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He could see a tear slowly make its way down his wife's chin, leaving a shiny track on her face. She picked up a napkin and wiped it away, trying not to sob. You are beautiful, he thought. I will miss you so much. But someday, we will meet and live together forever. I know that. Do not cry. He tried to formulate the sentence, but his lips refused to move. His grown-up daughter and son looked at him with grief in their eyes. He knew they wanted to cry but that their pride stopped them from doing that. He had told them not to cry for him. This was the end of his life and no one should have to feel pain for him. He loved his children and he knew that they loved him. He raised his hand. His wife bent over and took it, holding it, stroking it, as if she tried to keep his soul warm. I have lived the worth-while life, he thought. I have seen the world, I have lived together with the most intelligent and beautiful woman on planet Earth, I have seen my two children come to life. I am not afraid to die because I know this is the right time to die. I have done everything a man can do and there is nothing more for me to explore. I am ready to die, I am ready to meet my creator. His daughter opened her purse and brought up a a piece of paper. She held on to it for a while before she placed it on the bed. Suddenly he felt stronger and a smile could be seen on his face. He knew that it was a simple drawing, something she had done when she was a child. He had always told her how good she was at drawing and that she would become an artist when she got older. Now she was a well-respected artist who travelled all over the world to show her paintings. "Dad," she said with a broken voice. "I want you to know that I owe you so much. I love you and I will always do." No, he thought. You do not owe me anything. You have succeeded on your own. I have only tried to encourage you to use your talents. He saw the grey hair of his wife shine in the dark room. She still looked so healthy and young despite the fact that she was only a couple of years younger than him. She smiled a sad smile, constantly keeping the tears away. "Sir," his son said with a serious voice. Then he laughed. "I mean... Dad!" My son, the old dying man thought to himself and laughed in his mind. You have always been so correct and polite, even now. "Dad, I want you to know that I will miss you so. You have always been by my side and you have always trusted me. I will not let you down. I will make sure that our industries over the world will live and grow strong for the rest of my life!" I know you will, he thought. My companies are safe in your hands. When I am gone, they are all yours and I know that you will use your strong will to make them grow. He felt his heart beat slower and slower. It was soon time. He prayed to God for strength and he got it. "My beloved wife, my children..." he said with a very dark and weak voice. "It is soon time for me to pass on. I love you, and I know that we will meet again in paradise. Miss me, but do not give up your lives for me. Life is short and you must experience everything while you got the chance. My life has been... magic - filled with love and wealth. Never give up, anything goes! I have lived the good life, thanks to you." He tried to take a deep breath but his body was too weak. He took a final look at his beloved ones before he closed his eyes. The scent of roses filled his mind and the sound of tears pierced his ears. It was time. Bye, he whispered. Bye. "It is time!", someone screamed. The words cut like knives in his mind. He quickly opened his eyes and stared into a painfully bright lamp in the ceiling. His wife and children were gone and his body was suddenly young and strong. He moved his eyes to the left and saw the face of an angry man in a black suit looking at him from the bedside. "You know it is time!" the man screamed at him in the sterile room that was his place in the modern jail. He tried to rise from the bed, but it was impossible since he was tied to it with strong leather straps. Agony suddenly filled his brain when he remembered. "No!" he screamed. "Why?" Without answering, the man turned around and walked out through a door. Another man, dressed in white clothes and a black hood appeared in front of him. The man held a short white tube in his hand, an electric paralyzer. "It was your choice," the hooded man said and armed the paralyzer. "It was your choice to rob a bank and kill three people." "No!" he screamed. "No!" The hooded man pointed the paralyzer at his head. "It was your choice to commit a crime, and now you have to pay the price." the man said with a serious voice. He remembered everything. He remembered how he had killed those three people, how he had been arrested and sentenced to death. He had chosen to kill and he had chosen to use the the worth-while life dream before he was executed. He stopped moving and felt a sudden calm. "Yes..." he said. The voice was peaceful. "It was my choice." The hooded man nodded before he pressed a small button on the paralyzer. A short sharp sound could be heard in the white room. This time he died for real. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Now listen to me you little rat! Call THE STASH or face years of boredom! +46-13-WILD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Causing death and saving lives. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #196 Underground eXperts United 1994 uXu #196 Call THE INNER CIRCLE -> +1-203-293-1471 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .