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She wished that she was older. More access and knowledge available. - You know that the book you just read is not meant for young people like you, her father said. - I was curious. - Then I guess you have to accept the confusion. As if it was easy. When you are eleven years old, you want answers to your questions. - I would like to expand my data banks, dad. To gain knowledge about this book. Otherwise I will not be able to sleep tonight... please! Play on the hard strings. Pretend to be sad and everything and everybody will melt in your hands. Classic trick. Used by children all the time. It always work. - Okay, okay... what do you want to know? It always work. - Dad, in this book they say that 'the sun' moves 'clockwise'. What does the word 'sun' and 'clockwise' means? Her father said nothing while scanning. - Ah, yes... let me see now. 'The sun' is a star in our solar system. It lies close to our Earth. In fact, it is the star that provides us with energy to our houses and batteries. - And 'clockwise'? - Oh dear. That will be harder to explain. Our clocks are digital, but in the ancient years, clocks were cold mechanical things that had small sticks, hands, that moved and represented the right time. These sticks moved in a certain direction and therefor a movement that looked like the clock's was called 'clockwise'. Something like that. Do you understand? - Maybe. No, she did not. But she would probably get it after a while. - Where did you find that book anyway? - I used your account to get it. Hope you do not mind. Her father did mind. He hated it. - No, I do not mind. But do not do anything bad with it. You know how embarrassing it is to be visited by the Data Police Force. - I promise. They said nothing to each other for a while. Her father wondered where his daughter possibly could have gotten the intense interest for knowledge. Knowledge was not easy to carry. She would probably understand that some day. But she had a different opinion. Knowledge was like treasures, hidden somewhere and meant to be found. Fill your coffin to the limit with knowledge and you could die rich. Credits did not last forever. Experiences did. - Why do I have to wait until I get twenty years old to get all information available? She sounded sad. - Because. - But... - Look! I cannot answer all your questions! You just have to wait until you get older to know everything you want to know! I had to wait, everybody else have to wait. Why do you think you're something special? She had used his account to obtain a book that was not meant for her. Of course she was confused. But she had done something wrong, unnatural. Of course she had to pay the price. - I feel empty, she said slowly. - You have to accept that. That is the way it is! They said nothing to each other for a while. Then she could not stand it any more. The silence was painful. Too painful, simply too silent. - Dad, what is a 'soul'? - Something that you own, he said with a bitter voice. - I do not understand. - Knowledge is not power! he suddenly screamed. It is a hard burden. I carry it with pain, since I know things you do not know! Listen, live and have fun until you become twenty. Then you will know it all! I promise you, you will not enjoy it! You are too young to understand why things are like they are and when you do - you will hate it! I hate it, I hate to know, to understand. - Why? The question struck him like a knife. - Do not ask why! You will know one day. One day, she would understand. The information would be sent to her and installed in her brain. But not until the time was right and that was not now. Twenty years. Eleven years old - nine years to go. Lucky her, nine years of freedom. Not now. - Dad, what do you know that is so horrible? - The truth. The truth about everything. I know who I am. - What are you then? Are you not like me or everybody else? - Yes, I am. That is the problem. - But... - Listen, I cannot tell you anything else! It is forbidden and I will be punished if I tell you more! Do you understand what I am saying! Do not ask anything more! She looked through the book again. More questions came crawling into her mind. They tore her apart mentally. Why, why and why that? It felt like a sickness - a never ending torment. - I cannot stand this! What are you trying to hide from me, dad? What could possibly be so wrong with knowing the truth? Tell me! Tell me about this book, tell me about everything! What is a 'soul'? What is the kind of society that is described in this old ordinary book? What is a 'body', a 'face', a 'human being', what is... He could not take it any more. The words streamed out of his mouth. He lost control. - We are humans! We used to be anyway! We were organic, not mechanical! Outside our metallic shields there are some of them left who keeps us alive. The society in that book is how it used to be before it all crashed down the endless pit! It was feelings, love, hate, legs to walk with, eyes that could see more than abstract data! It will never be like that again for us. We can only analyze. We are nothing more than machines, with human souls that..." Prometheus stole the fire from the gods and gave it to the humans. He stole knowledge that belonged to the gods. The humans learned how to use the fire to build tools and weapons. He challenged the gods to give the humans knowledge. But the knowledge was stolen, and Prometheus was punished. The text flashed in aggressive red. "CONNECTION CYB8900, CYB8902 HAS BEEN CLOSED DOWN. PROMETHEUS SYMPTOM AT CYB8900. CYB8902 OBTAINED PROMETHEUS INFORMATION. SYSTEM WILL BE ERASED AND RESTARTED. HAVE A NICE DAY." Then it was all back to normal. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UP OFF What if the manager won't give us the diamonds? +46-586-PHEARLESS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Ignore it. It is the silly season. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #143 Underground eXperts United 1993 uXu #143 Call DEMON ROACH UNDERGROUND -> +1-806-794-4362 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .