uSu - united States underground Written By: Napalm Death Mail Sabotage [uSu] This is a small file on how to have fun with the mail, Remember messing with mail is a federal offense, I do not recommend that you do this and i do not condone the actions involved in this text file (yeah right!) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. Here's a way to get free `local' mail, Just switch around the return address with the receiver address, Say if your name is John Doe, You would mail the letter to John doe, If the person you wanted to mail the letter to was Jane Doe You would put Jane Doe as the return address. And when the mailman sees that there is no stamp he'll send it to the return address, Simple as that. 2. Here's a easy way to get money, Okay, get double sided tape, and stick it in the mailbox (you know those mail carrier things) and then go behind a bush or something and then look back in it after someone puts mail in it, take the mail open it, look for money, and then wait for the next person. 3. Mail Trucks usually have unlocked doors, So run in there take a bag or box of letter, put them in a bag, and run! 4. Get like gasoline or anything, make a small fire bomb, and put it in the mail carrier, burn all mail up. .