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The first question I asked myself was: is there really something wrong with the kind of society we have today? The answer seemed obvious at first. But the more I thought about, the less secure I felt. Maybe the kind of society we have now is more or less perfect; only problem being that the people in it has not matured enough to understand and agree with its basic principles. I quickly dropped that idea. Because a good society should pay attention to the people, and since the one we have today obviously does not - it is not a good form of society. The second question I asked myself was: if it really is the people that is the 'problem', should they be governed by themselves or by someone who knows better, someone who can lead them to a better and more (excuse the term) enlightened way of thinking? A kind of thinking that is beneficial to the people themselves. Or, and this is perhaps one of the most important questions I asked myself during that evening: can we trust each other? Can I trust you to make the right decisions for me? This is a fundamental problem. Can we at all really trust each other, or do we need a 'state' to protect us - from ourselves? I found no answer to that question. All day long I meet people whom I would never trust with my money, child or liquor. But on the other hand, can I trust the state? I do not know. The third question I asked myself was: is a society which is run by the people living in it the best (so-called direct democracy)? This is where I could no longer discuss with myself. Since I do not know whether I can trust either the state or the people in it - I have no clue. After a while I kinda came to my senses (I started to sober up a bit). I tried to clear things up in my head. Are there not some things that we all can agree on and be sure of? But what would that be? Perhaps that we are all alike. We should treat each other in a nice way, with no regard to color of the skin or wealth. No, that does not work either. Somehow, almost everyone tries to label people in some way; black, white, poor, rich, sexy, drunk. And since we all do it - more or less - we end up treating each other differently. But what if that is one of the things we should start working on. If, or when, we can treat each other good (nearly said 'like people'), then we have something in common: respect for each other, and perhaps more understanding. Because, if you think hard, what is it that unites us now? Humtedum, tudeliduuu... See! It is not much! Of course, there is no way in hell a society could work out if we do not trust each other, or if we do not have anything in common. When I had cured my soberness I thought: Or is it just me? Am I the only one with such a 'pessimistic' (in lack of a better word) view of the human race? Perhaps all you people out there really trust each other. Maybe you even fancy each other. My head fell down to my chest and I thought really hard (and snored a little too). A couple of minutes later I looked up to my somewhat bothered friend and thought: No! It cannot be! If you (or should I rather say 'we') all really liked each other, you would share your wealth with people less fortunate. Then there would actually be solidarity around. Or maybe, is it the mere presence of a state that prevents you from doing something for your neighbour? Have your own awareness been replaced by the thought that the state should take care of everything? Again my head fell down, this time I felt quite puzzled. How can we know if people would take responsibility for each other when the only way to find out is to take it back from the state and give it to the people. A giant risk, indeed. My friend poked me in the belly and informed me that we ought to leave the establishment before they threw us out. Or more specifically - me. I could not agree more. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #409 Underground eXperts United 1997 uXu #409 Call SOTH'S DOMAIN -> +1-401-463-8889 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .