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A small pretty nose. Thin, attractive lips which opened to show her Isabella Rosselini-look alike teeth when she smiled. She thought the ring in her nose made her look sexy. Once when she had been in Thailand with a friend of hers, she had lost herself in a harbour, drunk as a mosquito and this guy had come up to her, asking her if she wanted to get a piercing or two somewhere. Not thinking where she was, she agreed and was just about to get her eyebrow pierced too with a rusty needle when her friend showed up and dragged her out of there. The ring in her nose made her remember the story though she had never had an infection there which she found odd somehow. Must have been the only time she had been lucky, she thought to herself. She dropped out of school when she was 17 and moved to her boyfriend. That never worked out. He was an addict, and there was never a quiet moment in his apartment. She took up her studies again when she dumped him and moved to her own apartment, and managed to finish with pretty good grades, though her education never got her a job. She had worked in most of the restaurants in town, though never more than two weeks at one place. Sexual harassment. Bad pay. Lousy hours. The boss being a pain in the ass. Whatever. It never worked out. She figured that most of what had happened to her was to blame for her addiction. Though she was out of it now. She had been for almost two weeks. Telling herself she wasn't going back. It was too expensive. It was too new. When the market flooded, the prices would drop. The government kept saying it was dangerous. You never knew what you could get into if you tried. Even lethal if you didn't know what you were doing. They had one example of that. A 14-year old boy who had somehow died from using the stuff. The first time they came for her, they grabbed everything in her apartment, threw her in the car and drove her down to the station. Talked to her for an hour, then released her. A week later she got most of her things back, though they kept everything she needed for her dangerous habit. Sort of like going on a program, she thought. They just took your stuff and left you naked and alone, social outcast with little chance to ever get enough money to buy the good stuff again. That had been four years ago, when she first was introduced to it. She blamed it on the media. Articles, debates and intriguing affairs surrounding it had made her want to try it. And she did. Hooked after the first time. Addictive she agreed with, but lethal? No way. The second time, they were satisfied taking her down to the station. Some big-shot flapped his lips at her for four hours, telling her they wouldn't let her be a menace to society, perhaps responsible for killing hundreds, even thousands the next time she tried it. They knew how dangerous it was. And all they wanted was to make her understand. Yeah right. They let her go with two weeks to decide if she wanted to get thrown in isolation for the rest of her life, or not. Now she was sitting in her bedroom. Shaking. Sweat made her grey t-shirt she once had won in a contest look dark blue. Once again assembling the needed equipment with considerable ease. Screwing together the two pieces. Too much pressure made her turn it on. The 8th one came up on the screen. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ..... Assembled it should look like this: [ ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [ ] FUSE [ ] ///// [ ] ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// G [ ] ///// ///// A [ ] ///// ///// S [ ] ///// ///// O [ ] ///// ///// L [ ] //S// ///// I [ ] //T// ///// N [ ] //E// ///// E [F] //E// ///// [U] //L// ///// [S] // // ///// [E] //P// ///// [ ] //I// ///// [ ] //P// ///// [ ] //E// ///// [ ] ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// ____[_]_ ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// [ PIPE ] ///// ///// [ BOMB ] ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// [ ] ///// ///// -------- ///// Let the steel pipe be at least ////////////////////////////// 30 cm high and rather wide. ////////////////////////////// ..... -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Back on the 'net again, her adrenalin pumped. The screen told her what to do. Back on the 'net again, back following the advice wherever she found it. The third time they picked her up, they used shovels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #241 Underground eXperts United 1995 uXu #241 Call DESTINY STONE II -> +61-924-62553 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .