uSu - united States underground By:Cyberglitch Why out government is such an oppressor (a guide to revolutionary ideas, and the such) Most people now a days are so afraid of the goverment now it's unbelievable. Since most people today are afraid to litter or something, tho keeping America and our world beatiful should be a must for most people, anyways the law has got everyone scared now a days. Everyone afraid to do anything even if it's not illegal. Such as... 1) Most high schools and public buildings have this hat rule where you can't wear hat's in a public, otherwise they get taken away. Their reason for this, "It's disrespectful", did you also know that if it's a hat for your favorite, by them making you take if off makes you disrespect the team that you like the most, by being afraid to wear it because it's gonna get taken away. Well i can understand if you wear them in class, but in the halls you should be allowed to wear them. Tell them fuck you if you're in the hall wearing a hat and they tell you to take it off. OR tell to rot in hell. Whichever 2) This is starting some what in my school, but you cannot wear belts with metal buckles or any metal coming from the belt at all, due the fact the someone beat someone else with it, what a bunch of bullshit, you might as well kick the shit out of the person you were gonna whip them with, 'cuz the school can't tell you not to bring your fists to school 3) This might start in my high school, that you cannot were bandanas. That's going to far, espeically for a scholl that doesn't have any real dress code. Their reason for why people shouldn'e wear them "Oh well they symbol gang activity". Well i say good for you. Because atleast a gang has people that believe in each other. Are you insane enough to believe in your school that just harrasses you for 18 years, 4, 8 12 years more if you go to college. 4) Police are arresting so many people for possesion of guns. Gee i've allways though there was an Amendmant that allows you to bear arms, gee i guess that was only supposed to be in America, oh wait, this is America. 5) Drug's being illegal to smoke or sell. Gee guess what can you imagine how much more money our government would be saving on legalizing daily amount of Drugs, instead of making them illegal to have at all becuase most of them are so addictive. Well how how nicotine, is a drug, in the sense, and it's so damm addictive, and kills so many people yearly from cancer or something else, is legal. That i don't get, and the companies are allowed to advertise cigarettes. That makes absolutely no sense. You know i'd bet alot more people would stop using drugs if they were legal, because it's not cool to smoke or do somethings that's not illegal. 6) Illegal to spread around pirated warez, HPAVCT files, Consoles??? I think not. Software companies probally purposely release their software to the so called pirate scene to get alpha/beta testing really quick, and not to mention free, get the reviews back from them. And some big Elite Pirate BBS goes down, and the sysop arrested for having those new Pirated games. That doesn't make sense at all. Software companies probally put thousands and thousands of Alpha and Beta testers out of work because of this. Well everyone knows the slogan "WHY PAY FOR SOMETHING WHEN YOU CAN GET IT FREE". That's why i hate almost every single MicroSoft product out there. Because when you have questions about it, you usally probally wind up calling MicroSoft and getting the number of the Real company that made it. 7) The UFO cover ups the government has. All my god, are you gonna try and tell me that UFO's don't exist even though well over a couple million people say they have either seen or encounted them? That just doesn't make sure. Besides who you gonna believe a totally corrupt government that lies, steals and cheats people more then you probally are, or the public opion about the matter. 8) People who try and keep you down in the business world, or almost any other scene(whichever comes to mind). Speak up god'dammit already, people have the fucking right to speak their mind anyways. Don't let some asshole takes the words out of your mouth, especially if they are all false and untrue. Stomp on those people, let them hear your roar don't be oppressed. Yes even i got'ta stop being oppressed a bit. 9) What's wrong with paying taxes. I'll tell you, as soon as you send your hard earned money to the government. Guess what they're gonna do with it. Spend more than you give them or useless or things you'll never even get to use anyhow. Because if the government were truly smart and could manage to keep the county out of a such a big national debt, then i'd be happy. But in my lifetime they'll probally never be able to pay it off. 10) Ever been curious about where most of the debt is coming from, welfare mothers, who bullshit and lie to our government, that of the 9 kids that don't exist and leach off of the government for support, when they're perfectly healthy to get off their lazy ass and work, and hire a babysitter to watch their children. 11) Also our country would be a hell of a lot better of if we had lower taxes because then the private sector could spend more money on you, or in expanding their company, thus creating more jobs, thus having less welfare people, people who leach off of disability checks. If there were the jobs availble they would be a hell of a lot less people living on the street. Ok well i got'ta get going, got more plans and articles ti write in future, and remember, these articles are for you reading pleasure, whether you actually do some of the stuff in these articles is up to you. But if you do decide to be careful and have fun dammit! .