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However, I felt that it was a waste to throw this text away, so I decided to change some names and publish it anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the story about a t-file writer called Ian. A sunny day, some weeks ago, Ian received a message from a cold part of northern Sweden. "I like a file you have written" How nice! We all like positive critic from people around the globe, ey? Ian immediately captured the message and printed it out. He ran to the nearest shop, bought a golden frame and put the charming message inside it. Then he sat for three weeks, just staring at the words. He memorized it and wrote it down whenever he got the chance. He wrote it down on walls, roads, on the back of his friends and even got himself a painful tattoo with this jolly message. However, this euphoria did not last. After a while Ian received another message from the same person, who he had sacrificed small animals and his left finger for the past weeks. "I have changed my mind. I do not like your file. I have read some other files you have written. They are disgusting!" With tears in his red eyes Ian continued reading this hard judgement of his hard work. "... and how DARE you state yourself as a 'anarchist'! You are a 'anarchy-fascist' and that's it!" Ian quickly scanned through some of his older productions. Oh gee, what did he find? Texts about bombs! About rape! About killing officers of the law! About... cats who rule the world? This was really strange. How could he possibly had written so much crap? He decided to wipe out history. Without remorse, Ian immediately deleted all of his older files. He only saved those which he found to be good. Ian smiled when I realized that he had exterminated his own dirty past. Then he read the angry message again. He thought for a while, then he deleted all his other files too. This guy was right. He liked Ian's new file for a while, then he changed his mind when he had read some Ians older. So why should Ian be a fool? He deleted the rest of his files. Yes, some of them were good but that did not matter. He had written other files and that was a fact. Ian had to get rid of everything to clean his hands. Now he was free. He could start all over, with a new handle and a new attitude. Ian thought about his future. What should he write about now? What do people WANT him to write? Ian used to be a so-called 'anarchy-fascist' so what should he become now? Yes! He knew at once! A REAL ANARCHIST! But what the hell was a real anarchist? Ian opened up his old book about Pierre Proudhon. Crap! This was not anarchy! He tried out Bakunin. Hmm... no. Then he continued reading the rest of his old books about anarchy. All of them said the same: "THIS is anarchy. Everything else implicates SHIT! Fuck them, we got the real answer! Trust us!". But the problem was that all of the books said different things about what real anarchy was. Ian was completely lost. He considered asking the dude who wrote the message about his files. He should know. But Ian changed my mind. No, I dare not to show myself to him. "God damn, he might say more depressing things to me!" So Ian quit writing completely. How could he write things about hackers, the government and science fiction when he had not got the slightest idea what he really wrote about? This was a tough world with clear rules. Some know the rules and some people do not. Even if Ian ever found out what REAL anarchy was, it was pointless to write anything more. He had burned out, thanks to his old files. Even if he knew what this thing called the Truth was it did not matter. People would read his files, perhaps enjoy them, but sooner or later they would read some of his older files. What would happen then was completely clear. They would understand that his old files were disgusting, hence must his newer be that too! Ian was a loser. He left the writing to those who knew how to do it properly. Yesterday, he bought a shot gun and put the last story to an end. The story about Ian is a sad one. No one knows a shit about what real anarchy is. Is it pure freedom, a version of marxism, liberalism, communism, nihilism or is it to obey the brave new world? Who should we trust? Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Stirner, Powell, Tolstoj, Nozick or Mondo 2000? No one knows, but everybody have an own opinion about the subject. If anarchy is to do whatever one feels for, the freedom to do what you like to do without any obstacles from other people who 'know better than you', why should not everybody be free to write whatever they want? Some like it, some do not. Some carry out weird texts in reality and get themselves into trouble. Everybody has the right to make own decisions about what is wrong and what is right. The thing is that when Ian got the angry message from the individual who claimed that he first enjoyed a file he had written , but then changed his opinion when he had read some of his other files, even made me glad that Ian had written them. His argument was a proof of the twisted minds that we see all around us. He judged a file from other files. He judged Ian. Ian had written something he did not like which lead to that he had to dislike everything he wrote. He probably states himself as a 'real' 'anarchist'. Who knows? Who knows anything about real anarchy? I do not. You do not. Ian did not. No one does. But we all believe that we do. It is easy to state yourself to be a anarchist. You can bend and change the term until it fits your needs. And it sounds sooo C0000L... In his eyes, Ian was a fascist. He enjoyed Mussolini. He hated black people. He wanted the gas chambers back. What more? Let me think... oh yes, of course Ian wanted the State to rule supreme. That is what he thinks that Ian believed. I mean, why should he call him 'fascist' otherwise? Left-winged people have called Ian a nazi, right-winged people have called him a communist. People in the middle have riddled him with accusations of being a terrorist. But most people calls him a crazed anarchist who ought to be placed somewhere far away from the 'reality'. Now, the 'anarchists' called him a fascist. Cool! Ian had a lot to chose from! Maybe he should say that he was a democrat instead? Or why not a Republican? Royalist? Servant of the mushroom cloud? A former member of the Satan Rules Club? The truth is that the message to Ian was written by yet another puzzled individual. He know certain words ('anarchy', 'fascism') and he uses them in a way that fits him. Ian wrote files for his own pleasure and hoped that some people would be able to see through them and catch the real messages inside. Some cannot do that. Ian had no need to explain his points to those who believe that they know everything. Who knows? "Information shall NOT be free", the State says. "Information wants to be free", the underground says. "Information shall be free, but not all information. If we do not like it, it should be censored. We will not accept information that we find to be disgusting!", some so-called 'real anarchists' say. 'You got it', the State replies. The tension mounts. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Lappland? Do they have a population? Not only military headquarters? CALL THE STASH! +46-13-HOHOHO \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Feel the tension. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #182 Underground eXperts United 1994 uXu #182 Call CYBERPUNK SYSTEM -> +1-316-942-0064 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .