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Unfortunately, boredom and frustration makes too many people do things that ought to be considered unhealthy and dangerous to the well-being of their fellow people. Boredom is something that makes us do something with our lives, yes, but unfortunately it makes us not do anything _good_ with our lives. On the contrary, boredom will prevent us, and other people, from having a good life, if we accept the idea that we must, by necessity, be bored and frustrated. Some people have accepted this, and these are the terrorists of dissatisfaction. Let me explain this simple idea. Two of the crucial factors that constitutes a good life are happiness and pleasure. Boredom and frustration are opposite feelings. There are people around who actually experience a good life, but they are in minority. It is not considered 'serious' to be happy. In fact, people who are bored and frustrated are taking their lives more 'seriously' it is claimed - not openly, of course, but it is what could be called an 'unwritten law'. It would be nothing wrong with such a law, for others, if those who obeyed it kept it to themselves. But since they live unsatisfying lives, no one else around them are allowed to be happy. Therefore, the terrorists of dissatisfaction are constantly trying to terminate the happy people around them, with various means. There is no such thing as 'mutual respect' in such cases. The happy people must respect the demands of the dissatisfied, but the dissatisfied need not to respect the happy people. A brief example: If forty-nine people, out of fifty, in a building throws a party, one day per year, dancing and singing all night, we would say that they are having a good time (which is not the same thing as a Good Life, but that is not important here - the argument could be used, almost mutatis mutandis, for the good life too.) However, this does not matter at all if the one who is left decides to complain. Then this general happiness does not count at all. The poor individual who is bored, and 'disturbed' by the loud music, is suddenly right on all accounts. Everybody else in the house must respect and obey the unwritten law that says that silence and boredom is the ultimate virtue. Otherwise, the slaves (the police) of the global Institution of Boredom (the state) will arrive and use their deadly force to end the happiness. So, why is frustration and boredom considered 'higher' than happiness and pleasure? How come that a person who always complains how much stress he experiences at work is considered more 'serious' in his life style than someone who says that he is having a work that he fully enjoys? This has nothing to do with the childish claim that 'life is actually boring.' Life is not boring. It is only boring if you make it boring. To blame the state, the system, or some other concept that you are not really familiar with is only a bad excuse for your own lack of imagination. This is the core of the problem; most people are not able to think, they are not able to do something good with their lives. Indeed, this is a hard thing for the dissatisfied to accept. In fact, they will do everything they can to deny its truth. The modus operandi of the terrorists of dissatisfaction against happiness, is, naturally, to deny the fact that they are frustrated. Instead, they will turn the tables, and say that they, de facto, are the ones who are having a good time, while those who are happy are 'wasting their lives.' To regard life as a fabric where only education, work and death are seen as the only 'serious' things to do, while happiness is only allowed as long as it fits into this fabric, is truly insane. It is a disease that has swallowed our society, with the help from the abstract thing we call 'the state' or 'the system.' Since I do not believe that those two concepts are completely separated from the individual himself (my belief is that the thing we call 'the system' is nothing more than a collective madness - and everyone is guilty, more or less, to its existence) the ones who are responsible for the disease are the people themselves. Life is not especially fun when everyone is bored, but at least life is then something that is praised by those who are not able to think for themselves: easy. A life that is easy requires no imagination. Everything just passes by, like a calm river, and the only thing you have to do is to go with the stream. Those who begin to swim will create a lot of waves, and must be stopped so the easiness will not disappear. In equal, those who are happy are a threat against those who want life to be easy. Hence, the dissatisfied people will do everything they can to prevent people from being happy. They will spread, and indirectly accept, the idea that it is 'serious' to be bored, dissatisfied and frustrated. Of course, that is not the truth and it is nothing strange with the quote 'when you take life seriously, you do not take it seriously'. When you play the game of the frustrated masses, you will end up in something that is not, and never will be, the good life. 'Early to rise, and early to bed, makes a man wealthy, healthy and dead.' But, then, how do you argue with someone who indirectly claims that life ought to be as boring as possible? Shortly: you do not. It will just be a waste of time without any meaning at all. If you begin to argue with some stupid sucker, you will play the game of that person. You will become tired and bored of talking to a human wall, and if you do it long enough you might suddenly conform to the idea that everything ought to be boring. You better stay away from trying to heal the ones who want to remain ill. Let them twist and turn in their agony, while you stick to the highest available virtue; the good life. Never mind the bored terrorists of dissatisfaction, they are beyond any kind of help. They will never, ever, understand the following truism; "The one who wants peace and silence above anything else, longs for death." ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// La business, la rifle, la familia. Ya basta! 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