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All of them try to hide their lack of imagination, boring lives and self-defeating behavior with this hopelessly empty and insignificant cliche. Perhaps you have not written any t-file about this yourself, but I am quite confident that you have used the statement in question - in front of others and/or (even worse) in front of yourself. Whenever I run into a person who shamelessly forces me to take part of this highly uninteresting fact about the world - that no one really knows the real me/you/them/her/him/it - the first thought that pops into my mind is not "How clarifying!" but "Who cares?". Because it is nothing more than a truism that we have the best insight of all when it comes to ourselves. From the knowledge we have about ourselves, we sometimes try to draw conclusions on how other people are constituted. Of course, such conclusions are often defective and incomplete, because our own 'me' is attached with certain prejudices and egotistical assumptions that we are unable to get rid of. But that is the way it is - and it is certainly nothing new. However, what really bothers me is that the people who are so interested in informing me about the hidden parts of themselves do not present this truism as a mere and simple fact, equal to 1+1=2. Behind 'you do not know me' one find several other entailing, but not openly said or written, statements. The first one is, naturally, "... so don't you tell me how I am!". No one enjoys having their personalities involuntarily analyzed by other people, no question about that, but I wonder why the person (who claimed that no one should tell him how he is) assumes that anyone would like to do that? The reason for this is given in the second entailing statement: "... and 'me' (the inner parts of myself) is so damn interesting that you all ought to wanna know about it, but I won't let you have it, so don't say anything." So, there it is. "You don't know the real me" is in reality only a paraphrase for "If you knew the real me (as I do) you would be amazed what a great person I am." A question that follows quite naturally from this is why the person who contains such a great personality cannot show it to the public? Without upholding ourselves with mindless speculations, let us get to the answer at once: because the person is merely trying to deceive others. The 'myself' he or she refers to, does not exist. The person states the unavailability of his inner domains because he does not know it himself - but he tries to give the impression that he knows. He wants to be someone, he wants to know something, he wants to know himself - but he cannot, because he is nothing - and he does not even try; he just 'feels' that he is 'something'. Something better, something bigger than all other people around him. Ex hypothesis, it is then not really surprising to find that those who live boring and unsatisfying lives are often the very same persons who brag that no one knows their real them. There is also a strange contradiction in effect: those who claim the truism that other subjects do not have the insight in other subjects than themselves, suddenly states that they have a full insight in other subjects - and can without blushing claim that their own subject is richer and far more interesting than others. My only advice to people who hide their empty 'me' behind the veil of other people's seemingly ignorance is: shut up, and try to find yourself before you tell people how unaware they are about you. Because the only thing you have really revealed about yourself is that you do not know yourself. And this is of no interest to anyone else but - yourself. It is painful to get rid of a mask you have worn for the sake of other people, but it is even worse to discover that you have used the same mask in front of yourself. But the pain of removing it is soon made up for - after it is gone, you will be able to lead a truly good life. But if you do not do it, your only drug for surviving your boring life will be to constantly claim that no one knows you. And that is for sure not a happy life - but it is unfortunately very common. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #388 Underground eXperts United 1997 uXu #388 Call RIPCO ][ -> +1-312-528-5020 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .