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The stories the witnesses and forensic medicine doctors tell has even made the toughest people shiver. It's okay that vegetable merchants get shot for petty cash for crack and heroin. It's okay that subway ticket booths are set on fire, including those inside. But when someone torment the life out of a six year old? Please. No more. While New York shops for christmas in a state of agony over the pictures of Elisa, Washington argues over the federal budget. President Clinton is trying to save what can be saved from welfare programs out of reach for the republicans' crusade. Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole want to balance the budget for seven years and at the same time, lower the taxes with 245 billion dollars. People like Elisa and her mother are squeezed tighter and tighter in order to get the strong and well-educated more money to spend. "The republican revolution" is more than a cliche. Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" is more than an empty threat. The majority that took over congress 1994, are now about to dissolve the last piece of America's social net. A worried and disappointed middle-class is supposed to point their anger down, towards the junkies, the unemployed, the criminals, the single teenage mothers, the immigrants and other parasites, while the republicans disarm the federal power. It's negativism and contempt for politicians raised to politics. A sure way of tearing down an already nervous society even more. The Gallup-president Clinton has been forced to go along - he promises unnecessary tax reductions of 105 billion dollars himself - but still appear as a liberal angel compared to the opposition on the right wing. The United States of America has developed in two phases. First, 150 years of wild individualism, then six decades of attempting to form a fellowship, with milestones like "New deal" and "Great society". Newt wants the Wild West- phase back, and has come far in only a year. Freedom for the capital, discipline for the individual and everyone for himself. The social net has turned into a hammock, he thinks. Poverty and crime can be traced to poor social economics and too mild sentences. The single, sick and poor are to blame for the fact that America goes to hell! What the republicans are trying to do, is a replay of the 1981 tax- reductions, only this time marketed with Gingrich's cold grin instead of Reagan's warm smile. Reaganomics was a con-trick back then, and it still is. If you lower the taxes and leave the military alone at the same time, there's no way you can balance the budget without painful cuts in other areas. And because the individual interests usually manage to defend themselves, it's the future and the social contract that is going to be cashed in. More and more people will start and end their lives like Elisa Izquierdo. The shrinking middle-class will have a tougher time isolating themselves from violence and misery. Finally, the holy economy will suffer the effects as well. The previous governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, described what the republicans are up to with the United States of America in a bitter book. It's not a pretty picture of the future, but the ex-governor concludes, rightfully, that people like him are always safe. "I can move away from the violence. The hospital care will always be there when I need it. The fish and the woods will live long enough to satisfy me. Those who wrote Contract with America tempt us fortunate ones with the luxury of individualism and indifference, so why not surrender? Why not? Honestly, because I see their invitation as an insult. How dare they strike at our fear and frustration? How dare they think so low of us?" Anyone expressing himself in such a way doesn't stand a chance and gets a label saying "extremist" in the United States of America today. The welfare society is rated as low as the politicians are, but sooner or later the wind will change. Cuomo for president. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #271 Underground eXperts United 1995 uXu #271 Call DUNGEON SYSTEMS INC. -> +1-410-263-2258 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .