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You must own a great deal of talent for the written language, you must understand what separates a good file from rubbish. A good file could be anything from a high-explosive that no one ever has written about before, to deep poems or fiction that thrills the reader. Bad files are those that no one reads because they do not include any new ideas. But!, if you have not got any new ideas, fresh information or wild imagination, there is still hope for you. Yes! Yes! Do as thousands of other people with only half a brain does every day! Write an erotic text file. Yes! This is a part of the text file scene that does not require any talent at all, nor some new ideas! You only have to let your fingers dance over the keyboard long enough and viola! You have a file. Do it again and you have another file. Do it three times and you are famous! To help you get started here is the complete guide! 1. THE NAME At first you need a name of the file. No problems. Name it after the girl in the file, or after the situation that will lead to the love-making. Examples: "Jenny", "Rita", "The new girl at the gas station". 2. THE BEGINNING This depends on how long you want the file to be. If you plan a long file, write megs of crap about the girl herself that no one reads anyway. Example: "Oh, Mausolea was a real hot gal that never could get enough of dick in her little pussy that always wanted more and more. Her mother however was deep religious and had not touched a man in forty years... " 3. THE MEETING Boy meet girl. Girl meet boy. Alternative: Girl meet ten boys and participate in a brutal gang-bang. Just let the girl and the boy meet each other in a common way (no one wants extreme and unbelievable fantasies in the beginning, they must come later) like on the gas station or at a wedding or at a public lavatory. If you are a bit experienced you can "tease" the reader. This is done by letting the boy see the girl several times and describe her marvelous body before he drills her. Example: "For the third day I saw her again standing by the phone-booth with those big breasts and marvelous legs that screamed for me. Suddenly she began to talk to me. She said: - Let's go to my apartment and have a drink." 4. THE ACT You have now reached the only part of your file that is actually read. This is why you must be extra detailed in your descriptions of what is happening. Take your time, use plenty of space to tell the reader about what kind of exotic knickers the girl is using, and what store she has bought them in, if they were on sale or expensive etc. Do not write like this: "Then I pressed my cock into her pussy and immediately came. It was great!" This is better: "- I love you, I said. - Me too, she said. - I know, I said. Then I carefully let my big red pounding rocket of love slide into her wet hot deep cave of pleasure. We moved our beautiful bodies in a steady rhythm, until the orgasm struck us. It felt like I had put my fingers in a high voltage socket." NOTE. Of course, you cannot go for the finale at once. First you must go through the standard actions. They are (in the right order): 1- They kiss (not necessary, but it gives a more romantic mood) 2- Boy suck girl's nipples. 3- Girl suck dick. 4- Boy lick pussy. 5- THE EXTRA FEATURE. This must be the special happening of the act and therefore be a bit different. Examples: 69-position, boy shave girl, girl shave boy (unusual, but works), girl kick boy's nuts (S/M only), boy whip girl etc etc Penetration. Any position will do. 6- The HAPPY end - both have a satisfying orgasm and promise each other eternal love. 5. THE END Now you have reached the end. You can end your story in many ways, but of course not in any unexpected way. It would be rather shocking for the reader if he, with the dick in his hand in the middle of his jerk-off, suddenly reads that the boy smashed the girl's brains to pieces with a iron stick. No, the end must be romantic. Example: "I never saw Mhariah again after our night together, but she will forever live in my memory.". Even if Mhariah is working at the same job as the hero, he will never ever see her again. A sex-file does not have to include common sense. And DO NOT end the story with something really off-putting like "I think of her all the time... when I masturbate." It may be true (it would be in real life anyway), but remember that you have written the file for the reader and not the kinky little hero in your text file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Lake side drive on a summer day. Lake side drive - nothing to say. SEDES DIABOLI +46-586-UNFORGETTABLE. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We're rich. It's Perrier water. .