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Not by death - by other means; you see, a person is able to stay alive, even though she knows that her life has passed; that nothing matters anymore, that everything has came to an end. That is the way your life will be, if you do that. No, do not believe that I exaggerate. I am capable of deeds that are far more evil than merely putting someone to death. I will take advantage of all knowledge I have on that subject - if it turns out to be necessary. There is no need to fear me, however, because I am not a pile of dynamite that might explode without any apparent reason. You are holding the match, only you are able to light the fuse. Since I have now made you aware of these facts, you have no excuse if the time comes. You are fully aware of the power you have in your hand; you cannot deny it. In your eyes, I see that you want proof for my statements. Merely producing words will not convince you. And I ask myself: why do you need proof? What would it change if I lied? Will you stay away from doing that, merely because you do not want me to explode? Is that all there is? If the question is answered in a positive sense, the fuse has been lit. But if that is not the case, you are playing with your doom anyway, without knowing it. You see. You are then not interested in proof for the sake of the truth, but for the sake of curiosity. This curiosity I cannot satisfy. If you want to know how it feels to be burned alive, you must be burned alive. Descriptions on how it feels are never enough; they cannot produce the sensations you are after. The only thing that can produce such sensations is the fire itself. If I explode, only because you want me to, you will experience the fire. But when you are convinced, when your need to know has been fed, you have destroyed yourself. So do not ask me to prove what I say; the result will always be something you really do not want. Do you fear me now? There is no reason to. If you feel horrified, it is not my fault. There is no need to be afraid of a gun, what you should be afraid of is the one who is holding the gun. You are holding the gun, the barrel points at your face and only you are able to squeeze the trigger. So do not fear me, because I am just the gun. But if you are afraid of yourself, tell me why? Is it because you know that you might be able to discharge the weapon? If that is the way you think, the gun has been loaded. Then I can understand your fear. "What should I do?" is the wrong question. It is not what you do, it is what you are. Pure existence is the same thing as doing something, and if you are something that might squeeze the trigger, you ought to be afraid. Because then, you have already killed yourself. You have lit the fuse. You have lied to me. Your masquerade is coming to an end; you are about to show me your real face. And if it is ugly, which it certainly is if you must hide it behind a mask, I will explode; and the bullets will spray the area. Maybe you do not like the way I talk. Maybe you feel that I am black mailing you. Maybe you feel like you have been put in a cage, because your freedom has been limited and is controlled by me. If that is the way you are thinking, you are wrong. I know that is it not so that you are 'free' because you are holding the match to the fuse and can only light it yourself. I am not that stupid. What is the problem, if you feel that you cannot let go of the match, nor the dynamite, because then it will ignite spontaneously? And this is what you believe are what limits your freedom: you are committed to me in a way that makes it impossible to leave me. If you leave me, I will explode, you think. If you do not leave, your freedom is severely defect. You have missed the point. I will explode if you leave me, but then you will be so far away that the blast cannot hurt you. Your sincerity will save you. So you are free to go whenever you want. I will only explode and take you with me into the crater if you do something you are forbidden to do. And that is only one single thing, and you know what it is. "But!" you say. "Even though I am free to leave you, the fact is that you will explode. And I do not want to see you spread all over the area, you say. So I cannot leave you!" I hardly believe it really matters to you. You only say this because you think you must pour water on me now and then to keep me cold. If you leave me, I do not matter to you anymore, and thus it does not matter if I disappear. There are no middle ways - it is either, or. That is how such emotions work. I would really like to expand this to say that it is human nature. But I am not sure, and I will not open myself to yet another discussion that misses the real point of the subject. I am merely performing a power check. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Unfortunately, the masses cannot use simple FTP. Therefore, we have WWW sites. Example: www.algonet.se/~daba/uxu \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ History is the sum total of the things that could have been avoided. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #376 Underground eXperts United 1997 uXu #376 Call THE YOUNG GODS -> +351-1XX-XXXXX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .