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The reason I ask is that almost all of these adverts, it seems to me, are intended for people with an average IQ equivalent to their shoe size, and people aren't so stupid that they will fall for that bullshit, are they? The conclusion many of us immediately jumps to, is that the makers of commercials are complete idiots, and that they know absolutely nothing about how the human brain works. That might be a suitable conclusion if you're only taking yourself into account, but if you look at the rest of the variables in this little equation, you can smell something fishy here.... The advertisers are no idiots. If no-one bought their merchandise, they'd be out of work, right?! So the terrible truth is that a lot of people out there actually believe the bullshit that is thrown at them through the TV, or at least have bought some product as a result of the commercial. If that wasn't the case, there wouldn't be any TV-commercials. Why is he stressing this obvious fact, you might ask...well, picture this: An enormous amount of people that are stupid enough to believe the so easily detected lies and tricks of commercials, how do they react to more respected media? My best guess is that anyone soft-minded enough to take an advert for a product as true, can, and will, believe anything that is said on TV (and from every other media as well!). That includes of course news, talk-shows, fact programs etc. These people wouldn't dare to question what is said there, because if they did, it would threaten their whole image of the world. Yes, I think so, because if they start to question one fact, it immediately(?) becomes clear to them that there might be more things that are worth looking closer into. And more. And more... Suddenly the world has gone from being a warm safe place where you don't need to find anything out for yourself, to a cold uncertain place where you cannot trust anything spoken or written. Most people included in this brainwashed mass only take short vacations to this place, which is like going to a horror movie for them. A short burst of revolutionary spirit takes them there, but it is soon replaced by fear and longing for that other place, where everything is so much easier and warmer. Can you imagine what a determined government could get these people to believe??? Or perhaps I should ask: What wouldn't they believe? (The U.S government learned an important lesson during the Vietnam war, where they suddenly faced a situation where the people rather believed the television than their elected officials. Small wonder Norman Schwarzkopf didn't allow any other TV-team to broadcast from Iraq than the one he fully controlled, CNN. I sure hope that you didn't believe a word that came from that direction...there are already a huge mass who thinks the Iraq vs US conflict actually was that clinically performed. Well, war is a dirty job, and CNN's coverage didn't get it clean. What it did, however was to keep the mass sedated and content.) After this little parenthesis lets get back to the main subject, the stupid mass. Would a government want such an easily controlled device to suddenly come up with opinions of its own? Would YOU like to have your computer to question your doings with it? Of course not! What could be more perfect for ANY government than to have massive power in their hands, and with little or no manipulation through the TV, make them do the most wonderful things.(such as getting killed in a war, like the new taxes etc.) Without question, I might add, because the TV has already explained everything for them. A cloud has arisen on this trouble-free horizon though. Due to the increased use of computers and networks people are getting to know each other over the borders in a fashion never dreamed of by any government. Not only that, some of these "hackers" are actually able to see information that they wasn't supposed to see! This creates a small (well, relatively) group of people who can find out information about things for themselves. Either through illegal gathering, or just by talking to people of other nationalities over the networks. This throws some light on the question why these subjects often get severely beaten in the press and media in general, even for the smallest of topics. The government has to turn the mass opinion against them because they threaten to upset the governments slumbering mass of idiots. These activities are also in some cases illegal, but worst of all, what would happen if all these mindless robots suddenly woke up and started to ask questions? The state's information service would be working overtime, that's for sure! (not to mention the danger of the people starting to realize that they want a better government...) Everyone who read this on a network contributes to the freeing of information, and to the freeing of those lost souls stuck in front of the commercials. As long as we can keep our countries' governments prying fingers from this privilege, we are on our way... By the way, be sure to raise hell for even the smallest violations of this right! It doesn't matter if it just concerns your school superiors wanting to remove those X-rated pics that always end up on every network. The next time it could be the right to talk to certain countries over Internet that is threatened, or the right to have (or to create) text files with certain contents. I contribute this little text to whoever it is at my university that constantly and always, deletes uncomfortable pictures, texts and games from both our Internet directories and our Macintosh network. (All this with the consent of the university superiors, of course!!!) /*Hedge 94*/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #174 Underground eXperts United 1994 uXu #174 Call THE TRUTH SAYER'S DOMAIN -> +1-210-493-9975 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .