uSu - united States underground By:Cyberglitch Fun on Mischeif Night, Part 2 Ok, ok, i know, the first part wasn't that good, but this one has alot of new and fun ideas for you to do on Mischeif night as its approaching us very soon :). Ok well let's get started. M80 Eggs - You'll need M80's, Tape and Eggs(please buy them before Mischeif night, 'cuz they may not sell them to you on Mischief night, gee i wonder why :) ), What to do, ok Tape one M80 to one Egg. Then go to victim's house, light, then throw, if you do it right the Egg will explode all over the front of their house. That'll be a real bitch for them to clean up. Pineapple Gas Explosions - You'll need, Pineapple(s), Tape, Glass bottle, around 16 ounces is perfect, and some gasoline. What to do, ok fill the bottle with gasoline, and make sure you do not get any on your hands, and please make absolutely sure there is none on the side of the bottle, that could fuck you up big time. Ok when you are sure there is no gasoline on the outside of the bottle cap it TIGHTLY! I stress that importantly! If you don't, you could set yourself on fire, that's not what you wan't. Ok now with the Pineapple and the Tape, take the pineapple tape it to the side of the glass bottle. Then go to victims house, put on doorstep, light and run like shit. Or, ignite the fuse, and estimate how long it'll take your bottle to land, basically you don't wan't the bottle to break until the Pineapple explodes. 'Cuz when it does you'll have a nice ass explosion as well as a giant fire. For Sale - You'll need to steal someone's For Sale sign, usually one that's easy to pull out of the ground and easy to put into the ground What to do, well here's the fun part, pick anyone's house, that's right anyones house. Then what you do is put the For Sale sign into their lawn. That out'ta bring a whole bunch of unexpected guests to that persons house, wandering how much they are asking for the place. This can be fun, especially if it's a old persons house, where they are senial and all. Go Slashing on tire prices - You'll need a nice sharp knife, works even better with a knife that has teeth on it. What to do, well go slahing tire prices, yes you heard me, slash someone's tires, and you'll be slashing the cost of those tires. Hell if you have enough time and can move quick enough slash all 4 tires then get the fuck out of there. Trust me from experince tire slashing, when you puncture the tire, they are very loud, so you must be quick if you don't wanna get caught. Brick Chucking - You'll need a brick, yes a brick, make sure it's something fairly light that you can easily throw throw a window. What to do, ok well find the victim's house or car, For Houses - Do this really late at night, and before you throw the brick through their front window look for a good hiding spot where you can hide and won't be found if they come out looking for you, allways know a way to run into a park or some other spot where you can't be spotted, errr... caught. Then once you've done all then throw the brick then run like all hell into your hiding spot and or safe spot. For Cars - Ok do this at night also, this can be fun, 'cuz you can break more then one window if you bring two bricks, but don't go for the side windows, those are too easy and too small. Go for the back window or the front window. Throw your brick, then like above run into your hiding spot or safe spot. If someone starts chasing, run of course(Duh!), turn around corners know your area, duck behind a bush, make sure you can get away, it'd be a shame if you had to pay for the damage you caused :) Dead animals - You'll need dead animals for this, find whatever you can, for god's sake where gloves. What to do, ok here are a bunch of funs things to do with dead animals, 1) Put them on victim's doorstep and light it on fire, ring the door bell and run like hell. 2) Put the dead animal though the open window in their car 3) Light the animal then put in though the open window in their car 4) Staple or nail the dead animal to their door, that'll make a nice ornament for their door. 5) Stuff it in their mailbox, heh they'll be expecting some interesting mail, and the mailman too. 6) put a pineapple on victim's front porch, then put the dead animal on top, light and have your friend ring the door bell once you have the fuse lit, then run like all fucking hell. Ok yo, be on the lookout for more releases from uSu... P.S. If you see the following users on your BBS blacklist them... Stargazer Silent Death Mr. T. Jabba The Hut The Software Surgeon I don't care that released a picture of me, but they picked the wrong person to do so, and for no absolute reason at all. Or was it because I deleted these 11 year old lamers from my BBS. Oh well, Hey guys, release a picture of me, i release a picture of you. I'll let everyone see what a true lamer looks like. .