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William did not really know if he was obsessed with her, or if he was on his way to become. Whatever he was, he had almost made it into a routine to climb the huge rock that was beside that small empty beach. Well, that almost empty beach. She was there. Every day, she was there. Every day, she was on her back on that blanket, eating the sun, swallowing it to the extreme. And every day William climbed the huge rock with the binoculars hanging around his neck, to watch her. To watch her beautiful naked body. William had always believed that he was the only one who knew about this small secret beach. But now she was there. Alone. Beautiful. Naked. Alone. She was a proud owner of a sweet face and a long golden hair that slowly moved in the light breeze. The many big rocks around the beach looked like they protected her against the sea that plunged blue waves up on the beach, as if it tried to reach out and take her. William had talked to her. Three times. Three wonderful times. He remembered the first time. "What the... Hey? HEY! Yeah! You!", she screamed. At first he did not really understand if she meant him. Did she see him? But then she wrapped the blanket around herself and pointed at him on the rock. Shit. "You fucking pervert! Go away or I will call the police and get you busted for peeping, you motherfucker!". William immediately stumbled to his feet and ran away. He tripped on a stone and almost fell off the rock. His binoculars were crushed against the hard surface. He left the pieces and climbed down. She had not walked around the rock to meet him, thank god. He quickly ran to his house. He felt strange when he sat in his living room and thought about what had happened. Did she not like him? He had just admired her. Damn. The next day, he bought another pair of binoculars. Mmm. Even if she had screamed at him, he still could not resist to go back several times and watch her. Oh, she was beautiful! William watched her all over and saw everything. Everything. But he had to keep his distance. William remembered the second time she spoke to him. It had been yet another day of watching. But something inside him had told him to go down. Talk to her, the voice said. Go down, do not be such a coward. She does not know that it was you who looked at her when she discovered you on the rock. Come on, do it. He did it. He left the binoculars on the rock and climbed down. Slowly, very slowly, he walked around the rock. He felt the heat from the sand burning his bare feets. Then nothing happened. He just stood there, fifty yards away from her and could not move. His heart jumped up and down in his chest. What am I going to say, he thought to himself. What the fuck am I going to say. She moved. She turned around. She saw him. "Fuck off!". He ran away. When he once again sat in the living room he remembered that his binoculars was left on the rock. They were probably stolen by now. He bought another pair. When he returned to the rock the next day, the binoculars were still there. But he did not mind. She was worth every cent he had to spend. William chuckled to himself as he remembered these incidents. He looked through the binoculars again and watched her. He could see it all. Everything, even... But he had to keep the distance. He had made an agreement the third time he spoke to her. He had to keep the stand. Stay here, keep the stand and accept the wall between the two of them. She would lie there, and he would watch her. That was the agreement. William remembered the third time she spoke to him. Or maybe she did not really speak to him. It was he who did the talking. He talked and explained that he loved her, that he would do everything for her, if she just accepted that he watched her. That was no problem. William felt glad when he left her. She had accepted his love, with a smile. Yes, with a smile! She had nodded and said that it was no problem! Now he could watch her all the time and she would not become mad. William looked at the sky. Not a goddamn cloud. The sun shined without mercy on him. She was lucky, she had all those magic creams that keeps the sun away from damaging the skin. William looked down from the rock. She was still there, she had not gone home yet. He picked up the binoculars and watched her again. Then he went home. The next day, rain fell like small spikes from the sky. She was there anyway. Naked. But this time she was not alone. A crowd of people had gathered around her body. A police man bent down over her and wrote something on a paper. More people, probably other police men in plain clothes took photographs and collected her belongings in bags. William felt bad. What had happened? What the fuck had happened? He knew that they soon would place her beautiful naked body into a bag and carry her away. He had to take a last look. Mmm. William could see it all. Everything. The binoculars were superb. He saw everything. Everything. Even the marks on her throat made by the piano wire that he had used when he strangled her. I LIKE KILLING PEOPLE BECAUSE IT IS SO MUCH FUN IT IS MORE FUN THAN KILLING WILD GAME IN THE FORREST BECAUSE MAN IS THE MOST DANGEROUE ANAMAL OF ALL TO KILL SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERIENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING YOUR ROCKS OFF WITH A GIRL (Zodiac, July 31 1969) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is the murderer of the two teenagers last christmas. Do you want to hear the Zodiac speak? THE STASH +46-13-SFPD=0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Sich-vorweg-schon-sein-in-als-Sein-bei. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #169 Underground eXperts United 1994 uXu #169 Call DEMON ROACH UNDERGROUND -> +1-806-794-4362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .