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IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG, THEN I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY REPLACEMENTS OR PAYMENTS CONCERNING DAMAGE OR SATISFACTION! ---=( My Guide To a College-year abroad )=--- Before you start read this hints and tips I must inform you that most of these hints is written for those who are going to college in U.S.A.. If you are going to another country this might be a good help, but some of the facts and info might not be quite right. My english(american) is NOT as good as I wish it were. I haven't been to college in U.S.A. yet. All these hints is only all those hints I've heard from friends and other people. Written in some kind of strange order: - If you are able to, visit the college some month BEFORE you are supposed to start and check the place out. Talk to the staff at the school and some of the students. - If not, make a short phone-call, it may cost you a little, but it's nothing compared to detect false information too late. Talk to the staff and ask them every question you want to have an answer to. - Make the TEST-OF-ENGLISH-AS-A-FOREIGN-LANGUAGE (TOEFL) test as soon as possible. It takes some time to receive the results. - Be strong. Every struggle feels harder if you are by yourself away from Mom, Dad and your computer. Believe me I know! - Christmas and other special holidays is a pain! But by this time you'll have most likely made some friends which can help you through your "I WANT TO GET HOME"-feelings. - Bring your own bed sheets (linen). At least one set even if they say you don't have to. - Try to open a bank account at a city near campus BEFORE you go. By doing this you don't have to carry all money with you. - Bring you own condoms (a must for swedish guys). You never know! =O) - Be prepared of that it might be hard to make as good results in schoolwork as it is at home. It will take one or two month until you have made a routine in both language and studying. - Try NOT to be so much with other guys from your home country. What I mean is: One Swedish person is open for any idea, Two swedish person is open for any swedish idea. Besides you'll only speak swedish (or whatever your native language is) with them anyway and that is probably not what you want to do. BUT it is an advantage if there already is some guy from the same country as you studying at the same college. He can give you hints and tips about life at college in you own language. It IS a great help. - They way you live at dorms is often 2 and 2. You share one room with another student of the same sex =O). And you share a bathroom with a toilet and a shower with the room next to you. A quad. The bathroom is situated between the rooms with two doors connected to it. One from respective room. The next room of your quad is also of the same sex, but the next quad is usually a quad of the opposite sex. - Housing is another way to live. It means that you will live with a family. I wouldn't recommend this, but if you are lucky you actually can have a GREAT time if you can cope with the family. They will probably have own kids which is cool, but not if you're having an exam the next day. And if they don't have any kids they CAN be quite boring. Not that it will be like that. It's just my opinion. You'll get your own room, home-made food everyday and some great friendship with the family. It's up to you, but almost everyone I have talked to recommend living "by yourself" at some dorms. - If you are going to live on/off-campus be prepared to that you have to make your own food the days before the school starts. The cafeteria/restaurant at school usually open the same day the school starts. It may be a little hard to make food at some places but it's just for a few days, so hang in there. - It is recommended to live at dorms the school offers you at least one year. Living by yourself gives you so much other thing to handle than you probably are able to handle. You know, school, language, insurances a.s.o. Living at an on/off-campus dorm will also give you many friends to share an own apartment with the second year i.o.w. cheaper living expences per person. - The best thing to go to college "through" is to use a company that does such kind of things. They will fix all necessary applications and insurances. BUT choose a company that don't have so many colleges to choose from. As it is now ASSE "have" about 40 colleges in U.S.A. to choose from which is good in one way, but they don't have any clue of how every college is. EF "has" 9 colleges in U.S.A. which is the best company to use. They KNOW what they are doing. - Keep your hands OFF any kind of drugs! If you living on-campus alcohol is often forbidden or at least not allowed in school. Too many students uses drugs at parties and at other occasions. Don't be one of them because they suck! - Speaking of alcohol. In U.S.A. they sell all beverages in any stores. They don't have any "SYSTEMET" as we have in sweden. Kinda strange sight, but I think it is a big temptation for many also. In most states you have to be 20 years or older to buy any liquor. Then again, if you're going to live On-Campus alcoholic beverages is often forbidden. - One way to make a lots of friends is to get a girlfriend/boyfriend (depends of what sex you are). Then you'll meet all his/her friends besides all the one you will get from class and the dorm. - Boys: If you get a girlfriend I've been recommended to get a car because you are expected to pick them up and drive them to where ever you are going. - Girls: I actually don't have anything here to write. Sorry, but hey, I'm a boy so... - If you are planning to get a car you'll have to get a driving licence. Even if you already have one in you home-country. Your "home-country" driving-licence is only valid in 90 days or so. So it's a must to take one at the country you will live/study in. - Respect the police/cops in U.S.A. They are TOUGH!!! If you make any criminal acting and get "busted" you'll almost for sure be expelled and sent home again. And that's not what you want, huh? - You'll have to get a I-20 Visa (for U.S.A.) at the embassy. All the papers you'll need to get that Visa will usually be sent to you some weeks before you are supposed to go. Kinda hurry, but it usually won't be any problems. - Don't have to high demands on your college-year. Everything can't be like you have dreamed about. - You will get into contact with many strange things during your year abroad. So be careful. I know I will... ---=( ENDPART )=--- Now, if you manage to make it to college (you get accepted) it will be one of the biggest events in your life. Some of the things you have dreamed about will come true and some not! But it's going to fun as h*ll if you take care of that time. //McCoy - take care! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #253 Underground eXperts United 1995 uXu #253 Call CLU 'PUTERNET -> +1-515-232-7631 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .