uSu - united States underground By:Cyberglitch Fun with Pineapples Ok for those of you who do not know what Pineapples are, and no they are not fruit. Pineapples are 1/4 a stick of dynomite. Which is enough power to rip off your arm depending on how fresh the firework is. Pineapples can be used for many upon many of things. and they will and allways will be around for a long time to come. Ok now let's get on to "Fun with Pineapples", please note i do not take any responiblity if you blow your hand or arm off doing some of this stuff. Please make sure you were gloves that will not leave any fingerprints who know's what might happen. And make sure you do this at night time!!! Uses: 1) Take one pineapple, and a piece of masking tape. Tape pineapple onto target window. putting on an extened fuse is optional. Light, get the fuck away as quick as possible! Watch that window get a big old hole through it. 2) This one requires someone who can light a fuse, drop it into something, and run really fucking fast! What you do is, open a cover to a gas tank on a car, light one pineapple, drop in quickly! Then run like all fucking hell. If you're lucky and did it right, you'll see a nice big ass explosion. 3) I'm pretty sure you've heard of flushing M-80's down the toliet(i believe they are 1/16th of a stick of dynomite, not exactly sure), well the same is true with pineapples, since well they also have fuses that burn underwater, basically when you light a pineapple, get as far away as possible! So here's what you do flush the toliet light the pineapple and drop in, then GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE! 4) Play pineapple wars with teams, though this is not suggested to do AT ALL! 5) Find a fresh road kill, where some gloves, stick one pineapple in victim road kill's mouth or under body, light, and watch that sucker come back to life for a breif second to two! 6) Depending on how fresh your pineapples are, a fresh pineapple is strong enough to blow throught about i guess about 1/4" steel, basically if you lit one and put it in a locker, you'd probally see metal from the locker fly everywhere! 7) Putting a pineapple into someone's tail pipe could be quite amusing, since after it blows the person who owns the car, will probally have one huge tailpipe, if any at all! 8) Lighting pineapples and throwing them on door steps are also fun, since you could just chuck them out a car window and get away really quick. 9) Take one pineapple, one glass bottle full of gasoline(or some other flammable fluid), tape pineapple onto side, strongly suggested to use a nice long extended fuse, paper towel, cigarrette whatever. Light, get the fuck away. And watch you little napalm blowup all over the place 10) Like 9, but you can throw these suckers if you got enough gut's too! 11) Find a victim's car, take 4 pineapples and tape together in a 2 by 2 fashion, NICE LONG EXTENDED FUSE IS A MUST!!! Place under near gas tank of victim's car, light, and get the fuck out of there. Depending on how fresh those pineapples are, it should blowup the car, because the pineapples in a combination like that would tear through the gas tank, depending on how thick, but usually works. If not oh well, some poor schmucks underling part of his car will be severely fucked over! 12) Go fishing with them, yes fishing, light a pineapple and chuck into the water. If you don't have the crappy pineapples, the fuse will burn underwater, and blow up underneath the water, and anything near the blast. 13) If you're really sick, take a 32-chain pineapple, one pineapple after another taped together. Light one and then get the fuck away! 14) Toss into fires from buring houses, etc... 15) Place them inside a cannon as the means of making your projectile to move 16) This one is meant to seriously hurt someone, take one pineapple(or two depending on how much you hate someone), light it then chuck at vitcim. 17) Find fuse boxes, telephone boxes, heh why not vending machines, and explode a pineapple in one of those. 18) Get your hands on a 22oz Power Bottle Rocket(usually around $20 for 4), tape one pineapple onto the rocket, light rocket fuse, then light pineapple fuse, if all works well you'll have a double exploding rocket. 19) Do the same as #18, but aim the rocket at things ie... such as house, window's, etc.... 20) This one is meant to do damage to expensive equipment, ie... take one pineapple, light and chuck inside a computer, vending machine, etc... go over to a freinds house you hate, and do it to that brand new stereo you hate so much, either that steal that stereo(or whatever) then threaten your friend you hate that you'll blow him up with the pineapple if he sees you taking off with his stuff. Well that's all the fun i can think of at the moment, i'll probally expand on this subject, but probally with other fireworks and shit. Cya, .