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They have volunteered to be some kind of guinea pigs in our efforts to find a medical cure or treatment for their kind of mental defects. In my work, I have also learned that there are drugs that alter your mind permanently. By giving a patient a certain drug, you can make him or her become more or less; aggressive, sensitive for psychological manipulation, egocentric, et cetera. This is mainly what my research is about. At one special occasion I noticed how patients taking an aggressive drug clearly affected the other patients, in spite that they had no way of contacting each other. Not by vision, hearing nor physically. Normally calm patients got upset and occasionally they even got aggressive. Of course I got curious about my discovery, so I decided to spend some of my research time for my own experimenting. I early found out that people are capable of affecting one another using nothing more than one's mind. My experimenting is growing ever more intensive. Sometimes even a whole week passes without me spending a single minute working on the original concept, for which I am paid. Not one day goes by without some kind of progress in my private research. I will not quit until I have found out as much as possible on this subject. In this document I will describe some things I learned in the beginning of my sidetrack research. When the reader is finished reading this text, there will be no problem trying this out at will. There are no dangers involved, no risk of getting hurt physically nor psychically. What one do, is not 'taking over' someone's mind, you just affect, stimulate it. It is required that you are physically close to the individual, or that you see the person clearly. It is an advantage if the person in question is busy doing something, which people are all the time. Basically; the longer the distance, the harder it is to affect someone. Practically you do it like this; concentrate yourself and imagine that you are exactly where your victim is located. Imagine that you are in the same situation as the object. If the person is sitting in a chair with his arms crossed and with his head leaning to the right, you must think that you are this person - physically. Sitting the exact same way yourself. Now pretend that you have actually become this person. While thinking you are in the same situation as your victim, your actual task begins. Picture yourself sighing, scratching your nose or why not stretch your arms. Remember that you are supposed to imagine that you are the victim. Do not try to control someone else from a distance like a puppet - that will not work at all using this method. You should imagine yourself doing it. Imagine that You want to do, what you want your victim to do. During my testings I have found out that while a person is sleeping, screaming or crying out loud they are very hard to stimulate directly. Instead, the effect becomes somewhat delayed instead. It could also result in a "stimuli" overdose. As an example of this I will mention about one occasion when I was trying to get a sleeping person stressed up, believing that he was very late for work. For approximately one minute I imagined myself stressed up, while thinking I was the sleeping person. Thinking I was late for work, thinking about the boss who would be angry with me, and so on. When the person woke up a couple of hours later, he fell out of his bed and breathed very heavily. He had a very high pulse but I managed to calm him down by talking gently to him. I have not repeated this test since. It is much easier to stimulate people this way, if you are located behind them. I assume it is because of the difficulties in pretending to be someone that is facing you. This is also the best method of protection against this form of manipulation. One sure way to avoid getting manipulated is to look the people you meet right in the eyes. This is of course not recommended for all kinds of daily situations. However, when looking into someone's eyes you eliminate the risk of being controlled. There are no specific distances to have in mind when you practice your newly found talent. It is more depending on how well you can see your intended object. If there is no fog, not snowing nor raining you can affect people on quite big distances. Binoculars are an extra ordinary good help when working on distances when you hardly can see your victim. It is possible to practice your skills through training. The same goes for this as for many other things; the more you try, the better you will become. You cannot affect; Animals - though I have not had the chance to try this on monkeys. People on television, even if it is a live broadcast. You are too far away to be able to concentrate on the person you are looking at. Dead things, logically. Is it possible to make people do things, which they really do not want to? The answer is: Yes. You can make a total abstainer become a drinker. You can make people destroy things they care for. Hypothetically, you can make people kill themselves, or others. If you put your mind to it, so to speak, you can even give people a motive for doing very strange things. Before, during and after they have done what you want them to, they will be one hundred percent certain that they were doing it by their own free will. I am not encouraging anyone, but here some situations where you could try out your ability to impress your friends; * Make a priest curse, while their preaching. Guaranteed effective. * Make the waiter drop the food, very entertaining every time. * Make a police officer break a window, while being observed by hundreds of witnesses. * Make your boss promise you things he is forced to keep. * Make your competitors make fools of themselves on important meetings. * Get the woman behind the counter to give you too much change back. * You get the idea ... Finally, I will tell you that it is also possible to manipulate people from any distance. Your so-called victim may be anywhere in the whole world, but you can still make him/her do anything you like. The techniques to execute this kind of influence differ from the one described in this document. If my research is allowed to continue as it has been doing to this day, I will give out yet another manual on the subject. Since it will be as good as impossible to protect you from this, I want to be sure that I myself have it under control, before teaching others. Signed, Classified Knowledge, three days to a new year. DISCLAIMER; THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THE AUTHOR OF THIS DOCUMENT WISH TO BE ANONYMOUS TO OUR READERS AND TO THE UNDERGROUND EXPERTS UNITED. THE AUTHOR STRONGLY RECOMMEND THE READER TO BE CAREFUL WHEN TESTING DESCRIBED TECHNIQUES. BE AWARE OF THAT IT IS ILLEGAL TO MAKE SOMEONE DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL. BECAUSE OF THE EXTREME DIFFICULTY IN PROVING THAT ANY OF THE DESCRIBED METHODS HAVE BEEN USED FOR UNLAWFUL DEEDS, IT IS VERY UNLIKELY THAT ANYONE WILL EVER BE CONVICTED FOR THIS. YOU ARE "ONLY" GOING TO BE MORALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS. WE DO HOWEVER NOT ENCOURAGE ANY KIND OF ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #239 Underground eXperts United 1995 uXu #239 Call CYBERPUNK SYSTEM -> +1-316-942-0064 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .