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He wants to be a big man, an ethical scientist - someone who knows what is truly right and what is wrong, as opposed to the common man who aimlessly wanders around in the world without a clue of what is truly Good and Bad. He want to search and destroy public and secret chambers of mumbo-jumbo; he want to smash down doors and surprise those people who thought they knew anything about morality, shoot them with arguments and leave them dead on the floor. Armed with the stiff face he believes to be appropriate for the man of 'reason' and 'rationality', my friend, The Cynic, desires to reform the world. The entire world. But mere desire is all he got. He has never tried to change the world. His attempts are limited to his friends and circle of aquantances, to whom he always explain what a rotten place the world is. He can point out lots of things that are wrong, yet not many that are good. The Cynic has accepted a very simple way of knowing what is right and wrong. There is something that is The Good, says The Cynic, and those things which contribute to that Good are Right things. Those that do not are Wrong things. Formally speaking, that sounds very convincing. But mere formality is totally empty. It must be filled with something. Here The Cynic fails. He does not know how to contribute to The Good. But then, he says, no one else knows either; because we are all stupid and ignorant and crazy and egoistical and worthless and uneducated and ugly. But a few minutes later, The Cynic has forgotten all of that. He does not remember that he just said that no one, including himself, knows how to increase the net balance of Good over Bad in the world. All of a sudden The Cynic informs everyone what is Right and what is Wrong. The Cynic attempts to convince everyone around him that he views the world from The objective point of view (which means that everyone else that do not see all there is from his personal angle are mistaken, blind of the facts). Therefore there is really no point in having a discussion with The Cynic. A discussion is meant to lead somewhere, to be a sharing of opinions and arguments which eventually may lead to a mutual understanding and increased knowledge of oneself and others. But since The Cynic belives that his own point of view is the only correct one, he never bothers to listen to what people try to say. He hear the words they are using, but he never cares to understand their meaning. He belives his mission to be to reform the world, but not himself. His bombastic way of talking give some people the false impression that he actually have something interesting and important to say. These are people who are low on self-confidence, who want someone to tell them what to think and do. They do not understand that The Cynic is equally confused as they are, but that he hides his troubles of understanding a complex world behind a veil of simplicity. The Cynic offers them what the long for: solutions. But his solutions are always very simple. And always destructive. "Just destroy it!" "Just forbid it!" "Just stop it!" "Just change it!" ... and so on. Not many believes that The Cynic really knows what to do. Yet some admires him simply for his "firm beliefs". But of course, his "firm" beliefs are not so firm. If The Cynic meets someone he admires, and that person tells him that he is wrong, he changes opionion. At once. He can change his mind in the middle of a sentence. He do not make a choice to do so. He just does it. You see, the last thing The Cynic want to do is to annoy those he admires. Those whom The Cynic admires might actually have something to say. But The Cynic himself has nothing more to say but to repeat what those people say. He thinks that he is thinking for himself if he copies the opinions and behaviour of people he admire. My friend, The Cynic, enjoys to talk about his personal anxiety. He does it whenever he get the chance. His cronic pain is due to all evil there is in the world, he says. Yet he can (without realizing the obvious paradox) feed his retina with all the misery there actually is in the world - wars, starvation, injustice - and at the same time whine about his personal problems, which usually are limited to hangovers and sprained wrists. The Cynic despise happy people that he do not know. He thinks that they are stupid. "How can anyone be happy in this world?" The Cynic asks the people around him. If someone reply that it is possible, they somehow indirectly claim that they accept all what is evil in the world according to The Cynic. The Cynic himself can actually be happy sometimes. If he has bought some product which he likes, he is actually happy. If someone else, which he does not know, does the same thing, they are "slaves of the capital". The Cynic believes he knows what people are like. He can tell you what a two-year old thinks, even though he has never spent any time with children. He know what all people think, no matter their background, culture or gender. But the strangest thing is that he only knows that they are all unpleased with life. All of them. All of us. My friend, The Cynic has not understood that cynicism is merely the intellectual cripple's substitute for intelligence. He will never reform the world in any positive way. He will never be able to search and destroy the chambers of mumbo-jumbo. Not because he sits in such a chamber himself, but because he his a nobody, nowhere. The only thing he may do to the world, and I sincerely hope he will not succeed, is to destroy it with his poison - a poison which becomes deadlier for every day that passes, and which has not been forced on to him by the world, but by himself alone. But The Cynic would not like to think of his attitude as a poison. He wants to think of it as "an enlightening point of view". What he does not comprehend is that the bad parts of our world that he want to reform has been created and is upheld by the same kind of poison his mind creates and is addicted to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #528 Underground eXperts United 1999 uXu #528 Call Terraniux Underground -> +46-8-7777388 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .