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I cannot be blamed. The population that inhabits the free democratic world does not fancy the present situation. There is a common expression that 'something is wrong'. Exactly what is wrong is hard to define. The reason for this is based upon intuitive feelings, and intuitive feelings are often hard to get a grip of. But the feeling is there which makes it real. People want to change the world into something better. Naturally, such a desire is hard to fulfill. The wall between our present society and the improved one is thick and hard to penetrate. The fear of standing out of the crowd rules the people, even if the crowd shares the same apprehension. The situation does not improve when one realizes that the invisible force, namely 'the state' will do everything to crush movements that shouts for revolution. 'The state' used to be built upon the people of the society, but quickly separated itself and turned into a independent power that works against the people. Everything is painfully static, the devils status quo. The people do not dare to confront the state, because they are afraid of the power. This is understandable, the power of the state consists in hellish institutions like the police, the military, the punishments and the public disgrace. The state will not hesitate to strike these hard clubs into the heads of those who tries to debate. But the status quo will not last forever. There will be a painful moment in time when everything will undergo changes. Everybody believe that action against the State is impossible. Since everybody believe that, nothing happens. The change will hence be up to only a few creative people, which makes the situation even worse - how can a small amount of people create any changes when a large population cannot? Because these people will not attack the State. They will attack the population. Terror will strike. What will become the result of such a rampage against the oppressed population? At first, the population will turn to the State and demand protection. The State will comply, since this is a dream coming through for it. Why? Because it means that the State can pump out more police men, more power and more night sticks, all in the beautiful interest of the dumb population. The police will try to stop the terror. This turns out to be a real problem. The State will notice that this is actually quite a hard task to complete. Terror will continue to strike, the population demands more force to the State and the State will increase its power. The State is aware that it must stop the terror, it must show the population that the power it has gained is not worthless. Because if it turned out to be worthless, the population would turn against the State. The population would take back the force that it has given to the State, and this is something the State cannot accept. The State needs the force that the population has given its agreement to. The State cannot stop the terror, so it needs even more force. The population gives the State this force, so the terror can be stopped. But the terror cannot be stopped and the state will not return the gained force. It wants to keep it but it knows that it must stop the terror. So, the State must rule supreme - it turns itself into a police state. A police state will be too much for the population. The terrorists will be forgotten, since they have now achieved what they looked for. The population will concentrate on killing the State. The status quo will break completely, the masses will rise against the dragon and put a sword into its heart. No force can stop the population at this point. From this brutal war, a new society will arise. This society will inhabit a population who demands protection. They will form a State. The State will sooner or later separate itself from the population and form a independent power. Status quo. Over and over again. "A trapped bird feels free if it has been trapped all its life. If the bird suddenly is set free it realizes "Hey, THIS is freedom! How come I have not understood that earlier?". How come? Once you expand your freedom you cannot go back to a trapped state and feel free again. When will the human race free itself from its chains and understand real freedom? When will the human race understand that it is trapped in a small cage with a possible way out? When will the human race DARE to step through that possible way out?" (uXu file no 128) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If you want peace, arm for war. Justified beliefs available at THE STASH +46-13-HEHHEHHEH \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Clash of the Titans. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #231 Underground eXperts United 1994 uXu #231 Call THE TRUTH SAYER'S DOMAIN -> +1-210-493-9975 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .