uSu - united States underground By:Cyberglitch Mischeif Night! Ok here are a couple of fun and cool things to do on mischeif night. I hope you enjoy these, 'cuz i'm going to be doing these all(well most of them :) )... 1) Ok what you'll need is the following M80's, some masking tape and some egg(yes fresh ones please!). Ok here's what you need to do it's very simple, tape a M80 to and egg with Masking tape then light and throw at victim's house. 2) Like #1, but tape a pineapple to the side to make sure it explodes for sure 3) Get an empty bottle with a cap(a must!). Take one leak into the bottle, cap it, then throw it throught someone's window and get the fuck out of there 4) Like #3, but this time tape a M80 to it. Light then chuck 5) Like #3(again), but this time tape a Pineapple to it to make sure it explodes. 6) Get an empty trash can, and some of your strong buddies, fill it up with water. Then look for a victim's house where the door open's inwards. Lean trashcan on door. Ring door bell and get the fuck out of there 7) Like #6, but in this i suggest to you that you and a couple of friends take a leak or a crap in it and then fill the rest with water, and then lean it on someone's door. 8) Toliet Paper houses, trees, windows, etc... 9) Like #8, but wears gloves when doin this one, leak into the toliet paper then throw at target you're going after. 10) Break as many streetlights as you can, just so people can't see you as well. 11) Let the air out of people's tires, and put road spikes or something underneath the tires to damage them more. 12) Ok here's a big tuff one(not!), requires either Pineapple or M80, Pineapple preferred 'cuz it has more force. Newspaper, and some horse shit or some other kind of shit that stinks. Make a cup out of the newspaper, and poke a little hole in the top of the cup and put the wick of the M80/Pineapple throw it, then put in the Shit. Flip up-side-down on victim's door- step. Ring door bell, light and get the fuck out of there. Heh ok well guy's use your imagination here, these are just some examples that i've done over the years. Cya, .