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It is like in that all too familiar nightmare from the early days of childhood, remember? You are standing someplace, it is cold, and there isn't a single soul around. No matter how hard you try, no-one comes to comfort you. It gets darker and darker by the minute, and just as you are hearing the first footsteps of evil coming closer, you wake up in a cold sweat. I have never stayed asleep long enough to see what is coming towards me from the incoming darkness. I don't know why, because I really want to know what or who it is that is coming for me. I can handle the fear by now, since I am older and more experienced, but somehow my mind doesn't wasn't me to see this being of darkness that may hold the answer to what loneliness, really, means. Maybe I am getting a bit carried away, just because I had this dream and these thoughts about it, doesn't necessarily mean that you had them too. Or at least, I hope, not as vivid as mine. Loneliness in real life isn't as scary as this though. At least not in the first stages anyhow. It's more like an emptied swimming pool at the end of the summer, a betrayal of high held hopes for something that won't come around until sometime far away in the future. Its just that you can't see the swimming pool, you can't put your finger on what you might be hoping for or desire. The longing is there, but its like a faint ghost or something. I don't know. Anyway, when there are friends around, they chase these ghosts away. It's like they were never there. It's when they leave and stay gone for a while the dreams and the longing comes crawling back through the woodwork. Sometimes it feels like sitting in a giant tube of glass, you know like the ones clowns pretend to be in when they put on a pantomime on the streets? You can hear people laughing and talking, you can see them coming and going, together or one at a time. The main difference between the clown-tube and mine, is that they can't see me. I am invisible. They can't even stop and laugh at my attempts trying to get out of there. If I stay too long at this stage without doing anything constructive to break the glass, it starts to feel like the air is slowly being sucked out of the tube. After a while, I am standing in a sort of vacuum, and now even the sounds fail to reach me. It's around this stage I feel the evil coming closer from the darkness. I must apply all my strength and mental abilities to fight him back to the darkness, and if I fail then evil will drown me, and make me a true member of his staff. I have succeeded so far in sending the evil back to the shadows, but maybe someday I won't. Perhaps I will find loneliness' true meaning then. Sometimes when I watch television and see those radical people that always test the limits I identify with them. The climbers and skiers all want to see how far they can stretch the boundaries. Perhaps this is what I am doing also. Perhaps I subconsciously want to be taken over by the evil, and instead of being subjected to negligence, do evil things. No, that can't be right. I just want to live my life as normally as possible, and to meet some more people. That's all. But why do I feel this urge to see the true face of loneliness? It can't be pretty considering my fear of it. Perhaps I feel it will bring me powers to end loneliness, to end others' happiness and increase my own. Could it be that I think the evil could give me the strength to strike back at those selfish bastards that never show up, or call? Maybe. But as I said, this is most probably just speculation. A few more visits to the neighborhood bar and some cold beers is all I need. Why doesn't anyone call? As I write this, I feel the vacuum creeping in over me, accompanied by the heavy footsteps of darkness. It has been a long time since my last battle, so I guess there are surprises waiting for me. I wont continue this essay. It's depressing me." SATURDAY 9th "I have been fighting darkness all day now. He is strong, and he nearly took me over there for a while. I managed to come back; a friend gave me a call and invited me over for a couple of beers. Salvation. Surprisingly, I came closer to Him than I've ever been before. Just as the horror began to be unbearable, a sense of relief started to fill my mind. Why not succumb? I thought. This can't be so bad, not anything worse than your other life anyway. But, I haven't seen the fine print of His deal yet. I need more information before I sign that contract. It is getting late, time to go to bed. I hope He lets me sleep the whole night through for once." SUNDAY 10th "As I am writing this I am standing just outside His doors. Yes, He almost managed to get me inside, but I had to go back once again. There is a festival in town for a few days, and I have talked to many interesting people. He didn't like that. He didn't show me the contract." MONDAY 11th "I have been staring at the walls for hours now. I tried the local bar, but it only made me feel worse. I had to get back home. I can't take this anymore. If He brings the contract later today, I will look at it. I wont sign it though. Perhaps there is still time for something good to happen. No, I wont sign it." TUESDAY 12th "He came alright. He had a friend with him this time. I guess you could call him His lawyer or something. They were very convincing, and I almost signed the contract. They brought it this time. Pretty harsh terms. Still waiting for something or someone. I didn't like His friend much." WEDNESDAY 13th "After a long discussion concerning the terms of the contract, I signed it. I had to, I couldn't stand it any longer. Now all I have to do, is to find some good tools. He recommended knives of all sorts, because they would bring more enjoyment to the corrections. They cost less too I guess. He sure did give me a lot of good advice. He also gave me a list of all people that had been bad to me during these last two years. Funny thing is, He even included the bartender at the local bar, I can't remember him doing anything bad to me. Strange. Actually, I can't say that any of these people on this list have done anything really bad to me. Well, except maybe the girl at the convenient store around the corner. She once gave me the wrong change when I bought some stuff there. But the others are a complete mystery to me, why are they on this list? All they ever did was to ignore me. I will go to sleep now. But tomorrow, no more lazy days. There is work to be done." THURSDAY 14th "Picked off a third of the people on the list today. I even went as far as trying to explain the contract to them, but they just kept screaming and calling me crazy so I stopped. Life makes much more sense now. No glass tube anymore, no more loneliness, no more sense of weakness or insignificance. I even made it to the headlines of todays' papers. Of course, they don't know who I am, but they seem to know about the contract. He must have tipped them off, I guess He didn't mind some free advertising. Now all these people, who had all the company they wanted, suddenly don't want any company at all. I guess that's why they don't go out anymore. They just sit at home. And when I show up, they all want to get away from me. Strange, there were days in my former life when a visit, any visit, could have saved a whole week for me. I wasn't good enough for them then, and I am not good enough for them now. At least now I get to play with them. And I like that. Have to go now, see you later." - - - - FRIDAY 22th "An exiting week to say the least. I have almost finished the list, just a few dozen people left. Its funny when you think about all these people! All they had to do was to drop in from time to time or call me once in a while. Then they'd still be alive now. So my advice to all you selfish lowlifes that are left is this: Make sure to stay in touch. Someone in your vicinity may very well be willing to kill for some company..." "Why don't you give George a call darling, he seems nice." "Maybe I'll call him tomorrow, I'm not sure if he's what I need right now." (Some soap-opera) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #273 Underground eXperts United 1995 uXu #273 Call LHDý -> +1-818-546-2332 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .