Disclaimer: United States Underground will have no responsibility on the actions of the readers of uSu. In no way is uSu to be in fault as a result of any actions, directly or indirectly relating to this textfile. If you cannot do this, do not read this. This file is for information purposes only. Hacking Any Chumps Password to a BBS. Courtesy of: ThE aNaRcHiSt Many people think computer hacking has to do with hacking software. Well, that's what I thought until I was introduced to this. Any chump on a huge board such Compuserve or Synergy is unaware of computer hackers so they will do anything that the screen says. Another thing is with local, non-pay HUGE boards with 600+ users, the Sysops lose track of who's on the system and you can put in your name as anything. I have one account in a local board where my first name is Betty, last name Humpter. Be careful when using this though, because some are sharper than you think, especially when you're talking to a Co or Sys! 1. Make a textfile called PWORD1. This file should contain this: SYSTEM VERIFICATION ERROR Enter Handle: Enter Password: After you have typed that out save it in ASCII format. Next make another textfile called PWORD2. This file should contain this: Verified! Save it in ASCII format and in the same directory as PWORD1. 2. Go into your terminal program and record a macro that contains uploading PWORD1 ASCII. Make another that contains uploading PWORD2 ASCII. 3. Logon as new on a huge board and sweet-talk the sysop and compliment the board. This should get you quick access. When you have access, pull some chump into chat. Strike up a conversation with him like "How do you like this board" and "Do you think it needs any improvements?" This way the loozer who is chatting with you thinks you're some kind of co-sysop or something. After about 4 minutes of bullshitting execute the first macro. The user will probably get confused and ask you questions. If he does do the macro again. First, you answer it and put in you handle and password like so: Warlord ******** This will make the loozer think that you have hidden characters when you enter the password and he will do it too. After you get his password execute the second macro which states that he is "Verified!" Just talk to him about that and say you have to go and you'll talk to him later. He'll probably leave a note to the sysop about it, but tell him that you'll notify the sysop of this problem and its like taking candy from a baby! Have Fun!!!! ThE aNaRcHiSt .