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Crowds of scientist, well-educated men who ruled the world, discovered it and placed another rock on the pile of scientific progress. Eyes stared into japanese monitors, fingers typed fast on keyboards, modern high-tech calculations were made. People wanted to know details. Newspapers dug them up and presented them. Everything was new, the comet of Proteus was a sensation. Someone dropped a pen, and bent down with shaking hands to pick it up. The dream of knowledge turned into a nightmare. Proteus was not a friendly visitor that came by to say hello. The hot rock, engulfed in gases had no life, but were on its way to stop the entire world from rotating. It was on its way to the solar system. The sun would grab it and drag it into itself. Planet Earth happened to be in the way. All scientific data had the same message: Doomsday was here. In the early morning of seventh july, there would be no more Earth. How do you tell a child that its parents are dead? How do you tell the population of Earth that nothing meant anything any more? Well-educated men stood up and explained. They were not sorry; they simply explained the cold hard facts. This was a scientific discovery, a result of sharp minds. Warm air expands, molecules moves quickly under pressure, light is a mixture of matter and waves, Proteus was going to crush planet Earth. There was no place for free will, everything simply happens and we have to accept it. Our work is based upon analyzing how thing happen, not why they happen. Proteus is nothing more than bad luck. No one sent it to kill us. It will just happen. In four days. This is the facts, take them. If you leave them, you are blind. There was nothing more to fight for. Prisoners were released from jail, the government left their briefcases at work and walked home. Everybody waited for anarchy in the streets. As if it would matter. But there was no violence any more. Guns pointed downward, below the hot sun in the arabian desert. Enemies looked at enemies and turned their back at each other. Dirty faces in the jungle placed their weapons on the ground and left the bunkers. Street-smart gang members did not care any more. Big city, full of life. In four days, blown to pieces and spread over space, the last frontier. Countries, held together by invisible powers that had created border lines and complex economical structures was not there any more. Society had been a secure prison built of playing cards that now fell to the floor and vanished. Call your mother, you have not done it for four years. Talk to her. Apologize to your neighbor. Move back to the house by the mill that you had to leave because your money was gone. Read the book. Think. Think about what you really did with your life. Think of all the things you planned to do in life and realize how much of it that was actually worthless. Why did you want to educate yourself to become a brick in the game, play the game well and earn money? Earn money, become something and earn money. Die with your coffin filled to the limit with dollars. This was the last night of the world. No television, only a few radio stations with calm voices who talked about nothing and played music. The streets were filled with people who watched the sky. Proteus looked down on them. What if he can think too? some wondered. Father time was no longer a friend. He had become Death who rolled on his skates and laughed. Faster, death thought. Faster! The last global problem was how to slow down time. Stop the clocks! Do nothing! Get bored! Try to cheat Father time! How could any one do that? It was no longer nations and races who snatched the latest news. It was only humans, people and individuals who slowly and humble thought about the meaning of life while waiting. Waiting for Proteus. Even Proteus was not seen as an enemy. Proteus was a simple comet, that flew through deep space. It had no history, it was just there. Bad luck. Where was all the expected hysteria? Where was the violence? Where was judgement day, filled with confessions and rage? For the first time, people finally got the answer. The expectations had been made by everybody, for everybody else. They will do it, I will not. They will become mad, I will not. They will fall to their knees and beg for mercy, I will not. I am a rational human being, I accept the results of the scientific progress. They will not. I know best. Or do I? It seems like I do not. The last night fell. The sun disappeared to never return over the horizon again. The thick black darkness was kept away with white cold lights from lamp-posts and neon signs. For the first time in modern time, the modern rational human beings, raised their heads and watched the sky while thinking and analyzing dogmatic and philosophical questions. Science had suddenly turned out to be without meaning in real life. This was real life. The real life come to an end. Scientific problems are forever. They do not solve anything in the end. Life, is worth living. We, the people, are not meant to accept facts without meaning. If we had listened to out own thoughts, out lives had been filled with more substance. We were born to listen to what others say. What they said was important became important for us. Now is that not so any more. Now, when we finally released ourselves from the chains of pseudo-problems, we can start a new beginning. But now it is too late to live. Proteus is coming down to stop us. Maybe we owe the comet a lot. Without it, we had been chained for the rest of our lives. Now we can free our imagination, even if it is for only one night. But. Proteus never came. The next day it appeared that the comet missed planet Earth with a range that was too far away to be hazardous. The sun entered the sky from the horizon as if nothing had happened. Nothing had happened. It was a new day. Everything was ready to be explained. It took more than two years before everything went back to a normal state again. The invisible hand slowly grabbed the population. Countries, governments and violence returned. People lowered their heads. The meaning of life was once again replaced with a thirst for more money. Science threw another stone to the pile of progress. Blushing individuals quickly placed their dogmatic and philosophical questions in the darkest closet. The door was closed to hopefully never be opened again. If not Proteus returns once again. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ...and that is not college bullshit, I got two words for that! Learn to fucking type! This cop: SEDES DIABOLI +46-585-CHECKINDEX! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I felt so guilty about smoking and drinking I took drugs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #134 Underground eXperts United 1993 uXu #134 Call DEMON ROACH UNDERGROUND -> +1-806-794-4362 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .