uSu - united States underground By:Steelflight How to make Napalm with a Varierty of variations þIngrediantsþ Gasoline Styrofoam A container that'll hold gasoline that you don't mind ruining Electric tape þVariation Ingrediantsþ 1 magniesium Highway flare Class C Model Rocket engines Fertilizer (the solid kind, with nitrates (it'll say on the back what percentage of nitrates, the higher the better) Cigerate or other fuse þThe basic recipeþ Napalm is on of the easiest explosives to make. All you need is to get a certain amount of gasoline, say 1/4 cup. Empty this into a container. Then place in styrofoam, chunks at a time. The gasoline will eat the styrofoam. Be sure to have a lot of styrofoam, since the ratio of Styrofoam to gas is somewhere from 15:1 to 20:1. After you are done, and the gas won't eat anymore, stir it with a stick or something. It should be a thick paste. Now from here you can go two ways. You can either go for the easy, thick slow burning napalm, or for the hotter burning, more explosive napalm. þThe thick slow burning napalmþ Leave the recipe exactly the same as up top. This will burn slowly for a long time. The initial explosion is not that large. Place the napalm from the container into a Glade Ziplock bag, and zip shut. Make sure their is very little to no air in the bag when it is zipped shut. Roll the top of the bag down until it meets the napalm inside so their is no loose bag hanging over, and tape over with electric tape. Now take a cigerette and cut off the filter. Cut a small hole in the bag and put the cigerette in it. Place on victims car or in mailbox (or whatever) and light. Run quick, the cigerette will light the napalm quicker then you think. þThe hotter burning, more explosive napalmþ Start with the basic recipe given above. Once it is the thick tendency, and +50% more gas, and stir well. This should make it soup-like blend. þþþ Variant number 1 Take a 1/2 - 3/4 cup of Dry fertilizer (the ortho stuff, not manure) Grind down the pebbles into a very fine powder. Add it to the soupy-napalm. Mix well. Go read the section on the fuse now. þþþ Variant number 2 Use this for the most explosive, hot fire. Grab a flare out of yer parents trunk. Very Very Carefully, cut it open and empty the contents into a bowl. I cannot stress enough how carefully to do this. Empty the contents into the mix, and stir. Now read the section entitled "the Fuse" þþþ Variant number 3 Use both variants 1 and 2, so you have fertilizer and a flare in the explosion. In case yer not good with chemicals, this means you will have sufficent amount of both Nitrates (they go bang) and magniesium (the produce the hottest fires you can imagine. You can melt metal easily over a magniesium flame) and gasoline (which if you don't know what happens, you shouldn't be reading this). In other words, this'll produce a large explosion and stay lit for a long time with a extremely hot flame. Now the fuse. þThe Fuseþ First, place contents into a Ziplock bag, and zip shut with little to no air inside. Roll the top of the bag down and when their is almost no more space inside (not too tight), tape the rolled part of the bag down with electric tape. As you can imagine, you don't want to be near this when it goes off. The best way i've found to light something like this is go to a toy store, and buy one of those model rocket engine packs (the ones with 3 engines, ignitors, and stoppers.) They'll cost about $4.00. Now cut a hole in the middle of the bag. Place the rocket engine in, with the part with the hole sticking out. Insert the inginitor into the engine (make sure the wires are not crossed) and put the stopped in to prevent the ignitor from coming out. Get a long wire and a 6-9 volt battery. Fray the ends of both wires. (make sure the wire has two different ends. If you can get something with small alligator clips that's good too (just don't expect to ever use it again) Attach each end to the ends of the ignitor. Back up, and touch the ends to the battery. The bomb should smoke for about 6 seconds, then their will be a 4 second pause, then it'll explode. (The 6 seconds is the rocket engine burning, the 4 second delay is the delay between the stop of the engine and the ejection charge. The ejection charge is what lights the napalm. In rockets it is what shoots the top off. þLast wordsþ The fuse described is the one I use. You may or may not be as familiar with rocket engines as i am. They work wonders as fuses, if you know how to use them right. The fuse can be substituted by anything that will light gasoline (which is almost anything), and you are good at using. Some people twist paper towel into the best fuses, i can't, but some people can, and do. Just make sure you aren't too close to it. I seriously do not recomment lighting this directly, unless you want to be on fire. The napalm with the extra ingrediants has flames that can jump out. If you light this on the hood of a car, it'll most likely burn a hole right through it. Try not to kill yerself. L8r. °±²ÛÝSteelflightÞÛ²±° uSu in '94! .