bringing a handset along is also helpful but not totally nessary. First choose a line i don't care how you do it just eni-meni- mini-moe for all's i care. Then find out the # by dialing 958 for NJ, i'm not sure what it is for other states but knowing the BELL standard it's probally the same. Once you find out the line number call up your freinds at CN/A and find out who owns the line their name is all you really need, an address would be helpful if you wanna make them look bad by carding shit to their house in big orders to get the FEDs all fired up. Or use the info you obtain for phreaking purposes, or go as far as blackmail the person(once you find something juciy on them) not to use their phone line at certain times(tho i highly recommend against this since it'll get them suspicous as to what you're doing, just tell them something like don't ever use your phone line ever. The only purpose for this is so if you hack a PBX or Extender you won't have someone pickup the phone while your DL'ing or UL'ing something. Next once you're all set make sure no one know's where your spot is, put tape or something that'll warn you(if moved) that some one else was there, once you know that someone was at your spot find another one, this way les chances of being caught for a while, you might wanna lay low for a copuple of days or a week to keep suspision down. Ok now scan for some interesting number's(read USU-002.TXT for scanning tips, or use a war-dialer). Ok once you find some interesting numbers remember the following 1) After all the work you've gone through to get a secure line and spot, don't let some ashole you call say i'm going to hunt you down then move your spot, nononono that's a waste, only if you're one of those people who want's to play it super safe. If you reach some phone company executive find another spot, otherwise your ass will probally be nailed really quick since they'll get pissed and they know(and have a staff) that know's the phone system better than you do. 2) If you get someone on the line voice(whether it be one of those 800#'s owned by someone) allways act cool, don't say something stupid like "Heh heh don't mind me i'm just prank calling". Doing something like that only spells getting caught fast! 3) If you get a carrier signal use your laptop on the next call. See if you can connect to it, if you do and it's a UNIX or VAX or hell even a PBX then write that number down! Allways make sure you write it down on your computer never or paper, mostly because of fingerprints, and that you can format you HD faster than you can tear up paper. 4) Once you find a VAX/UNIX or PBX spend some time hacking it in sessions of random times, don't do it like everday at 8:00pm that'll get you caught to. Listen dude you got'ta play the game safe. Being random is the way to go, hell make several hack attempts at servals VAX/UNIX or PBX #'s you've found. 5) Allways remember once you've succesfully hacked a PBX only tell the people you can absolutely trust, people who don't crack under the heat of a FED or a Cop. Or better yet don't tell anyone else at all. The only advantage to letting more than yourself know about a VAX/UNIX/or PBX # is so they may also use it to, to keep the people who own the 800# guessing who's trying to hack it. Hopefully this is what will happen, you and the people you trust to use it will get a couple days, maybe weeks of couriering in and then the people who own the 800# will just simply take it down because they have no idea who exactly hacking their number, and thus no one get's the FEDs or Cops on their ass. Look out for more shit from uSu in the near future, Cya, .