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The man in the blue uniform placed a paper and a pen on the table, looked at the man in front of him and wondered that kind of circus this was. - You know why you are here I hope? the man in the blue uniform asked. The man on the chair in front of him nodded. His black uniform made him almost invisible in the dark room. The light from the candle made his face look white and the metal strips on his shoulders reflected a yellow light back to the man in the blue uniform. - Your name is Harold Warnock. Correct? The man in the black uniform laughed. - Of course! And you name is Mister Smith? Correct? Mister Smith raised his hand. - Listen, you shut your face until I tell you to speak. Is that clear? Harold laughed once again. - Who cares? Mister Smith looked down at his papers. Then he picked up the pen and wrote down Harold's complete name. He wondered once again what he was doing. He felt strange. He knew that this was the law and he was a police man. This had to be done. This was the law. - Harold... Harold put his hands behind his head and leaned back in the uncomfortable chair. He smiled a calm smile. In the eyes of Mister Smith, it looked vicious. - Yes Officer Mister Smith? Harold said quite amused. - You are evil Harold. Harold said nothing. He just smiled. - I am? What have I done officer? - You know what you have done. You are here to be questioned for your crimes. You are going to be questioned and executed. You know that. I know that. The evil man in the black uniform showed the palms of his hands to Mister Smith. - But look Sir! My hands are clean! Clean, like the world outside! I am innocent! Truly innocent! - Fuck you, Harold. The two men stared at each other. The man in the blue uniform wanted to kill. The man in the black uniform had killed. Harold said: - Yes, I guess so. You are the only one on this planet who can fuck me! Mister Smith bit his lip and leaned over the table, towards Harold. - You are not a soldier in the army any more, Harold. You have been fired because you violated your rights. You have done the worst crime ever made in human history. Harold said nothing. Mister Smith continued: - So now tell me, how did you do it? Mister Smith already knew the answer. But this had to be done. This was the law. - Let me tell you how, Mister Smith, Harold said. I used to work twenty yards below the ground. I sat there, on a chair, with a gun in a holster, a key in my right hand, for ten years. Beside me, in that tight room with sex feet concrete walls, there was another man. He had a gun in his holster and a key in his right hand. Together we sat there every day for ten years. Do you understand? - No, said Mister Smith and pulled up his own gun from the side-holster. - Oh no? So we sat there all the time. So, one day I began to think. Let us do something fun! Let us try out some psychological tricks! I began to talk to the friend beside me. Yeah, I had spoken to him before, but now I Spoke! Do you understand the difference? I did not speak to him, I Spoke to him. I tried to manipulate him! I succeeded! The man in the blue police uniform placed the gun on the table. The metal shone in the light of the candle. - Go on, Harold. - (Why do you keep saying my name, Smith?) Could I get this dude to turn his key? Could I? Yes! I could! It took me three years before he did it! It was worth waiting for! Worth waiting for, like a sexy girl back home or a cold beer after the sun. Mister Smith picked up his gun, cocked it and slowly lowered it until it pointed at Harold, the evil man in the black military uniform. - Then what? Then what, Harold? What happened then? When he turned the key, what did you do? Did you insert your key too? Did you turn your key Harold? What happened when you turned your key, Harold? What happened? Mister Smith's voice was full of agony. - Yeeeaaah... Harold said with a dark voice. I turned my key tooo... I had too doooo it Mister Smith... you knoooow that. Mister Smith rose from his chair, still pointing his gun at the head of Harold Warnock. - What happened then, Harold? - Then it said bang! Bang! Bang! Harold also rose from his chair, violently moving his arms around while screaming: - Bang! Bang! Bang! It said bang! Bang! Smith! Bang! - When you turned your key, Harold, you launched twenty strategical nuclear warheads against ten different countries. They responded to the threat by launching a full scale attack on the world. All countries were attacked by each other and all countries launched their missiles. In less than ten minutes, eighty percent of the human population had been exterminated. Harold stared at Mister Smith with big eyes. - I know, Mister Smith, I know... Mister Smith felt the heavy gun in his hand. His hands steadied the grip around the metal. - You have destroyed everything. By now, there are probably only a couple of million people in this world alive. All of them will soon be dead because of radiation. Harold chuckled. - Can you feel the cancer inside you yet, Mister Smith? Can you feel it? What did you get? Skin cancer like everybody else? Mister Smith saw the forehead of Harold through the gun sight. - What are you going to do, Mister Smith? Harold said. Are you going to kill me? Oooohh... that scaaares meee... Did you search for me, Mister Smith? Is that what you thought when you saw the first gigantic flowers of smoke arise from the ground? 'I am going to get that son-of-a-bitch who is responsible for this'? Did you, pig? Did you, cop? Well... did you? Here I am! The last criminal on planet earth, with the last cop in the universe! Do what the law tells you to do! Mister Smith closed his eyes for one second, then he opened them, stared at Harold and said with a serious voice: - I sentence you to death by firing squad. Fuck you, Harold Warnock, killer of the human race! The gun rocked in his hand as he pulled the trigger. The last criminal on planet earth had been punished, by the last police man in the universe. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Are you not allowed to call girls? Call THE STASH! Much better than the tiny little sex you have had! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Moment of terror is the beginning of life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #166 Underground eXperts United 1994 uXu #166 Call THE TRUTH SAYER'S DOMAIN -> +1-210-493-9975 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .