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Check out http://www.bu.edu/wcp/ for * more info about this event. * * There's been a bunch of changes with our mail services. From now on, * all subscribing/unsubscribing/back issues requests will go through * uxu.org. More on, we've tried to make things even easier for you to do * all the above mentioned things. See "The uXu Connection" at the end for * more information. * * We're back with another uXu compilation! Ten different writers give * you sixteen reasons to lean back and read this latest release. * Starring in this release are of course The GNN, but also Michael W Dean, * who's back with another glimpse into the life of a starving rock'n roll * artist. DisordeR couldn't give his already overworked fingers some rest, * and is back with no less than two texts. Back after some resting is * also Intoxicating with some spiritual thoughts. * We would also like to welcome James M Ramone, Clown Manne, * Speed Devil Show, First Kid, Max West and their first files published * through the uXu. * * * Your faithful Editor in the humid(!) swedish summer of 1998, * Bravemoore * mailto:editor@uxu.org Current uXu Writers Name Specialities Status ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bravemoore - Fiction, Manuals, Humor - Member/Editor The Chief - Fiction, News, Lyrics, Facts - Member The GNN - Anarchy, Weirdness, Fiction - Member Knyttet - Thoughts from the inner mind - Member Joseph - Constructive information - Member Intoxicating - Sobering thoughts - Contributor DisordeR - F.U.C.K. defector - Contributor Michael W Dean - Rock'n Roll writer - Contributor Sophia - Everyday/everyone-feelings - Contributor Jay Miller - Vivid poetry - Contributor Moshe Benarroch - Poetry from the holy land - Contributor George Kozma - Alternative philosophy - Contributor * James M Ramone - The bizarreness of reality - Contributor * Clown Manne - Speaks of the past best forgotten - Contributor * Speed Devil Show - Contemporary studies - Contributor * First Kid - Seeing things for the first time - Contributor * Max West - Highway explorer - Contributor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu Lifetime Honorary Members Name For... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ikonoklast Writing that great piece of work, Technophilia Leon Felkins His great and serious essays for serious people ---------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________ * I N D E X - Standard Releases 430 - 446 [July 1998] * For the complete list of uXu files, check out our web or FTP sites, or * send a mail to index@uxu.org or longindex@uxu.org No Title Author Size -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [430] Virginia is for Fighters Michael W Dean 11k * [431] Teenage Killer Bravemoore 2k * [432] To Kill Time The GNN 8k * [433] Saving Johnny Max West 36k * [434] The Strangest Things Happened In Keflavik The GNN 12k * [435] George DisordeR 16k * [436] Conceptual Clarification: Right The GNN 5k * [437] What Happened After James M Ramone 7k * [438] Brief Note to Headquarters The GNN 3k * [439] Intruder Alert 1991-93 Clown Manne 6k * [440] Black and White DisordeR 5k * [441] Screenplay: The Terrorists The GNN 17k * [442] First File First Kid 2k * [443] Forbidden File The GNN 4k * [444] Modern Metaphor Speed Devil Show 3k * [445] Standing Before God Intoxicating 4k * [446] uXu Index #30 Bravemoore 16k __________________________________________________________________________ * I N D E X - Swedish Releases 33 - 35 [July 1998] * F|r en lista p} svenska uXu-filer, skicka e-post till index@uxu.org Nr Titel Skribent Storlek ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [33] Haschboken Remix The GNN 4k * [34] Om Betyg Jan Svensson 9k * [35] Sveriges Intellektuella och Politiska F|rfall The GNN 7k ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * uXu - Description Index Standard Releases ^ / \ / \ /\ /\ / \ / \ Underground eXperts United < uXu > Release Update #30 \ / \ / Jul 17, 1998 \/ \/ \ / \ / v April July April July April July Releases 1998: 430: "Virginia is for Fighters" by Michael W Dean. Our favorite rock-n-roll writer from San Francisco is back with yet another episode from his life in the fast lane. Prepare yourself for sex, drugs, sex, a rock concert, and some more sex. Should preferably be read after smashing a Fender Telecaster in a drunken rage, live on stage. 431: "Teenage Killer" by Bravemoore. An evil man, dedicated to fulfil one of the deadly sins! A damsel in distress! Horrible actions taking place behind locked doors! A mystery! Yes, this file got it all! 432: "To Kill Time" by The GNN. Let me hear you say it, come on, let me hear you say it! Say it! Oh, you do not fool me. I know you will say it, today, tomorrow or next year. Some day, you will be pushed into a corner and you desperately need to defend your lifestyle. You will say it; you will explicitly kill time. 433: "Saving Johnny" by Max West. Make your acquaintance with Jake, Al, Roy and Frank; four youthful alcoholics on the road to St. Louis. Their mission: to pull their pal Johnny away from the claws of an incredible ugly woman. Drugs, rednecks, prostitutes and boozy common sense et cetera naturally complicates things. No doubt, one of the best uXu files ever. 434: "The Strangest Things Happened In Keflavik" by The GNN. Strange things can happen when you watch television, wait for the bus, drink beer, have sex, sit still, enter the sauna; and the strangest thing happened to this writer at an airport far up in the north of Europe. 435: "George" by DisordeR. History is nothing more than an array of conflicts between secret societies, someone once said (unfortunately, I cannot remember who). I truly believe this. On the other hand, the conspiracy says I am paranoid. You want to be paranoid too? Study this text and... what was that noise? 436: "Conceptual Clarification: Right" by The GNN. The most popular theory for wanna-be philosophers to put forward during parties and coffee breaks is that the notion of 'right' has no meaning. Everything is relative, blah blah blah. This file clears out some blurred concepts on this confused matter. 437: "What Happened After" by James Michael Ramone. This is an excerpt from a work in progress. A surreal tale (to say the least) - an stimulating mixture of poetry and prose; starring Robespierre, among others. The proof-readers of uXu nowadays chant 'Foutre la Salaud!' all day long. 438: "Brief Note to Headquarters" by The GNN. The most popular theory for wanna-be philosophers to put forward during parties and coffee breaks is that man is an egoist, seeking her own pleasure above all other virtues. Now, this is of course not correct. Man seeks knowledge. Humanity seeks knowledge. What could it cost us? Find out now. 439: "Intruder Alert 1991-93" by Clown Manne. In our day and age, it is an art to shock people. Many give their best shot (hey, we ought to know, we have tried for almost seven years!) but most of them fail. Anal Intruders, on the other hand, succeeded. Read all about it. 440: "Black and White" by DisordeR. To say that different individuals 'see' things differently is nothing new. True as it is, the statement often turns into an empty cliche, as it really says nothing. Disorder will take you to the other level of the game, he will explain to you what it means to actually have your retina stimulated in an unusual manner. 441: "Screenplay: The Terrorists" by The GNN. Actually, this file is nothing more than a variation of a theme - a theme you could read in uXu file no. 423. But if you do not like short stories and prefer silverscreen editions instead, consider this version. 442: "First File" by First Kid. Thanks to our reproductive members, the crew known as Underground eXperts United will live forever. Here is the proof. We assure: you have never have never ever read a file like this one before; and it is sure open to a wide variety of interpretations. 443: "Forbidden File" by The GNN. Do not read this description. Do not download this textfile. Do not read this textfile. Do not spread this textfile. Do not sue us. 444: "Modern Metaphor" by Speed Devil Show. The masses constatly revise their language so that the most obvious truths become false, the bluntest lies the enlightenment of tomorrow. What exactly is the 'world wide web', and what is it really not? Here you will find a pedagogical answer. 445: "Standing Before God" by Intoxicating. How far will you go, being an atheist and all? What will it take to make you convert? Will you ever? Could you really tell 'God' from a bum? Could God tell you from one? While you're thinking, read this file. 446: "uXu Index #30" by Bravemoore. This index, like the ones before, contains information about the uXu, how to get in touch with us and a brief introduction to this release. You'll also find a list of the current uXu writers and uXu dist sites. Check it out and find out what all the fuzz is about. [#446 also includes an index of the latest uXu-S series] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call our Fine Distribution Sites: [On 'til Release #31] Name Number Speed Country SysOp +Ripco ][ [773]-528-5020 [14.4] US Dr. Ripco * KastlerocK [724]-527-3749 [28.8] US Jamie Kowinsky +The Young Gods [+351]-1XX-XXXXX [33.6] Portugal bOOMERANG * +tHE MiCROLiNKS WHQ [+32]-16-356019 [28.8] Belgium RAMbo_ML Unphamiliar Territory upt.org [ -] US Invalid Media IIRG iirg.org [ -] US Black IC + = Headquarters for this country Changes to the Distribution Site list since last time and extra info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * KastlerocK: Area code change * tHE MiCROLiNKS WHQ: Welcome! Unphamiliar Territory: Private Membership. Telnet. IIRG (International Information Retrieval Guild) : Welcome back! * Deleted: Executive Terror ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The uXu Connection ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E-Mail - bm@uxu.org (Bravemoore, Editor) - chief@uxu.org (The Chief) - gnn@uxu.org (The GNN) * - joseph@uxu.org (Joseph) * - hedge@uxu.org (Hedge) * - knyttet@uxu.org (Knyttet) FTP Sites - ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/texts/uxu - ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/UXU WWW Sites - www.uxu.org * Subscribing - subscribe@uxu.org (The Distribution list) * - notify@uxu.org (The Notification list) * Back Issues - backissues@uxu.org (Requesting back issues) * Note: Specify file numbers in the subject line and/or * in the message body. IRC Channel - EFnet / #uxu (not all that often) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Underground eXperts United Copyright Notice ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The files spread by the uXu are copyrighted by the author, however spreading is allowed as long as the few following rules are followed: * - No commercial spreading whatsoever. This includes so-called shareware * CD-ROMs and other kinds of digital bundling. - Filenames are in the format UXU-nnn.TXT where nnn is the valid number of that file. You may re-archive it, but keep the UXU-nnn.aaa format (where aaa is the archive-extension, e.g. ARJ, ZIP, LZH etc.) - You are NOT allowed to add, subtract or in any way change the texts. Please note that neither the uXu nor the authors take any responsibility for the information contained in the files nor for any psychological or physical damage or injuries caused by use or misuse of the contents of the files. If anything is unclear or if you want to get more material from the uXu, * please write directly to the editor: editor@uxu.org ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ .